February 1, 2022
One of the key elements to becoming a great coach is to learn from master coaches and discover new and different methodologies and techniques that you can then combine to create your own unique coaching style. This is why in today's episode...
One of the key elements to becoming a great coach is to learn from master coaches and discover new and different methodologies and techniques that you can then combine to create your own unique coaching style.
This is why in today's episode we're sharing a highly rated talk delivered by master life coach and Evercoach author, Christine Hassler. Christine is the best-selling author of 3 books, a renowned master coach, and a keynote speaker with over 17 years of experience in personal development. She's also the host of top-rated podcast “Over it and On With It” where she coaches people live on the show.
This talk was recorded at our Evercoach Summit live event. In this talk, Christine reveals the 3 top qualities of a successful coach and her best advice for anyone starting their life coaching journey. She also coaches an audience member live from the stage so you can follow her coaching session structure and appreciate the different techniques she uses.
If you want to learn what makes a great coach and how a master life coach coaches live, you won't want to miss this episode!
Key Insights:
Coach Ajit (00:00):
You are listening to Master Coaching with Ajit podcast that inspires coaches to impact the lives of their
clients more meaningfully. I am Coach Ajit and I'm known for coaching high performers, entrepreneurs,
and leaders. I'm also a serial entrepreneur and author of many books. On this podcast, I am answering
your burning questions. I'm also demonstrating and deconstructing behind the scenes coaching sessions.
Coach Ajit (00:35):
And today's episode is so very special. You see, one of the key things I wanna do here at Master
Coaching with Ajit is sometimes also able to show you so many different ways of doing coaching, so
many different ways of impacting lives than what I can possibly bring to you. One of the keys to my
growth, my journey, has been that I've always stayed curious to, there is more I can learn. There is
different I can learn. There is a different dimension that I can add. So today I am bringing one of my dear
friends, Christine Hassler as a guest on this episode. I'm not actually interviewing her today. I'm actually
taking one of her amazing presentations she made at one of our events called Evercoach Summit. And
I'm bringing that presentation today to this podcast. What you will hear today in this podcast is firstly,
you'll hear Christine setting the stage, setting context.
Coach Ajit (01:33):
If you're a new coach, this is gonna be so powerful for you. And once Christine does that, you will listen
how Christine is going to coach someone live in front of an audience. So you will hear Christine relating
back to the audience. You'll hear Christine actually coaching the person, maintaining silence, so on and
so forth. The reason why this is such a great example, and I wanted to share it with you is because you'll
be able to see how to do group coaching when you are actually listening to Christine's session. Because
while Christine was coaching only one person at this time from stage, she had about 200 some coaches
watching her actually coach this person, Katherine. So in today's episode, it gets a little bit different
dimensional. Instead of listening to me setting context and then coaching someone, you're going to
listen to my dear friend and a master coach, Christine Hassler. So fasten your seat belts because this is
gonna be a fun ride.
Christine Hassler (02:32):
What I'd love to do is share with you really what has made me successful as a coach, both internally, cuz
I think there's, there's the outward success. There's the money. There's the following. There's all of that.
But then I really feel successful as a coach cuz I haven't burnt out. I started coaching people in 2004 and
I still have private clients. And one thing that hurts my heart a little bit about the coaching industry is
everybody tries to move out of the private client world, right into the projects, the products and the
groups and the online and all that's great. And I do that too, but that's like a musician who never goes
back with a guitar and plays acoustic at a small bar. So I hope as coaches, part of what you do to stay in
integrity is you always work one on one.
Christine Hassler (03:18):
And part of what you also do to stay in integrity is you always have a coach. So as I share with you, the
things that have made me feel successful internally and then how that's been mirrored in the external
world. And then I wanna bring one, maybe two people up and coach live. So first thing I already alluded
to it. First thing that I have, I feel makes anyone successful as a coach is being your own best client. So
that means having a coach, not just a business coach, I still have a coach. I will always have a coach
because I think we are out of integrity as coaches. If we don't have a coach, you'd never be a personal trainer and never work out. So if you want to beat imposter syndrome, that's the best way to do it. If
you're ever feeling who am I to who am I to who am I to all you need to do is ask yourself, am I a client
of what I'm selling?
Christine Hassler (04:11):
Cause walking the talk doesn't mean having it all figured out walking the talk means you are just
embodying the principles and practices that you're quote unquote "selling to people". And I'm not afraid
of the word selling that word used to scare me. I'm not afraid of that anymore because really it is it's, it's
an invitation it's enrollment and what you are quote unquote, selling to people is transformational, not
transactional. And if I had a whole another hour with you, I'd give you a whole speech on selling and
enrollment and we'll see if we get into any of it today. So it's being your own best client. It's having a
coach and here's how you also beat imposter syndrome. You coach yourself. Here's my favorite thing to
do set up two shares just right across from each other. Like this coach, Christine sits here, ask myself
what's up human client.
