March 22, 2022
Are you ready to unlock your feminine power? In today’s episode, our special guest is Regena Thomashauer, a renowned feminist icon, speaker, teacher, best-selling author, and CEO of The School of Womanly Arts. In her latest book, , Regena dives deep...
Are you ready to unlock your feminine power? In today’s episode, our special guest is Regena Thomashauer, a renowned feminist icon, speaker, teacher, best-selling author, and CEO of The School of Womanly Arts. In her latest book, Pussy: A Reclamation, Regena dives deep into why women struggle in today’s world, uncovering the taboo of female sexuality, and how to reclaim your feminine power.
Join Coach Ajit and Regena as they explore this crucial topic for both men and women, and help us understand the importance of female power, how it shows up, and game-changing practices to unleash your feminine power.
If you want to connect with yourself as a woman, understand your loved one better, teach your children, or help your female clients connect with their feminine power, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.
Key Insights:
Coach Ajit (00:00):
You are listening to Master Coaching with Ajit podcast that inspires coaches to impact the lives of their
clients more meaningfully. I am Coach Ajit and I'm known for coaching high performers, entrepreneurs,
and leaders. I'm also a serial entrepreneur and author of many books. On this podcast, I am answering
your burning questions. I'm also demonstrating and deconstructing behind the scenes coaching sessions
Coach Ajit (00:36):
And today's episode is going to be an explicit one. So if you're listening to this episode with kids around
or in your workplace, you might wanna use headphones. So with that note, I'm gonna give you a small
introduction of the person that I brought on and why I have brought it on today. So one of the things
that has always caught my curiosity is in the rituals that talk about stuff that sometimes is considered
taboo. Sometimes it's considered unsafe. Sometimes it's considered kind of, not really comfortable to
talk about, but this is stuff that we probably should be talking about. One of those things is about how
women, especially in our society, haven't been able to tap into their full power because they haven't
really had the tools to tap into their sexuality fully. I was exposed to a book called... And that's why I
said, this is gonna be an explicit episode.
Coach Ajit (01:30):
I was exposed to a book called Pussy recently by my wife. She exposed me to this author called Regena
and I read the book and I thought it was one of the most powerful books I had read recently about
women's sexual power. And not just women's sexual power from the sense of sensuality and sexuality,
but from the sense of just power, being able to lean into what women can do, I've had really powerful
women in my life. Women have changed my life. And I do believe that the women that were able to do
that were able to tap into what Regena talks about in today's episode. And I had a chance to bring her
onto the podcast. And so I said, hell yes. Even if I understood that, that would probably make this the
first explicit episode that we have put out. So with that risk, I want to introduce you firstly, to the book,
Pussy: A Reclamation.
Coach Ajit (02:21):
If you don't have a copy of that yet, I encourage you to go get a copy, listen to it, or read it. However you
prefer. And while you get around doing that, listen to this episode, there is a lot of stuff that will give
you tremendous amount of power. It might get uncomfortable, but it'll be powerful. And it'll be
powerful if you lean into this work more and more, when you're working with your clients, this episode
does lean into ideas. That may be a lot more helpful to women than men. But I do think as men, we
need to start understanding these things so we can understand our partners better. We can understand
women better. We can understand the culture that they're growing up in and how we can do a better
job as men to understand women a little bit better. I'm so excited to introduce my guest today, Regena.
Coach Ajit (03:10):
I am so excited to have you today on this podcast, Regena. And the reason is because recently had a
chance because a friend recommended to go check out your book. And, and I read the book and as I
read the book, I was like, why is Pussy: A Reclamation only recommended for females to read or women
to read? Why is it that men are not reading this book? Because I was so personally moved because I felt
like I understood Neeta better. And my daughter better. Even before she's like, she's only eight months
right now. But I felt like, oh, I can see the frame that a woman sometimes operates from, as a man. And it's not my first book, but it's like still, I felt like, oh, it clears up so much. I get so much more understanding. So firstly, before anything else, welcome to the podcast.
Regena Thomashauer (04:00):
Thank you so nice to be here.
