Holistic Coaching For Change

The Transtheoretical Model by world renowned psychologist Jim Prochaska explores powerful factors to help clients create lasting change.
This Model works on all kinds of change whether that's quitting a longtime smoking habit, starting a daily writing habit or learning to work with emotions so they can overcome sudden bursts of temper.
The Transtheoretical Model maps out the elements behind lasting change and it answers a critical question: "Is your client ready to change?"
As a coach, it's important to develop a deep understanding of the forces that create true transformation so you can decide if your client is in a space where you can help them achieve their goals and desires.
The Transtheoretical Model makes this a lot easier to navigate as it breaks things down into stages to identify the transformation process in your clients.

Stage 1 - Pre-Contemplation
Your client is in this stage when....
They are not aware of their problem and have no idea they need to make a change.
What to expect
In some Stage 1 cases, clients do know they need to change but their reasons not to change are massive and they can't see the possibility of changing, and so they give up even before they start.
Your job as a coach is to...
Let go of the client. Coaching in this space is not recommended as the client is not ready to do what it takes to move forward.

Stage 2 - Contemplation
Your client is in this stage when....
They have a clear intention to change.
What to expect
Clients have identified their problem and they know that change is important and necessary. They recognize that if things stay the same, their life or work will remain in an unacceptable state or even take a turn for the worse. In the Contemplation Stage clients usually have trouble taking action.
Your job as a coach is to...
Help your client navigate through the uncertainty and become aware of what is holding them back from taking action.

Stage 3 - Preparation
Your client is in this stage when....
They are ready to take action.
What to expect
Clients have got their engines going and they're at the starting line, ready to put the pedal to the metal. The client has probably done some research in the area that they want to change. They could have bought books on the topic or even completed a course or training around it. It's important to note that while they could have accumulated knowledge in the area they have not yet implemented what they know.
Your job as a coach is to...
Help by triggering motivation to take action on what the client already knows.

Stage 4 - Action
Your client is in this stage when....
This is where the client has started taking action on the area they want to change and improve.
What to expect
Clients are eating healthy or they've stopped smoking. Maybe they're scheduling their time or following a budget. This is a highly challenging stage as the client is doing something new that stretches them out of their comfort zone.
Your job as a coach is to...
Support the client through the discomfort and almost irresistible urge to go back to the way things were. At this stage aim to charge up confidence and drive in the client.

Stage 5 - Maintenance
Your client is in this stage when....
The change is now close to automatic like brushing their teeth or taking a shower each day.
What to expect
The client can do what they set out to do almost without thinking -- almost but not completely. There is always the chance of a relapse. Backsliding is a common problem at this stage.
Your job as a coach is to...
Help the client continue their new behavior using sustainable strategies that continue to work in the long-term.

The sweet spot for coaches to step in and help is at Stage 2 Contemplation and Stage 3 Preparation, which is where most people are at when they start working with a coach.
It's where the coach helps clients stay on track as they tap into deeper reasons to change. This is also where the coach comes up with custom methods and strategies so clients stay on track.

Testing the Transtheoretical Theory
Implement the Transtheoretical Theory in your own life. Reflect on a challenging area - health, relationships, money - any key aspect in your life where you want to make a change.
Work on identifying where you're currently at based on the 5 Stages of Change you read about in this chapter.
Now think of ideas and insights you can use to motivate and inspire change in yourself through sustainable strategies that will have you taking action for lasting results.
Note the ideas, insights, and strategies you come up with in the space below:
By the end of this free training, you'll understand the fundamental science of human transformation, so you can coach with greater confidence, consistently create lasting results, grow your business, and expand your impact.