Christine Hassler (04:59):
Christine sits here and I literally go back and forth between shares and coach myself, coach over here,
me over here, cuz you all are brilliant. You all are brilliant at coaching others, but sometimes you kinda
suck at coaching yourself. And the only reason you suck at coaching yourself is cuz you start judging
yourself. That's it. And comparing yourself to coaches that have been coaching 20 years. So whenever
you get into that, instead of cuz a lot of the coaching on getting out of imposter syndrome is connect
your why. And it's all about service and you gotta change the world. But if that self, that self doubt
needs proof. So how you give yourself proof, you set up two chairs and you just, you experience how
you create transformation within yourself. Because when you do that on a regular basis, the imposter
syndrome goes away and the integrity floods in so that everyone willing to do that as a tool and don't do
it in your head, it's very different and don't do it in a journal.
Christine Hassler (05:59):
I mean, I'm not saying don't coach yourself in your head and never write, but this process right here is
way more impactful. And guess what? That's a tool you can also facilitate for your clients. You can set up
two chairs with them, have them coach their self themselves. You can set up two chairs and have them
sit in one chair, their mother or whoever. They're having a difficult relationship, sit in the other and have
them play both parts. So that's it. Number one, be your own best client. Second thing, stop talking and
listen more as coaches. We wanna do a good job. We so wanna do a good job. We wanna serve our
clients. And often we think the best way to do this is to give them the answers, to have this great advice,
to drop this great wisdom and that's useful. And they may say, oh, that's great.
Christine Hassler (06:54):
Thank you so much. But then we're making it more about us and less about them. As a coach, I really
consider myself a detective. I'm a detective and I'm a guide and it's my job to one, create a space where
they feel safe. Cuz that's the most powerful thing we're doing as coaches is to create a space where
someone feels seen and heard our deepest wounds come from, not feeling seen and heard. So please
do not underestimate the power of just holding space for someone else and giving them that
permission. It's one of the most powerful things we do. It's not what you say. It's your way of being with
your clients. And that can be over the phone that can be face to face. That can be over Skype. It doesn't matter. But to really hold that space for another person, we can't be in our head thinking, Ooh, what
NLP tool can I use right now?
Christine Hassler (07:51):
Or where do I say this? Or da, da, da, da. We have to be fully present with our clients. And this is
something that develops over years as you coach more and more people. And I encourage you, coach,
coach, coach. The best way to get better as a coach is to coach, to coach as to coach and to coach. That's
how you get better and really trust that the more you listen and the more you're present and the more
you rip that other person, the not the right thing to say, but the thing that's for the highest good to say
will come through. And often the thing that's for the highest good to say is a question often. The thing
that's for the highest good to say is what else? Tell me more. You don't know. Well, if you did know,
what do you think?
Christine Hassler (08:37):
Not going off into some educational rant with them. Now of course, as coaches we guide, of course we
teach, but we wanna make sure we're guiding and teaching that, which is for the highest good. So never
make assumptions about what your client is telling you. I ask, I have a podcast where I coach people live
on the air. Funny story about that, that I wanna weave in. I'll see if I can do it next. Um, and you'll hear
me when people say, I wanna feel confident or I want I'm like, what does confidence mean to you?
Make no assumptions with your client clients. And don't be afraid to go slow with them, to have them
paint you a picture. When they say words, what do they mean when they say I want this? I want a
relationship. Okay. Describe a relationship to me. What does that look like?
Christine Hassler (09:26):
And what would it do for if you had it? We, you have so much information as a coach, but when you're
working with your clients, you're detective, you're getting into their model of the world. And the more
you can get into their model of the world, the more you can bring them, the tools that they need. Cuz
that's the other thing as coaches, we're not there to fish for them. It's my job with all my clients to
graduate my clients. I want them to embody the tools and, and experience the transformation. And it's
so much better when a client has the aha moment versus you telling them the aha moment, cause then
it lands for them. Then it lands for them. The other thing that has inspired my success is I haven't given
two shits. I don't have a logo. I don't have a color palette.
Christine Hassler (10:17):
I don't have a tagline. I don't have a strategy. None of those things. Do you know what my brand has
been? Whatever is up for me in the moment. That's what I teach. Like whatever. I've just walked
through. That's what I teach my brand started as the quarter life crisis and the 20 something journey
and it moved on from there. And then when I got divorced, I talk more about relationships. And when I
was building my careers about entrepreneurs, a, it was just about what I was going through at the time.
And I know I have an ideal client avatar and I think in a way I don't like to use the word should, but it's
important. And here's the easiest way I think, to do your ideal client avatar, your ideal client, avatar is
you in the past, that's it? And here's the thing me in the past could be a 65 year old man, because it's
more about the psychological profile of your client than where they live, their gender, how much money
they make.