Coach Ajit (04:01):
I am super excited to have you here. And I wanna start with, tell us a little bit about why do you think
this book is so important right now from your point of view?
Regena Thomashauer (04:12):
All right. Well, I think that we live in a world that is so confused and has lost its way. And I think that
whenever you have that level of confusion, it's good to look at what conversations are being left out.
And inside of this patriarchal culture that we live in, the voice of the feminine is discriminated against
disparaged, eliminated exterminated from leadership roles the, from power from influence. And you can
learn just as much about of culture by what's missing as what's included. And I think that for a world to
operate, I don't successfully is not exactly the word, but perhaps imbalance the masculine and the
feminine when there's this ancient indigenous story, which talks about the bird of happiness. And that
right now, the dominant wing of this bird is masculine. And so, because that one wing is flapping
flapping, flapping, the bird is running around in circles, which is kind of the state of our world.
Regena Thomashauer (05:23):
And that if the feminine were to unfurl and the feminine wing were to fully inhabit herself, then there
would be a balance and the bird could fly in a magnificent direction. So I feel like my task and the task of
pussy or reclamation is to create that balance both inside men and inside women, because women don't
know who women are, mm women don't stand for their own voice. Women don't stand for their own
power. So how can men do that? And then also men have a misapprehension of who women are as you
were describing so that once they can really recognize the magnificence, the life giving nature of the
feminine, there's so much more of a dialogue and collaboration that can take place that will be truly
transformative for the culture. So I wrote the book because I was like, we have to awaken that
slumbering feminine genius. You know, the voice of woman is the greatest untapped natural resource
on this planet. And the time to tap it is now we don't have time to waste the world's in trouble. Our
culture's in trouble, the global warming, there's so many issues that need collaboration between men
and women to solve, so this was my effort.
Coach Ajit (06:47):
Thank you for that. And, and I so agree with you that there has been a gap because of whatever the
structure that has been in the path, patriarchal structure, as you, as you mentioned. And, and because
of that, we have had a huge amount of imbalance. And we see with the rise of understanding of
emotions, a little better rise of understanding of ourselves, of huma beings a little bit better. We, at
least in our, our reality as, as coaches, we are finding more and more women are stepping into this field
because they are able to kind of have that dialogue more easily. For some reason, they're able to
facilitate conversation, irrespective the clients, a male or female, a lot more easily. And, and they're able
to, to lean into a power that seems like they tend to have a lot more of, and I'm not trying to
discriminate between a man or a woman here, but still seems like it's untapped potential. It's untapped
resources. It's whatever that is, that is leading us to, to see a lot more women step forward and say, Hey, I can help men or women a lot more through this, let's say, period of crisis where it's almost, it's not a tactical crisis. It's not like let's dig a well and get water out. It's more a spiritual, mental,
Regena Thomashauer (08:01):
Right, right
Coach Ajit (08:02):
Metaphysical crisis in a way, our identity is challenged. Our being is being challenged. And the reason
why I'm so, so proud to have you today is I feel in constant conversations with women, more specifically,
it happens with women. And I wanna explore this with you, is that I I'm having a conversation. They say,
oh, I don't feel good enough. Right. They go but, but I don't know if I can charge that much. Right. Like
the coaches. And they constantly wonder if, if they could, and, and I am talking, I'm like, no, of course
you can. What are you talking about? Like, I'm talking to you. I'm like, no, you're amazing. You're
awesome. You're doing great. You're great. I can see it in our conversation, but they can't see it. Yeah.
Why is that? And what can we do about it?
Regena Thomashauer (08:47):
Okay. First of all, we, we live in a world where women, we share this kind of conspiracy of self doubt,
self hatred, self deprecation, devaluing. Our worth women are not celebrated either by themselves or
others, for the truth of who they are and the truth of their own magnificence, where I go with this book
pussy, and why I wrote it is because, you know, most of the world's religions right now are patriarchal
Instructure, you know, Buddhism, Juddaism Christianity, where the Godhead is male. And while that
might seem kind of innocent at first, like, oh, well, coincidence maybe. But then what happens is a
woman is the feminine is spiritually exiled from the conversation of her own divinity, because she's kind
of taught to worship the masculine and devalue the feminine. And it goes even deeper than that.
