Free Masterclass! 4 Simple Steps To Start Your Coaching Business Today


Our potential clients are operating from a reality. In that reality, they have a problem. A challenge. It doesn’t have to be a life-threatening challenge. It’s just an obstacle they want to overcome. This is a Problem for them.

Below I am listing some of the real examples from my business so you can see how to use this framework effectively.



My clients have a challenge of growth. They run companies that are growing, but managing the team, the brand and the processes can get to be overwhelming, and they might feel lost.



My clients are new coaches. They tend to have the problem on how and where to get started. Their practices are either non-existing or really frustrating because it seems like everything is really hard.



My clients have a problem with scalability. They started as one-on-one coaching. Now they want to move online and serve more people in the world. They get stuck in “not knowing” or “having to do it all." It gets frustrating and they can use some help.

Desire is what’s behind the problem that our clients suggest they have. Is what they really want to get as an outcome. What moves them to take action.

Here are examples of it.



Their real desire is freedom while maintaining growth. They don’t just want to grow, they also want to enjoy their growth. They don’t want to work that hard for the results they get.



They want success. They want to know they can do it. They want to make money so they can quit whatever else they are doing. They want to see their impact on someone’s life.