Christine Hassler (11:18):
My, usually my ideal client, avatars are people that are hard on themselves. High achievers. They've
dealt with an expectation, hangover, something, didn't go according to plan, they wanna grow. They
wanna change. They wanna dive deep into personal growth and they're looking for a guide and they
want someone relatable and aspirational simple. So when you think about who is my client, ask yourself,
where was I? Five years ago? Where was I? 10 years ago? Where was I a year ago? Where was I? Six
months ago? Where am I right now? And when you speak to that, that's the magic of resonance and
that's the magic of the law of attraction. And that's the magic of being able to bring clients to you
without having to do Facebook ads and funnels. All those things are important. Hasn't been my strategy.
So in, in a conference like this, I think it's important to hear all the advice and go what works for me.
Christine Hassler (12:14):
Like what feels good to me, cuz there, there are so many ways to grow and you're gonna find your own
unique way. So funny story. So I've been friends with Preston and Alex, since we all started and you
know, they gave me all this video advice. Okay. And I'm like, I need to do YouTube videos and you see
Preston. He's like, and their YouTube videos are energetic and they're like channeling things. And, and so
I'm like, I'm gonna do YouTube video. Jill's worked with me for nine years. I wonder if she'll remember
this. So I do this YouTube video. I set it up in my friend's, you know, backyard. And I try to be that I try to
be someone I'm not basically try to be someone I'm not. And Jill, thank God for Jill. She watched this.
And she's like, what the fuck was that?
Christine Hassler (12:55):
That is so not you. And I'm like, you're so right. It's not me. I'm not like, that's not my personality. That's
not who I am. And so even though it was like, I gotta get on YouTube. I gotta get on YouTube. It felt like
a should, oh gosh, please don't let shoulds drive. You, let desire inspire you. And so I, I, I started to, to
reflect on what is my zone of genius? Like, what am I really good at? And what I'm really good at is
coaching people. Like that's what is my zone of genius? And so I thought, well, what if I did a podcast?
Cuz I thought, oh do podcast. But I didn't really wanna interview people cuz interviewing isn't my zone
of genius either. What if I do a podcast where I coach people live on the air, will that work? And the
technology, my blocks around technology blocked me for a while about it.
Christine Hassler (13:49):
But eventually I did it. And to this date, it's been the thing. That's moved my needle on my business the
most. And it's the thing that I love the most. And it's just me doing what I do best. So as you're leaving
here today and as you're making your action steps and your action plans, I encourage you implore upon
you. It's gotta light you up. Don't push yourself doing just cuz things are working for other people
doesn't mean they're necessarily going to work for you. And again, the more you really embody doing
the things that feel aligned to you, the more your integrity, because you wouldn't tell any of your clients
go do that cuz everybody else is doing that. So I ask myself a lot in my business. Would I give a client this
advice, what I'm pushing myself to do? Would I advise a client to do that?
Christine Hassler (14:39):
So that's the other thing. I don't know what number this is. I haven't really numbered them, but being
aligned with your zone of genius and creating from there and people told me, oh, it won't work. You
won't get people to call in. It won't be real. It works. It works. Cuz I love it. And it's aligned and like
Preston, I've thrown a lot of noodles against the wall. If that strategy works for you, that's great. Some
of you are more strategic and you need that. It's like doing what lights you up. And one thing I wanted to talk briefly about before I start bringing people up. How many of you, when it gets to the enrollment
sales, part of a conversation with prospective client go, Ooh and your voice changes. And it's a little
hard, how many of you are killing it at enrollment? Like no problem at all.
Christine Hassler (15:21):
Okay. Awesome. Good people. Keep your hands up. Those that are killing at enrollment. Look at these
people cuz they're good people to practice with the best way to get better at enrollment is to practice it.
Right? So Jill and I, we look at all enrollment conversations, all conversations when it comes to working
together and what the investment is as opportunities to coach. So here you are giving these great
discovery calls, coaching somebody, and then it gets to the sales part. And then where does the coach
go here? She just leaves out the window and all of a sudden the self worth and the self doubt and all
that stuff starts coming up. No stay as their coach because their objection to you, whatever their
objection is, the money. The time I gotta talk to my husband, da da, that's an objection. That's coming
up in all other aspects of their life.
Christine Hassler (16:07):
So you've gotta drop your issues with rejection, to be a stand for your prospective client in that
moment. Even if they end up saying no, you have an opportunity to coach them through their
objections. They say, I can't afford it. I really hear you. Where else are you saying that in your life? Tell
me more about how that comes up for you. What else do you want really that you can't afford? And
then you get into a conversation about money. So, and this, this goes in your business negotiations as
well. Don't just have the coach show up while you're actually coaching in an interaction. Bring that part
of you to the entire engagement process, whether you're doing a Facebook live or a YouTube video or
whatever it is that that, how many of you just feel like magic comes through you when you're coaching?
That's why you're here.
Christine Hassler (16:55):
That's why you love it. Great. Bring that magic to your writing, to your videos. All of that. Don't think you
have to have a persona or have a pitch or be a certain or know what your brand is or be a certain way
before you start doing that. Just bring the essence of the you that comes forward while you're coaching.