Because if, if you look at what is exiled from most of the world's great religions is sensuality, and where
does life come from?
Regena Thomashauer (10:03):
Like it used to be, if we're talking about what predates these, you know, more patriarchal religious
structures, you know, they're maybe 5,000 years older. So, but for the past 50,000 years, the goddess
was worshiped. She who bleeds, but does not die and gives life. The feminine was considered holy
because of the life giving properties. You know, if we were in ancient Egypt and we wanted the crops to
grow, it would be the women that circled the field and lifted their skirts and said, may the crops grow as
high as my pussy, the portal to caves where worship took place were vulvas, meaning the opening that
brings life into the world because every one of us got pushed out of a pussy. You know? So that's the
portal to life. So when babies that were sick or elderly people were ill, it was the pussy that we looked
for sucker for, for supplication, for, to, to have our prayers be answered.
Regena Thomashauer (11:07):
It was the divine feminine that she, who gives life can restore life. So we have that's eliminated right
now. And so women don't realize that they're holy and without that recognition, it's difficult for us to
stand for ourselves. And it goes deeper still because you know, when you were growing up, what did
your bits and pieces get called? Like you had six boys in your house.
Coach Ajit (11:32):
Yeah. We were six cousins. Umm... pipi, I guess?
Regena Thomashauer (11:33):
Pipi. Okay. And then, but then you knew you had a penis. Okay. For girls, it's really different than that.
Like I've interviewed the literally tens of thousands of women at this point in my career. And if you ask a
room full of a thousand women, what did your bits and pieces get called? They will say these really
funky names like woo woo or hoochie or knish or pancake or Walter Winchell, or who-ha like crazy
terms or half of them, they'll say my private parts were not called anything.
Regena Thomashauer (12:11):
There was no word to describe that which is essentially feminine about me. And what happens is if
there's no language to describe a woman's depth of her feminine, what moves in is shame because she
thinks, ah, if it can't even have a name, it must be wrong because every other part of my body has a
name. My toes have a name. So I'm not ashamed of those. You know, my hair has a name. I'm not
ashamed of that, my hands, but that, oh, there must be something really wrong with me. If I have a part
of myself that can't even have a name, or it has to have some code nickname that no one else has, it's
just a code for my family. So you have women that are ashamed of the core of their sensuality and
therefore become ashamed of their body, become ashamed of who they are in the world.
Regena Thomashauer (13:06):
Cuz they know that something is wrong with them. They are not fitting into the classic male standards of
either education or medicine or athleticism. Like we are falling below whatever the standards for the
masculine are. And so we're judging ourselves wrong by our priorities, by what we're good at, what,
where we, you know, all things feminine. And so her self-esteem crumbles. So when it, she's given an
opportunity to coach, which the contributions of women are limitless, it would be hard for her to ask for
her value. If she doesn't value herself, it's why women are paid 79 cents on the dollar that men make,
you know, cuz a guy going in for a negotiation, he'd be like, what do you mean? You're paying me 79
cents less on the dollar that the guy in the next office is making. Like I'm not standing for that, but a
woman wouldn't do that. She would be like, oh, okay. I all right. Yes, thank you for the opportunity.
Coach Ajit (14:13):
It is so true, it's not even funny. I employ so many men and women and I have a very open conversation
with, with my team members. I literally say, what's your goal? Like how much would you like to earn?
And let me work towards getting you to that goal. And if I can't, I'll let you know, Hey, listen, this is
beyond capability of the company. Right. And men always have a very clear answer. Like very clear
answer. This is where I'm hoping I can get to, this is what it is. And with women, I have to literally it's like
pulling teeth and a lot of times still, they wouldn't give me a number. And I'm like, but if you don't tell
me where you want to go. Yeah. How will I as your senior boss, colleague, partner, whatever you wanna
call me, help you get there because I have no idea where you want to go. Yeah. So I can't even help. I
don't even know how to help you. It's so interesting. It's so fascinating. I even in a reality like ours,
where I employ my team is like 80% females and I still struggle to get them to open up while they're in
an environment of coaching all the time.
