The Principle Of Thought

To be alive is to think.
It's one of the most fundamental and natural things about being human and most coaches are familiar with techniques and systems that help clients work with their thoughts in a way that will help them achieve their goals.
This includes methodologies related to reframing your thinking, releasing limiting beliefs, and turning your negative thinking spirals into empowering, positive thoughts.
These are amazing tools and techniques and they are based on 1 simple premise:

Practice a better way of thinking.
If a client isn't successful in their career or business, the coach will recommend a better way of thinking about their career or business so they can make better decisions and experience more success.
A better way of thinking is certainly a helpful concept, but it is also flawed and that's where the second of the coaching principles of transformative coaching comes in.
The Principle of Thought states that whatever you're thinking about is made up in your mind, in the world of your thoughts.
You could move forward in time and think about something you're worried about or anxious about or you could move backward in time and focus on something you loved as a child.
Either way, you're moving forward and backward in your thoughts, but in reality, you're sitting in your chair and thinking.
In reality, you have not moved.
That's the Principle of Thought in action.
Essentially, this principle reveals that thoughts are your inner world and just about every individual lives inside a world that's created by their own thoughts.
This world is by no means the real world -- the world of objective observation and evidence.
It is the world that is seen and experienced through the filter of each person's thoughts.
Which means, that our thoughts are under our control, and we can change our thoughts just like changing channels on our television. If we can learn to become aware of our thoughts and change them for better, more empowering thoughts, we can change how our reality unfolds.
A transformative coach knows that the most powerful way to get to the heart of a client's problem and to create real, lasting change is to have them understand the Principle of Thought.
When we have problems and challenges in our business or with money or relationships...
We are not really thinking about business or money or relationships from an evidence-based, objective point of view...
We are thinking about business based on whatever thoughts and beliefs we came up with about business. And the same goes with money, relationships, career, and every other area of life.

Let's dive deeper and experience the Principle of Thought firsthand, so you can start to implement it with yourself and in your very next coaching session.
Answer the following questions:
1. Pick one area of your life or work and think about 3 thoughts that constantly run through your mind.
For instance, let's say you want to focus on your health, and one of your recurring thoughts is "I want to get fit, but I have no time to exercise."
Area of Life:
- Thought #1
- Thought #2
- Thought #3
2. Now, reflect on each of your answers from question #1. Write down the opposite of what you wrote.
Let's continue with the example above. If you wrote "I have no time to get fit", now you can write down "I have all the time in the world to get fit."
3. Take note of how you feel about these new "opposite" thoughts that you came up with in question #2. Notice that your thoughts are creating your world and your reality. Based on the example, you are not thinking about time and fitness you are thinking about what you made up about time and fitness in your thoughts and you can change that at any time.

The Principle Of Consciousness

The third and final principle of transformative coaching is about consciousness.
This is the most esoteric and least tangible of the 3 coaching principles, and a lot of coaches struggle with this one.
However, with practice, you'll come to see that this is the most powerful principle of all.
The Principle of Consciousness states that every human being has the ability to sense, to feel and to essentially, have clear awareness that is beyond the mental chatter that's constantly going on in our minds.
Consciousness is the state of awareness and response to our surroundings and environment. It is being aware of all internal and external existence.
A good example of the Principle of Consciousness is when you close your eyes and the world seems to disappear from your vision, but you know the world is still there.
You have the awareness that the world has not dissolved or vanished. You know it will be there when you open your eyes.
This is the Principle of Consciousness at play.

Our consciousness is the root of inspiration and insight, and it is also the birthplace of intuition and intention.

Let's dive deeper and experience the third of the coaching principles firsthand: Principle of Consciousness. Test drive this activity yourself first, so then you can share it with your clients in your very next coaching session.
The secret to working with consciousness is to allow yourself to enter a relaxed state. It is recommended that you try this activity when you are feeling calm and centered.
- Close your eyes and take 3 deep, slow breaths. Count to 6 on the inhale and count to 6 on the exhale.
- Keep your eyes closed. Allow your mind to shift to a problem or challenge that you are facing. Don't let yourself get caught up in thinking. Just identify a problem or challenge
- Come back to your meditative state. Take 3 deep, slow breaths. Count to 6 on the inhale and count to 6 on the exhale.
- Say to yourself or out loud: "I am tapping into my consciousness and I'm calling up my intuition, creative ideas, insights and solutions."
- Now open your eyes and note down anything and everything that entered your awareness. Don't worry if you don't receive any ideas the first time you try this. Most people need to practice a number of times before they can get into a truly relaxed state that allows consciousness to work its magic.