And then finally I'll just say, continue to just get masterful at your craft. Have a mentor, a more senior
coach, listen, like record your coaching sessions. Have somebody listen and give you feedback. It just
boggles my mind that therapists have to do 3000 hours of therapy and be critiqued, but anybody can be
a coach. Now I know everyone in this room has integrity because you're in this room. But kind of like
what Preston was saying before, how many people are out there, coaching that maybe need a little
more development.
Christine Hassler (17:45):
So I encourage you find somebody to give you constructive criticism and feedback. Find a senior coach
to listen to a couple of your sessions, to watch you coach and to give you direct feedback. Not from the
perspective, if you're doing anything wrong, but from, I always wanna grow as a coach, I always wanna
learn. I always wanna know how I can serve better, how I can surf better. And then I'll round it out by
saying, just always make yourself your own best client, your sole curriculum, your life lessons. That's
your compass for your business, whatever you're feeling called to whatever's up for you, whatever you
are working through, that's your content. That's what you're here to teach truly, cuz you've just walked through it. And that's how we get out of the comparison thing because no one can teach what you
uniquely went through other than you.
Christine Hassler (18:39):
And I'm just echoing. What you've heard from, from Preston, from Jason is there is no competition.
There is no competition for your gifts and your divine purpose and what you're uniquely here to do. And
the more you keep doing your work and the more your integrity with that, I promise the more your
business will grow. Cool. Helpful so far. Okay, great. So we have about 24 minutes. Maybe I can get
through two people. Is that a question you wanna be coached? Okay. Well I like it. I like the, what's your
Audience Member (19:06):
Christine Hassler (19:07):
Come on up. Give her a big round of applause. Okay. So your invitation as the audience is to hold a
space of obviously presence, but also compassion. And how many of you after you coach all day or
you're with a group of people or whatever, you get a little tired and drained.
Christine Hassler (19:23):
Okay. So one of the, the skills that we have to really embody as coaches to be sustainable is the
distinction between compassion and sympathy. As coaches. You're gonna hear some hard stuff from
people. You may hear stuff that makes you cry, right? I I've heard there's nothing. I, I feel like I haven't
heard at this point and how I don't take that on is I don't judge. And that doesn't mean that I don't say,
oh, that person they're so weak. It means I don't go into judgment through sympathy. So the minute
someone shares something with us and we're like, oh God, that's so hard. I can't believe they're going
through it. You just judged. You just went into sympathy. And that's how we start to get depleted is
because we feel a little about sympathy. We feel a little bad. We feel a little over responsible, those
kinds of things.
Christine Hassler (20:14):
And I want you to be sustainable as a coach. I want you to feel like you, you don't get de plead. You
don't get drained. Of course we all get tired from time to time. But if you start noticing you're getting
drained, it means one or two things you're judging and feeling sorry for right. Or your clients are
triggering stuff. You've gotta work with inside of you. That's another reason I congratulated you. And I
said, this, this path is no joke because all of a sudden you'll have a client sit across from you. And you're
like, Ooh, oh God, that's kind of me. Right? And so you make a mental note of it and then you go deal
with, with your coach. Cool. Okay. So your job as the, as the space holders and as my fellow coaches in
the audience today is to hold that place of compassion to be present. But if you notice yourself judging
in any way, just God, forgive myself for judging. Come back to your breath, come back to the present
moment. Cool. Okay. So Katherine, take an nice deep breath. I'm gonna come a look. I feel like, like
smiles away from you. Okay. And hold the mic right up there. Oh, you're ready.
Katherine (Coachee) (21:15):
Christine Hassler (21:16):
How can I help?
Katherine (Coachee) (21:19):
Okay. So, um, I, oh, so I've been working on start starting my business. Um, I I'm an RTT therapist and a
Wildfit coach. Okay. And I've been, this is my third Evercoach, I've been coming ever since the first one
that happened. And the first two, I totally felt the imposter syndrome. Mm-hmm
Christine Hassler (21:51):
Right, right, right, right.
Katherine (Coachee) (21:52):
Every program. So, um, now I'm actually feel like I'm making some progress and actually creating
something and I, right. Like I signed up like four clients for my first Wildfit challenge. It started on
Christine Hassler (22:04):
Amazing. So, so you aren't working on building your business, you are building your business.
Katherine (Coachee) (22:07):
Yeah. So I'm building it now. So, but, but a lot still comes up for me. Um, you know, when it comes to
having enrollment conversations.
Christine Hassler (22:15):
Okay. What comes up for you?
Katherine (Coachee) (22:17):
Um, well, like for example, I had, um, a good friend of mine who didn't sign up for my program where I
had, I felt a lot of rejection around, not her saying no, but even though I know that she's saying no to
herself and not saying no to me. Right. And she's just, you know, she's following her pattern of like, of,
um, making all of the excuses.
Christine Hassler (22:39):
So you know it here, but it still lands as rejection.
Katherine (Coachee) (22:41):
Right. But it's still, but, but I still feel it in my body is rejection.
