You’ve set your sights on the big one…
That goal.
That win.
The level of success that you truly want.
You want to make a great income and create a massive positive impact in the world.
But here’s something I want you to stop and reflect on right now…
Are you trying to do everything yourself?
Perfect Harmony, Definite Purpose
If you want to achieve your highest potential as a coach, expert or educator and build a profitable business that lasts…
You can’t do it alone.
This is exactly why a great Mastermind is absolutely critical if you’re serious about achieving exponential expansion and success.
Napoleon Hill, one of the world’s first success gurus and author of the legendary “Think and Grow Rich” nails the definition and purpose of a Mastermind in one precise sentence…
“A Mastermind consists of two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.”
Hill talked about the power of a Mastermind a long time ago but nearly a hundred years later, his words remain true.
Wired for Success
The benefits of being in the right Mastermind group are endless.
The very best business Mastermind groups are usually headed by a powerhouse leader.
This is someone who has already hit and then shot past the level of success that members of the group are looking to achieve.
Powerful Masterminds also include like-minded members who are serious about achieving epic business and life goals.
When you’re in a group like this, you get to expand your network and open yourself up to possibilities for power partnerships and collaborations on lucrative projects.
Your network also expands because you’ll be able to tap into the network of every other member in the group.
Depending on the size of your Mastermind, you could 10x your network of power players in one high-value space.
For instance, you’ll gain access, introductions and recommendations to top copywriters, tech specialists, social media strategist, coaches and even industry insiders and influencers who can help push you and your business into exponential success.
A truly great Mastermind must also include accountability.
You get to share your goals with the leader and other members each week and then “report back” on your accomplishments the following week. This is perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of a Mastermind group.
The human psyche is wired to follow through when other people are informed about a goal or task. So, when it comes to creating momentum in your business and achieving your goals and milestones, there’s nothing more powerful or more effective than being accountable to other members in your Mastermind.
All Great Masterminds Have This…
So we’ve established this fact…
Masterminds rock.
But you need to know upfront that not all roads lead to a great Mastermind.
It’s important to join a group that fits your needs and that delivers on promises.
But how can you tell a good Mastermind from a truly great one? How can you differentiate between a weak group and one that will propel you to the the heights of success?
The answer: community.
Find a Mastermind that consists of members who are happy to share their expertise and knowledge with each other.
Look for a group that includes people who are loving, giving and supportive.
And make sure the leader is the same.
Members of a great Mastermind are committed to helping every other member.
When you’re in a Mastermind group that values community and collaboration, you get to tap into the combined personal power and expertise of the group and the leader.
You’ll receive expert opinions around important business decisions and you’ll have the combined creativity of the group to fall back on when you need ideas and insights for your business.
You’re also likely to get all of your questions answered and find solutions to challenges and obstacles that you may be holding back your business growth.
Find the Perfect Group
One of the best places to start looking for the perfect Mastermind is by researching online. You can also ask other entrepreneurs and friends if they’ve heard of a great group or if they’re in one.
If you enjoy face-to-face meetings, look online for Mastermind groups that meet in your town or city.
You can also pick an online group that includes live meetups.
Often, a great Mastermind may be right inside your own email inbox…
Run through your email subscriptions and pick out some of your favorite thought leaders, coaches, experts and influencers.
Check if they’re running a Mastermind and see if you can find out more.
One of the best ways to end up in a great Mastermind is to join one that’s run by someone you already know.
This should be someone who has proven their worth and that has consistently delivered value.
They may not talk about it openly but let me tell you that just about every successful entrepreneur and online personality got to where they are with the help of a powerful Mastermind group.
So, don’t deny yourself the incredible expert help, support and accountability that you can get from great Mastermind.
Start looking for one that fits your personal values and business needs.
When you do find a truly awesome Mastermind group, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without one.