Regena Thomashauer (15:10):
Yeah. And it's interesting, right? I just, because you know, many of these women I'm sure are highly
educated, but when, no matter what degree from Harvard, from Yale, from Princeton, if you do not a
woman who owns her pussy owns her life and it cuts that way. If she does not own her pussy, she will
not own her life. No matter how many degrees she has, no matter how many honors she's earned, no
matter how Summa Cum Laude she is until she owns her pussy. She doesn't own her life. And she will
always feel second class and unworthy. And we don't associate that. Let's say connection with the body
with value. Generally speaking, when women connect about their pussies, they consider it pornographic
or overtly sexual or in service to their lover. But we don't look at the ownership of our body as if it was
for us and us.
Regena Thomashauer (16:09):
Not only standing in our feminine human power, but it's pleasure and pussy and sensuality is really the
portal by which a woman connects to her own divinity. So she can't own her sacredness or her holiness
without connecting it through her pussy, through her body. And you know, it's a way for her to own her
power in a unique and pivotal way that will alter the trajectory of her life. The, you know, before pusy
and after pusy is a whole different thing. And we banished that word from religions, from schools, from
all conversations and it's, you know, you know, only permitted in the bedroom in a, you know,
monogamous partnership because if a woman strays from that she's considered a slut and then she's
ostracized. So it is a challenging conversation which must be had for a woman to really step into her
voice, her power, her confidence, and her potential.
Coach Ajit (17:14):
So, few questions. Firstly, you mentioned previously, we were talking about how men do get a word and
they're usually like pretty, you know, understandable and not weird whereas women get like really
obscure words for their private parts. And so, so my question is this is probably more a personal
question to me because I have a daughter. And I would love for her to actually, you know, grew up with
the power and doesn't have to reclaim it later. What would be the word? Because, and, and the reason
why I asked this word is because while I understand pussy could be the word it's not, it's not...
Regena Thomashauer (17:50):
Not a word for little girls.
Coach Ajit (17:51):
For, for a little girl. I can't
Regena Thomashauer (17:53):
Coach Ajit (17:53):
Because it's so sexualized in the world, it's like the social contagion is gonna, like, it's just gonna be
wacky for her.
Regena Thomashauer (18:00):
Coach Ajit (18:00):
So, what's the word?
Regena Thomashauer (18:00):
You know, when Maggie's the little girl I used to take bath with her, cuz it's kind of easier. We both
dump in the bathtub at the end of the night. And and so I just made sure she knew that she had a vulva
and I used the word vulva because it's the correct term. It's the outer lips, the inner lips and the clitoris.
Whereas vagina, people think vagina is right, but it's anatomically wrong. It would be like calling a male
penis, a scrotum, you know, because the vagina is inside. The only person that sees your vagina is your
gynecologist. Cuz he has the speculum and he'll kind of look inside your vagina. It's that canal. It actually
means sheath, which is the thing the sword goes into. But a vulva is the exterior genetalia that you can
see with the naked eye, no speculum required. So that's the word I would choose. That's what I taught
Maggie. And she knew where her clitoris was by the time she was two, cuz I would show her cuz kids
start to explore their bodies. Some kids will even start masturbating as young as two or three or four,
like.. So Aiyla is pretty hip, you know, she's pretty witty. She's probably gonna be one of those early
Coach Ajit (19:15):
Well, well we, we definitely wanna educate her early on. So, so thank you for sharing that. So that was a
personal question.
Regena Thomashauer (19:21):
Yeah. And also I think as much as you can do, just to be like enchanted with her, which you are, you
know, and you just, when you're with her, you know, she's like the most beautiful, incredible creature
on earth. Like fathers who adore their little girls. Those are the happiest little girls.