Christine Hassler (22:44):
Okay. So how are you doing right now? Sitting in this room? In front of all these people?
Katherine (Coachee) (22:48):
I feel a lot of energy going through my system. Yeah. I feel a lot of, um, activation. Okay. I feel, um, like
my I'm on the edge of my emotional control.
Christine Hassler (23:02):
Yep. Yep. And if you were just to let go right now, what would happen
Katherine (Coachee) (23:08):
If I let go... I'd probably start crying.
Christine Hassler (23:09):
Okay. So is that, can that be okay? Can it be okay? Yeah. Just to let go.
Katherine (Coachee) (23:18):
Yeah. Yeah.
Christine Hassler (23:20):
Yeah. What does letting go feel like?
Katherine (Coachee) (23:24):
Um, a lot of how do I do this and how do I....
Christine Hassler (23:36):
Yeah. Yeah.
Katherine (Coachee) (23:37):
How do I show up? And you know, I guess some of the imposter syndrome still...
Christine Hassler (23:44):
So I'm scared to let go, because...
Katherine (Coachee) (23:46):
I'm scared to let go because I might they'll see you that I'm a fake.
Christine Hassler (23:55):
Mm. And if they see I'm a fake, then they...
Katherine (Coachee) (23:57):
Won't like me.
Christine Hassler (23:58):
And if I'm not liked, then...
Katherine (Coachee) (24:01):
I'll be ostracized. Yeah.
Christine Hassler (24:03):
BAnd what does being ostracized remind you of?
Katherine (Coachee) (24:06):
Growing up.
Christine Hassler (24:08):
What happened?
Katherine (Coachee) (24:09):
I was bullied really severely when I was growing up.
Christine Hassler (24:12):
Mm-hmm What would do people tell you? How were you bullied?
Katherine (Coachee) (24:16):
You name it? I was, um, I was targeted like almost universally by kids when I was growing up. I definitely
was a or was an outcast.
Christine Hassler (24:32
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And now outcast is...
Katherine (Coachee) (24:36):
Christine Hassler (24:37):
Yes. And now outcast has kind of translated to imposter. Yeah. Right, right. So you see the theme. So
what have you done to work with this? The, the bullied and the...
Katherine (Coachee) (24:46):
A lot. I've done a lot. I, a lot of it's been the RTT.
CChristine Hassler (24:49):
Oh, great.
Katherine (Coachee) (24:50):
Thanks. The RTT therapy that I've been working with, I've done a lot to transform, um, to transform that.
And I feel like I've stripped off layer after layer of all this armoring and conditioning. And I feel like more
fully attuned and more fully aligned with who I am. And I mean, even people like who have met me over
the past two years coming to Evercoach have come up to me and commented on how much of a shift and a change they see in my energy field and how beautiful I show up. So I know that there are, there's
a lot there's progress change. Yes. But there's still, you know, there's still layers. Okay.
Christine Hassler (25:26):
That are still so, so we can look at it like there's layers and layers and layers, and you're gonna be dealing
with this till you're 90. And then finally one day it's gonna be gone or you can look at it as like you're,
you're just at the place where you're ready to break the pattern. Right. And right when we're at the
place where we're ready to break a pattern, it gets stronger.
Katherine (Coachee) (25:44):
Christine Hassler (25:45):
So that's probably what's up. So patterns like this don't leave even after we dig and dig and dig because
there's still a payoff, there's still something, this pattern is attached to, that's attached to one of your
survival strategies. Like getting love, staying safe, all those kinds of things. So to me, it's a pattern of
hiding to me. It's a pattern of playing small right. And retracting and recoiling. How does that serve you?
Katherine (Coachee) (26:11):
Um, I think playing small is, must seem more safe, right? Yeah.
Christine Hassler (26:18):
Um, safe from what?
Katherine (Coachee) (26:19):
Safe from rejection or, I mean, if, if you don't fully shown up and you're not fully seen, then
Christine Hassler (26:25):
If I'm not fully...
Katherine (Coachee) (26:26):
If I'm not. Yeah. If I'm not fully seen, then they haven't seen enough of me to know what their rejection,
so their rejection doesn't mean as much. Right. Whereas if they actually see me and then they reject me,
then it hurts more.
Christine Hassler (26:41):
Do you feel like, let me ask you this, let me, your little girl this. Yeah. Do you really feel like the bullies
that bullied you truly saw you?
Katherine (Coachee) (26:48):
No, they never
CChristine Hassler (26:49):
Had exactly. So do you have, see how your belief system is a little untrue? Yeah. That it was actually not
being seen. Yeah. That wasn't safe.
Katherine (Coachee) (26:58):
Christine Hassler (26:58):
Not being seen.
Katherine (Coachee) (27:01):
Christine Hassler (27:02):
Of being seen. What does being seen mean?
