Group coaching programs are a powerful way to expand your coaching practice.
When you create a group program, you have graduated to the “one-to-many” model. You are no longer confined by the time restraint of the one-on-one model because you can now reach far more clients with your insights, techniques, strategies and expertise.
This may sound like a great idea – and it is – but it may not be for every coach.
There is massive mistake many coaches make when they decide to design a group program… they don’t take time to consider if they are at the right stage in their business and end up feeling disheartened and disappointed if they don’t get to fill the program with enthusiastic participants.
Even worse… I’ve seen many coaches hesitate to create a second group program when the first one fails because they have a false belief that says, “I don’t know how to create a successful program.”
You can avoid these issues when you are able to accurately determine if you are ready to start creating group coaching programs for your clients.
Here are 3 questions you need to ask yourself and consider before, so you don’t end up setting yourself up for failure.
1. Do I Have Enough Hours?
If you’re a brand new coach with just a few hours of one-on-one sessions under your belt, then you might want to shelve that group coaching program for a while.
Creating a good group coaching program requires experience and this means a substantial number of coaching hours.
You need to have a very clear idea about the common problems and challenges that your ideal clients struggle with, in your niche or area of expertise. You’ll have these insights only if you have worked with a significant number of clients.
Aim to have completed at least 100 hours of one-on-one coaching before you start creating a group program.
2. Is My Audience Too Small?
If you’re a new (or fairly new) coach and you don’t have an audience or following on social media and email, a group coaching program is a bad idea.
Filling a group program can be a challenge even for coaches who have a massive following and who have been in the game for years.
This is because only a small percentage of people will want a group program at any given time. This is not a reflection of a coach’s ability or expertise. It is a marketing principle and it’s called the “conversion rate.”
The average conversion rate — which refers to converting your audience members into buyers — is notoriously small. Conventional marketing wisdom tells us that an average rate is generally around 1 to 3%.
This works out to be just 10 to 30 people even if you have an audience of 1000. Thus with a smaller, disengaged or disinterested audience, the numbers decrease dramatically.
This does not mean that you need to have an audience of 100,000 before you attempt your first group program, but knowing these conventional numbers will give you an idea on how important it is to grow an engaged tribe first if you are looking for a higher number of sign ups.
3. Do I Know What To Teach?
One-on-one sessions are very different from group programs.
When you work one-on-one you are able to hone in and target an individual client’s problems and challenges. You don’t have that luxury with a group program where there are many people going through the same lessons and activities.
This means that you need to create program content that can address and resolve as many of your participants’ issues and challenges, as possible.
This also means that you need to have extreme clarity on what your program is about, the types of challenges that you are trying to solve, the number of solutions that you are offering for each of these challenges, and so much more.
Clarity is key when it comes to designing a powerful, effective group program so make sure that you are crystal clear about who your program is for and what it can do for each participant.
No matter where you are in your business — whether you are an experienced coach or someone who is just starting out — you must honestly consider each of these elements before designing a group program.
When you do, you will be able to create a far more powerful, effective and profitable program – even if it’s your very first one.