The Ultimate Guide To The Science Of Coaching Psychology
Discover How to Create Rapid Transformations for Your Clients with The Remarkable Power of Coaching Psychology
"Helping clients unlock their highest potential."
"Supporting clients so they can achieve their goals."
"Guiding clients to improve their performance."
These are some of the most common and accepted definitions of coaching.
While they're all valid, none of them capture the whole truth about what coaching actually is and what it does...
Coaching isn't just about working with clients on performance, potential or goals.
Extraordinary coaching is much more than that.
Extraordinary coaching is holistic coaching. It's about developing an intensive understanding of the human experience and tackling the client's inner and outer world. It's about understanding Coaching Psychology.
It's about consciously creating a deep, empathetic connection with your clients so you can guide them through every element of a successful, purpose-driven life including motivation, resilience, inspiration, creativity, clarity, and focus.

You'll empower your clients to create a life that reflects who they are and what they truly want.
This Guide is designed to help you gain a deep understanding around the science and psychology that fuels holistic coaching.
You'll learn exactly how to motivate, inspire, empower, and work with your coaching clients for intensive growth and lasting change.
So if you're ready to create rapid, lasting transformations for your clients...
If you're ready to take your coaching skills deeper and higher than ever before...
Then you're exactly where you need to be.
Let's get started!

Setting Yourself Up For Coaching Psychology Success

It's an incredible time to be a coach right now.
New developments in coaching - powerful theories and practices - have created an opportunity for coaches to use solid scientific, evidence-based facts to enable real change.
It's a time where coaches - both new and experienced - can rely on proven research in order to quickly improve their coaching skills and accelerate results for their clients.
It all begins when you take time to understand the latest, greatest theories and methodologies in the science of life coaching psychology.
While there are no hard and fast rules to follow when it comes to your personal coaching style, it's important to keep in mind that the best coaches in the world are flexible.
They're open to thinking in new ways and coaching in new ways.
Throughout the rest of this guide, you'll learn essential science-based theories in ways that are simple to understand and easy to implement.
A lot of this will probably feel new to you, but try to keep an open mind as you explore these theories, so you can adopt and adapt these methods to quickly enhance your personal coaching style and methodology.

Warming Up
Before moving to the next chapter, let's take a quick look back.
The following exercise is a quick 2-step process that will help you open your mind and absorb the science-based coaching theories you're about to discover in the rest of this Guide.
Step #1
Do you turn to specific coaching methodologies, processes or techniques when you're with a client? If yes, list your 3 favorite techniques out below (if you don't use specific techniques just leave this blank and move to Step #2).
Technique 1
Technique 2
Technique 3
Step #2
It's time to commit to getting the most out of the new ideas, approaches, and insights you'll gain from this Guidebook.
Say this out loud...
"I, [insert your name here], commit to having an open mind as I read through this Guidebook. I commit to trying the exercises in the Take Action sections so I can continue to learn and quickly improve my coaching skills to serve my clients at the highest level."
This process may seem strange or silly, but don't skip it!
Saying those words will help send a strong signal to your conscious and unconscious mind that you're serious about becoming the best holistic coach you can be.

Coaching For Motivation

One of the most powerful theories in the science of coaching psychology is something called the Self-Determination Theory.
Created by psychologists Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan, Self-Determination Theory is based on conclusions from over 30 years of studying human motivation and it's backed by over 1,000 research studies.
The Theory is centered on one fact and it's an undeniable truth...
The strongest and most sustainable form of motivation comes from a sense of autonomy or independence.
As human beings, we need to feel a sense of control over our own lives and to know that we are free to make choices and decisions.
In other words, your coaching clients must know that they are in the driver's seat of their own life when they're working with you.
It's this feeling that will fuel long-term motivation to make the changes they need to get to their goals... even if those changes are difficult or challenging.
Motivation that comes from feeling "forced" or feeling like "I have to do this because my coach said so" disappears quickly because there is little or no autonomy behind it.
If you've ever had a client who consistently did not follow through on their committed actions in-between coaching sessions, it's highly likely they did not have the right motivation and self-empowerment to get it done.
As a coach, whatever you do, you must not remove the client's autonomy. This means, resist advising or telling your client what to do, and give them the space to decide what they want to do and establish their commitment with themselves.
Depending on the individual personality and character traits of each client, advising or telling your client what to do can result in:

All-out rebellion - your client will openly refuse to do what you say because they don't like feeling pushed or forced.

They'll follow your advice just to please you, but they will likely not do it well or be consistent at it.

They'll do what you tell them to do because they want to avoid conflict with you, but the minute they stop being accountable to you, they'll drop it without thinking twice.
Any one of these options will eventually lead to a total breakdown in true motivation and the outcome that you're trying to help your client achieve, and will not create the expected outcomes your client desires and that you want to create for them.
Case Study
Let's look at how this works in a real-world situation.
Imagine you're a health coach and your client wants your help to start and maintain a regular workout routine.
Telling your client what to do, laying down the law - "Okay, you need to work out 3 times a week for an hour each time"- could get them to start on a workout routine, but it's unlikely to last as your client feels they have no choice and no control over their own life.
Their motivation is not coming from a place of autonomy.
Instead, check-in with them on how they would like to fit a regular workout routine into their life.
Talk about their lifestyle and what feels doable and then work with them to design a routine that supports who they are and what they wants to achieve.
This gives the client lots of flexibility to make choices, to feel independent and in control, and to feel like they're in the driver's seat of their own life.
This is Self-Determination Theory in action and it's the fundamental concept that will motivate your clients to do what they need to do until they see the results they're looking for.

Implementing the Self-Determination Theory
Think of a real-world coaching situation where your client needed a motivation boost to create a desired change in their life or work (if you're a new coach and you haven't worked with a client yet, imagine a situation where a client needs help with motivation).
Now think of 3 questions that will honor the Self-Determination Theory. Questions that will allow your client to feel like they're in the driver's seat of their life.
Here are some examples based on the health coach case study in this chapter - you could ask the client:
1. What are some of the biggest benefits you'll experience if you followed a regular workout routine?
2. What does an ideal regular workout routine look like to you?
3. Based on your current daily schedule, how much time do you have available to dedicate to exercise?
Now it's your turn. Come up with 3 questions that'll give your client a sense of control and autonomy over their goals and dreams, to create authentic, lasting motivation.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3