Katherine (Coachee) (27:05):
Being seen? It means being, being had to have somebody fully see me and appreciate me and to, to see
the value mm-hmm
Christine Hassler (27:39):
Me, people are seeing you. Okay. But as long as you have that attachment to being seen yeah. Enrolling
clients and building your coaching practice right. Is to becoming more from your wounding
Katherine (Coachee) (27:50):
Christine Hassler (27:51):
Than from your vision and your service.
Katherine (Coachee) (27:52):
Right. And I wanna, I want it to hold on.
Christine Hassler (27:53):
So I'm gonna see if I can help you hold this differently inside yourself. Okay. If I'd longer with you, we'd
go into a lot of different directions, but I wanna give you something you can work with right now. So do
you see how right now you've been wanting to enroll clients to help you heal your own wounds? Yes.
You wanna serve and dah, dah, dah. Okay. So do you see the stakes in enrolling clients it's really freaking
high for you and almost retraumatizing for that little girl. Can you see that? So can you see how there's
like this push pull with building your business and enrolling clients because your own personal,
emotional stability is tied to it. Okay. So would you say that being seen is one of your life lessons? Yeah. Okay. So instead of trying to be seen, what, if you make your primary intention, seeing others, like really
seeing them yeah.
Christine Hassler (28:49):
Really understanding them because what's happening is your own self doubt. That own, like that own.
When are you gonna see me? When are you gonna hurt me? Da, da, da, da, is impacting your ability to
serve and connect with people. Right. So my encouragement to you would be to lean more into where
you wanna go and stop trying to dig deeper into this wound right now. Right. Just making sense to you
so far. Right? Mm-hmm
Katherine (Coachee) (29:23):
I see a really big heart. I see, um, an empathic connection. I action. I see somebody who sees through
layers and cuts through. Um, and there's something in your eyes.That's like, can't hide from. And, uh,
Christine Hassler (29:45):
What do you feel in your body when you're just seeing me?
Katherine (Coachee) (29:49):
Um, I'm feeling a little bit of a downregulation in my nervous system. Um, I, uh,
Christine Hassler (30:02):
Do you feel the fear of rejection when you're just seen and being present with me?
Katherine (Coachee) (30:08):
Christine Hassler (30:09):
Right. So this is your medicine, my love. Your medicine is a seer.
Katherine (Coachee) (30:15):
Christine Hassler (30:16):
You know that you're very intuitive. You're very empathic, but because you've got the massive fear of
rejection, it's, it's impacted your ability to give. And this is true for all our gifts. There's a little bit of pain
and fear attached to it. So sometimes really stepping in our gifts feels so, so scary. We're all like, oh
yeah, I wanna be intuitive. I wanna be empathic, but that's actually kind of frightening when you get to
the core of it. So part of your gift is you see people and part of your medicine is, you know, the pain of
not being seen. So if you would focus more on your medicine, then your issues, things are going to start
to shift for you. You've done enough work right now, time to focus on the medicine and your medicine is
seeing other people. And the more you can see that and hold for them, then one, I think it's gonna help your business grow. And two, if someone does say, no, you see their no, as their business, not yours. Cuz
you're able to see through where the no's coming from. You're able to see they're not ready.
Katherine (Coachee) (31:20):
Christine Hassler (31:21):
Not yet. Is this making sense? And if it doesn't feel safe to be fully seen yet, that's okay. You don't have
to be fully seen in order to be successful, but does it feel safe to see people? So could you start there?
Katherine (Coachee) (31:34):
Christine Hassler (31:35):
Could you start there and could you start every enrollment conversation or coaching session or
whatever? With the intention to be seen,
Katherine (Coachee) (31:42):
To see them,
Christine Hassler (31:43):
To see them, to see them
Katherine (Coachee) (31:46):
Christine Hassler (31:47):
Cause that's your medicine.
Katherine (Coachee) (31:48):
Christine Hassler (31:49):
How does this feel?
Katherine (Coachee) (31:50):
Christine Hassler (31:52):
What questions do you have?
Katherine (Coachee) (31:59):
I guess just how to let go of if, if I'm focusing on seeing them.
Christine Hassler (32:10):
If I want to,
Katherine (Coachee) (32:11):
How to start that enrollment conversation, I'm just, I'm focusing on seeing them, but right. Still have to
bring up what you can offer.
Christine Hassler (32:17):
Hold on. So if I wanna pick up this glass with this hand, what do I have to do with this glass?