Coach Ajit (19:38):
Oh thank you. I do adore her. My second question is for our audience, which is our listeners is you said
we need to reclaim the power, reclaim our empathy. So how, how would somebody say in the thirties,
forties, fifties, listening to this podcast right now it's a female or even a male that is like, oh, I, I would
like my wife to listen to this or my partner to listen to this. What would you tell them? How do they
reclaim that power? I know there's a whole book around it.
Regena Thomashauer (20:11):
I mean it's so easy cuz then you could just buy the book. Yeah. Let's say or listen to it on audible or I
think that's the quickest solution because just like anything that we're doing, that's new, it's a learning
curve. You know, even if it, I was teaching somebody to ride a bike. I remember when I was teaching my
daughter to ride a bike, like the first thing was to get her to like wheel the thing down the street, cuz it's
scared her, even with the training wheels on it, you know, just like getting familiar with this is how this
thing moves and you'll be getting on it soon. And so it's learning to become familiar with a new place
that you're wanting to expand into and acquire some dexterity. You have to be really gentle and really
slow with yourself. Like let's say if there's a woman listening to this podcast right now, I would say go
home or go to the ladies room right now.
Regena Thomashauer (21:07):
Put the podcast on pause and just take a little hand mirror. If you have one in your purse or if you've got
a full length at home and look at your pussy, just look at it because you wanna be able to identify where
are my outer lips? Where are my inner lips? Where's my clitoris. What do the different parts feel like?
You just wanna get on friendly terms? What I find is that majority of women who take my classes
probably haven't ever looked at their pusies before in their life. Maybe their lovers have maybe their
gynecologists has, but to really look at this body part that is responsible for your orgasms, you know, it
pussy serve us in so many ways. They give us orgasms, they push babies out. They're self cleansing each
month with... They ovulate, they menstruate, like they're so valuable.
Regena Thomashauer (22:00):
And yet we don't take the time to really look and appreciate. And there's I call it the five stages of pussy.
Cuz I find when women are getting acquainted with their pussies, they go through five stages. The first
one is revulsion. Like when they see their pussy for the first time or another woman's pussy, they're like
gag me. Oh my God. That is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life. That is so gross. Oh whoa. Well
look at the colors. Wow. The pubic hair like whoa. So that's phase one, phase two is the skeptical
researcher where they're like, okay. I was feeling a little queasy about this whole thing yesterday, but
I'm gonna look again today. And then they look on the next day and they're like, okay, I can see. Or
that's interesting. Like my pubic hair is growing in this shape.
Regena Thomashauer (22:49):
My one lip is a little bigger than the other little asymmetrical. Oh look at my clitoris. I can see it. There's
a hood over my clit. Okay. All right. That's enough for today. All right. Then third day they are the
affectionate researcher and they're like, oh yeah. Oh, look at that. I can actually see that. Just by paying
attention to my pussy because pussy are so sensitive if they love attention. So even if a woman is just
looking at her own pussy, it will start to respond. It will start to en Gorge. There'll be more blood flow in
that area. She'll start to feel an aliveness there. And then on day four, if she becomes an enthusiastic
researcher and she's like, there you are, look how cute you are. You are so gorgeous. And she starts to
praise her pussy and appreciate her pussy or starts.
Regena Thomashauer (23:41):
Pussy will start to respond and feel really good. Like her whole body, all of her neurotransmitters will
turn on and beta endorphin and the serotonin and the prolactin like the, all the hormones will engage
and she'll start to feel pleasure just regarding her own pussy and praising her own pussy. And then some
women will hit it on day five and they will hit rapture where they will be like, wow, I have a body with a
pussy. I come from a body with a pussy who comes from a body with a pussy. Like my pussy is
connecting me to all of my ancestors, to all the women who came before me to all the girls of today.
That will be the women of tomorrow. Like this is a way of union, not just with myself, but with my
lineage, with all women in the world, with all givers of life because women give life, whether they push a
baby out of the pusy or not like if a woman is turned on and owning her pussy and she enters a room,
she ignites the room.
