Are you familiar with the psychology of coaching?
Global expert and Harvard Extension School Instructor, Margaret Moore, explains coaching psychology as the scientific foundation of coaching.
And every coach that wants to master their methodology should be applying it.
So how to use it during coaching sessions?
Coaching psychology is all about playing with the motivation, mindset and behavior change models of our clients.
Here are the 4 most important foundational theories you can start with:
1. Self-Determination Theory
This first theory is directly connected with intrinsic motivation.
Using deep discovery to help our clients find their big WHY for doing the things they do in order to change their behavior and create a sustainable change.
2. Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
Created by Psychology Professor and researcher, Jim Prochaska, this theory is based on the 5 stages of change we, as human beings, go through.
It’s vital for coaches and clients to understand the forces and causes that produce those 5 stages to support the transformation better.
3. Motivational Interviewing
This theory was created to help clients understand their own motivation and find small steps forward through a series of exercises and reflective questions.
4. Relational Flow
Relational flow is about helping our clients cultivate positive emotions and navigate the negative ones in order to create sustainable transformational change.
In just under 5 minutes, Margaret goes more in-depth into each of these theories and why they’re so important to level-up your coaching skills.
Coaching psychology is one of the 5 elements of holistic coaching.
Discover the other 4 elements in this brand-new Free Masterclass with global expert Margaret Moore. Click here to learn more or choose your preferred session below:
Discover The 5 Elements of Holistic Coaching to Consistently & Reliably Create Transformation in all Areas of Life
Free Masterclass with Margaret Moore