Katherine (Coachee) (32:23):
You have
Christine Hassler (32:24):
To put this one down if I wanna pick up this one. Right? So you're, there's still, you're still really holding
onto the fear, right? The fear of being seen the fear of rejection and that's more of the block than any
conversation starter strategy or anything like this. If you can put down this fear of being seen in
rejection and just pick up my medicine is seeing people. Then if you really see them, the, the, remember
how I said the words just come through, it's gonna come. You're gonna see them. You're gonna know
what to say. You're gonna be so tapped into your intuition. You, your intuition is just blocked because of
your fear of rejection, right? You're in fight or flight mode. And so it's just blocking the channel from
coming through. It's just like radios static. It's not cuz it's not there, but this is about trust too. And if I
had more time, I'd go down that road with you. Yeah. But this is about, I just wanna give you one thing,
right. That you can lean into because that's the other habit we get into as coaches, we spend so much
time processing and cleaning up and NA NA NA instead of like leaning into the new thing, we wanna
move into what we wanna embody
Katherine (Coachee) (33:26):
CChristine Hassler (33:27):
So can that be the focus like I'm gonna see people and my enrollment conversations in, in the
interaction. I'm not gonna wait for people to see me. I'm gonna see people and I'm gonna be with
people and I'm gonna learn how to feel safe in my own body with other people, by seeing them rather
than hoping or being afraid. They're gonna see me.
Katherine (Coachee) (33:46):
Christine Hassler (33:46):
It's just making sense.
Katherine (Coachee) (33:48):
Okay. Yeah.
Christine Hassler (33:50):
Yeah. So what's an, what's an action step you can take from this conversation.
Katherine (Coachee) (33:55):
Just every time I engage in a conversation for the rest of the weekend, just really trying to see the
Christine Hassler (34:01):
And talk to not trying well, your medicine.
Katherine (Coachee) (34:02):
Yeah. Just seeing
Christine Hassler (34:03):
Just yeah. Just doing what you do best. Yeah. Often the thing we crave the most for ourselves is what
we're best at giving other people
Katherine (Coachee) (34:10):
Christine Hassler (34:11):
And when we start to give it and give it and give it, it's like, oh wow. We finally start to give it to
ourselves. So that's it. What if the key to really launching your business and getting it to the next level
was just seeing people truly. What if it was that simple?
Katherine (Coachee) (34:28):
Christine Hassler (34:30):
Isn't that kind of liberating?
Christine Hassler (34:32):
Yeah. And then just final thing. Oh, you can take my hand. Thank you.
Katherine (Coachee) (35:00):
Christine Hassler (35:04):
Sometimes the things we long for the most are often the things we resist the most. Cause you're doing
really good. You have so much courage. And what do you see when you look out in this audience?
Katherine (Coachee) (35:14):
Lot of love.
Christine Hassler (35:15):
A lot of
Katherine (Coachee) (35:16):
Love. Yeah.
Christine Hassler (35:17):
Yeah. Beautiful work. Thank you so much. Yeah. Give her a big round of applause.
Katherine (Coachee) (35:28):
Christine Hassler (35:28):
Yeah. Beautiful. I don't think I have time for another person cause I'll run over. But questions about that
process. What did you notice?
Christine Hassler (35:38):
Well, well thanks. Thanks. Thanks. You are whatever. That's the thing with projection. Like we think it's
just the negative things that things that trigger us is negative projection, but positive projections there
too. So anytime we're we admire, anytime we respect, anytime we're jealous, we spot it. We got it. So
we're just seeing something, someone else that we're not fully owning inside ourselves. Yes. Yes. So he
was, he was saying slowing down. And does that make sense? Like cuz clients also they'll try to be on
good behavior. So they'll just sit there and they'll be like mm-hmm
Audience Member (36:40):
And I love the part of like you really focusing on one thing to take away with and just staying there until
it really was understood.
Christine Hassler (36:47):
Yep. Yep. That's that's the other thing is like, don't try to over deliver cuz guess what? Your clients are
excited for a second and then they're totally overwhelmed and they don't know what to do. So that's
the other thing we think we all gotta deliver so much value. Do so much do so much. Actually
Audience Member (37:12):
I felt, um, an amazing amount of compassion from you without emotion. And to me that was so much
strength and it was very admirable. Yeah. Yeah. I, I really, that hit home hard for
Christine Hassler (37:24):
Me. Thank you. Well, and, and that's, that's why I wanted the context compassion because it's not that I
don't feel compassion or feel for people. I also, so a lot of us, we all have the victim archetype in our
consciousness and I also don't want to unconsciously reward them for their pain and enable 'em right.
So if they're going through something hard and I'm like, they're just gonna be like, oh, this is how I get
love. This is how I get attention. Cuz a lot of people have, when I have a problem, I get attention in love.
So I will hold that space. And if I need, if I need to go deeper into it and do emotional release work with
them and move the energy I will. But I won't let somebody sit in their sob story for too long. I either
wanna go right into the emotion of it.
Christine Hassler (38:10):
Like let's stop talking about it and cry. That's why I was like, what would happen if you could let go, I
could feel the tears and, and I go into it or it's, it's like we, we move out of it. So that's the other thing as
coaches is just to be aware of, of, and none of you would do this on purpose, but it's sneaky. It's like
sometimes we can enable our clients in their story. We don't wanna like pep talk and push 'em out too
quickly. But we also don't wanna have any kind of that pity or judgment when they're going into it.
Because it, it perpetuates that, oh, this is how I get love. We really wanna be able to celebrate them and
the truth of who they are, not their story. I saw another. Yes.