Regena Thomashauer (24:44):
She is the life force. And when she's not, it's not there is. And I'm sure you notice this, the women in
your life that are turned on, it's probably why you married Neeta. Because you're like, oh, that woman is
turned on and I'm attracted to that woman as opposed to other women that can be perfectly beautiful,
but their lights are off. They're just disconnected from their sexuality. So there's a lot that a woman can do. And then of course, if you want to even get to learn more, you learn about self pleasuring
techniques and learn what your pussy likes. And then you're able to communicate that to other lovers.
But it's important for a woman to put her key in her own ignition. Turn that baby on, take it down the
highway cuz then you can invite passengers.
Coach Ajit (25:27):
Beautiful. Beautiful. And I, I do wanna plug in the book again, the book's called pussy a reclamation and
there's tons of techniques that you talk about during the course of the book in terms of stories that you
tell a lot of background research. And like you mentioned, it's almost like a researcher stage where you,
you, where you invite everybody into a dialogue that is not just, you know, just, it's not a, it's not a rent,
it's actually research. It's a, here is how you do it. Here is what you can do. Here are some of the
techniques. Here's how you do the group of them and so on. So forth. And I know it sounds like I said,
how do you know so much? It's because I really did enjoy the book and it is, I really do recommend it to
Coach Ajit (26:04):
If nothing else listening, like you said on audible, I did it on iBooks. Absolutely love listening. You're a
great storyteller. It's very much more engaging. Like I I'm, this is why engaging too, but listening to it was
very engaging as well. So I totally recommend you to go get the audiobook or a physical copy for
yourself, for your friends and your partner and so forth. So they can engage in this conversation. So we
understand now as to what is it that maybe causing women to not own their power? We also talked
about what could be some of the first few steps that could help women, women coaches to own their
power. What is it that you would suggest? Let's say somebody is a coach, a female coach more
specifically, who is struggling to find their worth within the scope of the book or beyond the scope of the
Coach Ajit (26:51):
As some immediate steps, as a follow up to this podcast. Say, okay, here are three things that I want you
to do. One is the mirror that you just, just shared, take the mirror, watch yourself observe, create, and,
and coaches who are listening to the podcast, know I'm big on awareness and presence around things
and then taking things from there. So, so this is great. It also connects to the coaching techniques that
we talk about a little bit. Is there anything else that you would go, Hey, here are some things that I want
you to watch for, or here are some things to consider or think about or look at.
Regena Thomashauer (27:19):
I think that one of the things that women have been taught by virtue of living in this patriarchal world
culture that generally devalues the feminine is there's a lot of negative self-talk that happens all the
time. You know, let's say she's applying for a job and then she doesn't hear. And then she thinks, oh,
well I guess they didn't like me. I guess I wasn't good enough. Instead of thinking, oh, maybe they're just
really busy and they haven't gotten back to me yet. Maybe I'll just send another follow up email, you
know, or it could happen socially. You know, where somebody they're interested in dating doesn't text
back and they assume the worst, like, oh, he or she hated me or I wasn't attractive enough. Or there
wasn't enough connection where it could be, their mother was in the hospital and they had to go handle
a family emergency for a few days.
Regena Thomashauer (28:13):
So we have this interior negative thinking. So I like to encourage women. And I talk about this in my first
book, which is called Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts to create instead of a mantra, a woman
mantra, which is a little phrase that you make up in your head that empowers you rather than
disempowers you. And it's super simple to do, but it's magical in its outcome. So for example, you know,
if she's going to her interview and she's thinking, oh, I'm so nervous. I'm not enough. Oh God, I hope I
say the right thing. But she replaces that thought with a woman mantra that she makes up, that might
be something like this. I have the hottest, most gorgeous pussy in Austin. And then she's just thinking
that thought and it's making her laugh cuz it's kind of a silly and adorable thing, but she's thinking, oh, I
have the hottest, most gorgeous pussy in Austin. It changes the way she walks down the street. It
changes the way she says hello when she gets arrives through the interview. And it really changes the
way she is when she's actually at the interview because she's replaced her negative thinking with
something that's uplifting and turns her on, which when a woman's turns on she's in her highest power.
So all of my technology is really about turning women on because when she's turned on, she will be
operating at, from a different paradigm than when she's turned off.
