It doesn’t matter if you’re the world’s greatest coach, if you don’t know how to enroll clients, you’ll never get your coaching business off the ground.
Client enrollment is a critical part of your journey as a coach and if you learn how to do it with ease and mastery, it will change your game completely.
That's what happened to master coach Christina Berkley when she first started coaching.
Christina is one of the most respected and reputable coaches and in-demand speakers in the industry today and her clients include celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs and moms. However, it wasn't always this way.
Not too long ago, Christina was living a different sort of reality. She was a struggling coach who could barely make ends meet.
Nothing changed for a long time.
Then, Christina discovered specific processes and techniques that transformed the way she handled the enrollment process. Almost immediately, she learned how to enroll clients and, in a short time, she was enrolling pretty much every client she had a conversation with.
In this high-value video, Christina shares some of her insider secrets and power tips to gracefully overcome challenges and obstacles during the enrollment process so you can create a growing list of ideal clients with ease.
Watch the video once on how to enroll clients and then come back and work through the following reflections and action steps below. These questions and activities are designed to help you absorb and implement key learnings so you’ll quickly start to see amazing results in your upcoming enrollment conversations.
6 Strategies To Enroll Clients
Action Step #1: Boost Your Confidence
What can you do to raise your confidence level before you get on a call with a potential client? (example: hire a coach to help you master enrollment conversations, purchase a sales program, read a book about selling with integrity etc). List all your ideas in a journal. Pick one and follow through on it in 24 hours or less.
Action Step #2: Identify Pitfalls
Think of the enrollment conversations you’ve had so far with potential clients. What are some of the challenges and obstacles your clients have shared that stopped them from hiring you as their coach? Is it the price point? Timing? Maybe they told you they need to check with their husband/wife, first? List everything you can think of in your journal.
Action Step #3: Be Prepared
Look at the list of challenges and obstacles from Reflection #2. Go through each of them one by one. Now, think of answers, ideas and coaching techniques you can use when your clients share these challenges and obstacles with you. This will get you prepared ahead of time, get rid of anxiety and panic and allow you to connect powerfully and confidently with clients in your next enrollment conversation.
Action Step #4: Get Centered
It is extremely important to stay centered during enrollment conversations no matter what your potential client says or does. List at least 3 methods you can use to subtly find your center during enrollment (example; taking 3 deep breaths etc).
Action Step #5: Inspire Inner Peace
Training yourself to stay calm in your everyday life will help you stay centered during enrollment conversations. Choose an activity you can incorporate into your daily routine that will inspire feelings of inner peace and calm such as journaling, meditation or yoga. Start to practice this activity every day.
Action Step #6: Stay Unattached
Commit to staying unattached to the outcome of your enrollment conversations. Give yourself permission to work ONLY with clients who are excited to work with you and ready to sign up for your coaching packages and programs. Allow yourself to gracefully let go of everyone else. Write down your thoughts around the concept of staying unattached and letting go during the enrollment process. Capture any ideas or insights that come up for you.
Mastering how to enroll clients doesn't have to be the most stressful part of being a coach. It's all about following these 6 strategies to help you show up in the most powerful way and allow your coaching skills to close the enrollment conversation for you.
How do you enroll your coaching clients? Share your best tips and tricks with us in the comment section below!
Discover The Ultimate 12-Step Client Enrollment Script