Audience Member (38:46):
Um, you intervened. I was sitting thinking about myself and what you said about listening. And I
thought, oh, she's talking a lot here. Yeah. But you intervened beautifully to stop what you've just
described the dwelling in the circle circumstance. And then you completely reframed the word, seeing
Christine Hassler (39:13):
Yeah. Well you probably already are better at it because you wouldn't have noticed it. If you weren't
already good at it in doing it, you wouldn't have been able to see that. Um, but that's the other thing
too. What usually the presenting problem, like whatever the client says in the beginning is, is usually not
the direction. And that's why I was saying earlier, you're not in the problem solving business. You're not
because if you solve the problem, the client has to come in with that says, this is a presenting problem.
You, from my point of view, you haven't done your work as a coach because it's, it, there's always
something underneath that. That's created that. So that's where the detective part comes in. Right? It's
like, what's really, really going on here. And if I had longer, I would've like not interrupted as much. Well, knowing me, I probably would've at this point, but
Christine Hassler (40:05):
You can feel the difference between when a client's connecting dots and they're really talking something
through or they're just in your, their story and you wanna be able to come in and, and lovingly and not
say, Hey, you're in your story. We're gonna go a different direction. But just ask a question, come in with
a question redirect and again, help them lean into where they wanna go. Instead of continuing to try to
process where they don't wanna be. I saw another, was it your hand? Oh, okay.
Audience Member (40:31):
I want to ask a question about when we are doing one on one coaching. Yes. And we go through the
whole, uh, conversation and we come up with aha moment. And then we come up with this little action
plan. I'm actually coaching, um, one client and we came up with this just one little action item. Yep.
Right. He goes back and does it for two days. Yep. And then it doesn't do it because I asked him to send
me a quick, uh, note saying how it felt right. Doing that and overcoming that one thing. Right. And then
after third day he doesn't, then I give him a day Uhhuh
Christine Hassler (41:16):
Okay. So we stopped being accountable basically.
Audience Member (41:18):
Yes. And then now, now I don't know how to, I don't want to sound like a project manager or a mom.
Yeah. Yeah. But I don't know how to say like see you have to follow through. Yeah. How do I say
Christine Hassler (41:30):
That? You turn it into a coachable moment. You say, I notice you did this for two days and then you
didn't what happened again? Detective scientist, not like you're not following my assignments. If you
wanna get results, punk, you gotta do this every day. Right? It's not that energy. It's like, this is what I
noticed. Let's talk about you turn it into a coachable moment. Cuz every one of your clients been
parented and shamed and they've been in school and had authority figures. You don't wanna trigger
that for them, but you wanna hold them accountable. So you go, Hey, this what happened? Let's talk
about it. This is a coachable opportunity that wasn't working. Maybe I need to come up with something
different as your coach, talk it out. This is your place where you get to tell me what's working and what's
not. Yep. Do I, can I do one more question? Okay. Right here. And then I have to get, then I'm done.
Audience Member (42:15):
Is it on? Oh yeah. Hi Irina, yoga coach. I loved this conversation so much. I really admired how actually
you drove her through the emotions and you held the space and this digging deep mm-hmm
Christine Hassler (42:58):
Audience Member (42:58):
Like, and, and actually like close up in the way that the person is in good space. Right. To get out after
this whole emotional wounding and opening up and
Christine Hassler (43:08):
Right. Yep. So, um, a couple things and then my time's really out, but I'll be around. Um, what did you
learn? What did you learn? How do you feel right now? What do you know to be true? What steps are
you gonna take? And if they can articulate all those things, then you know, they're in an okay place. But
usually when I do deep work with people, there's a self forgiveness process that we go into all that kind
of stuff. But she's, she's advanced. So we could go pretty quick, but asking those four questions really
help to integrate it and make sure they re say it in, in their words. Right. That answer your question.
Yeah. And the last thing I'll say kind of to doing your own work, how I've gotten comfortable with
emotions is I haven't been afraid of mine. I have yelled and screamed and raged and cried so hard.
Christine Hassler (43:53):
I thought my eyes were gonna fall outta my head. And you know, you've got to go to your dirty, dark,
nasty shadow self, like you can't spiritual bypass and meditate your way out of life and expect to really
be able to be a transformational coach. So don't be afraid of the shadow and of the dark because we
shove that under the rug too much. And that's why so many people are in so much fucking pain. So go to
your dark side, gets the other side of it and you'll be able to hold so much space for the people that you
Coach Ajit (44:23):
Wasn't Christine amazing. Wasn't her coaching so effortless. This is something that we wanna listen into
when we wanna follow along. We wanna see how we could be this effortless as we are becoming better
and better as a coach. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you loved this episode, make sure you have
subscribed this podcast. Make sure you leave us a five star rating. We love your ratings as well. Leave us
a comment if there is something that you loved specifically in this episode, and if you really loved
Christine do let us know. Thank you so much for tuning in. This is Coach Ajit and you're listening to
Master Coaching with Ajit.