Coach Ajit (29:43):
So that is so powerful. And I, I see what you mentioned previously as well. I was like, yeah, there is times
when I'm walking into a room and I can see a person that's on and a person that's not on. Yeah. Right.
And everybody knows that like in the sense, like we all observe it. We just don't recognize it in the way
that like yeah. If somebody told that to themselves while going in, it's like having positive thoughts, but
in a very much more interesting way, of course more relevant to women too. It's just simply go. Instead
of believing all this garbage that doesn't help us at all. Why not talk to us in a wo-mantra and that moves
you forward.
Regena Thomashauer (30:19):
Yeah. It just moves you forward. And then in addition, another little technique that helps a lot is if a
woman begins a practice of bragging about herself because oh yeah, it's really interesting. Like men are
up for bragging. Like I'm sure you've noticed this, you know, you go to a cocktail party and the guys are
like, Ajit, you won't believe my businesses earning millions and millions.. bla bla.
Coach Ajit (30:41):
Sometimes lying, bragging, but yeah, it's still bragging.
Regena Thomashauer (30:45):
But it is very rare for a woman to do that. You know, I always at this party one time and I met this
author, she wrote one of my favorite plays and she had just won a puer prize. And so, and her daughter
and my daughter went to school together. So I went over and I was like, wow, you know, congrats on
the puer. I saw your play. It was so amazing. She's like I have writers block right now. I like, no, but you
just went, no, I can't, I can't, I can't get a word on the page. And so women, even when something
amazing happens, we are hesitant to share the goodness. So I like to teach women and encourage
women to brag because one, they are willing, even if they just pop out a little tiny brag, it changes their
Regena Thomashauer (31:36):
And then if you receive it well, and you say, whoa, that was so cool that you did that. It encourages her
to come forward. You know, because we're afraid of being you know, boasting or appearing superior to other women because, because women have such there's such a strong victim culture amongst women
of, you know, we complain about our husbands, our bosses all of that. We are afraid of breaking that
bond of mutual victimization with other women by celebrating ourselves. But what we don't realize is
when we do give ourselves permission to brag, it actually gives other women permission to celebrate
themselves as well. So it's a way of taking care of the world by just bragging. You're taking care of the
world because you're celebrating yourself and then other women and girls feel that it's okay for them to
celebrate themselves as well. So it's another little tiny practice that is a big consequence.
Coach Ajit (32:35):
That's, that's a beautiful practice. And, and as you're saying, I was trying to recall moments when I've
heard of woman brag and I could probably count them on my fingers. There's so little time when women
just go in and really own it. Yeah. Like, yep. I'm awesome. Yeah. So what, like, that's what I am. I am
awesome. So why not own it? Thank you for sharing those amazing tools. To all our listeners, go ahead
and use these tools. If you haven't had the chance to go pick up the book just yet, go ahead. Pick up
Pussy: A Reclamation because you're gonna absolutely love it.
Regena Thomashauer (33:05):
And you know what...
Coach Ajit (33:06):
And you're gonna love you.
Regena Thomashauer (33:06):
You're gonna absolutely love you also. It kind of does both at once. So you were right.
Coach Ajit (33:10):
Thank you so much for taking the time sitting down with me
Regena Thomashauer (33:13):
It's my pleasure. It was my pleasure. So much fun and so grateful to be here with the incredible
audience that you have, that you contribute so much to.
Coach Ajit (33:22)::
Wasn't that episode powerful? Wasn't that conversation so very powerful.? I love the book, Pussy: A
Reclamation. I think it is a powerful book. I understood about women a lot more after reading the book,
I think you'll understand your clients a lot more. After reading the book, I encourage you to go get a
copy. How did you enjoy the episode? If you wanna continue learning more tools about coaching. I
encourage you to follow us on Spotify or subscribe to this podcast on Apple podcast. If you haven't yet
taken the time to give us a five star rating. Go ahead and give us a five star rating. Thank you so much
for tuning in. This is Coach Ajit and you're listening to Master Coaching with Ajit podcast.