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One last step.

You're invited to join the world's leading mastermind of coaches.
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Are you done struggling to get clients and are finally ready to THRIVE?...

Deepen Your Coaching Skills & Reach the Next Level of Success with Insider Secrets from the World's Best Coaches

Peek behind the scenes and get exclusive Master trainings, coaching demonstrations, business teachings, and insights from over 50 of the world's most successful coaches, so you can create the impact and income of your dreams.
a person standing on a stage
a person standing on a stage
a person standing on a stage
a person standing on a stage
a person standing on a stage
a person standing on a stage
a person standing on a stage

Are you an ambitious coach with the desire to truly help your clients... And earn $5,000, $8,000, $10,000 or more every month?

Then let me share with you what it really takes to create the thriving coaching practice of your dreams... All whilst being of service and staying true to your mission in life.

So let's get honest...

How many times have you struggled to find the right clients and felt anxious about HOW you're going to fill your calendar for the next months?

How many times have you wanted to raise your prices to charge what you're really worth... But felt like "nobody's going to pay that"?

And how many times have you given your energy away in free sessions that got you nowhere (because your prospect just ghosted or didn't go for your premium package - again)?

Sounds familiar? Then you've probably asked yourself...

Does it have to be so hard to create a consistent stream of clients and income as a coach?

Well, the short answer is NO.

But I also know that it probably feels that way to you. 

  • So if you feel that - by now - you should be making the 6- or 7-figure income you crave and deserve...
  • If you've been dreaming of having a bigger list and more followers, of speaking on stages and running workshops to share your message with the world...
  • Or you've wanted to create epic courses and write books to become known and impact thousands or even millions of lives...

Then I'm so glad you're here. 

Because this is exactly what the master coaches of the world are already doing. And you're about to discover HOW.

But more on that in just a second.

First, let me give you the one insight that has the power to completely transform your coaching career:

Ajit Nawalkha with his hand on his chin
a white and blue sign
a blue circle with white stars
Mindvalley has been recognised for Workplace Happiness (World Most Democratic Workplace Award 8 Years Running) and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.

Do you know the #1 key to
creating a thriving coaching practice?

Maybe you think it's your business skills and your experience as an entrepreneur...
Maybe you think it's all about marketing and knowing how to sell your packages like a boss...
Or maybe you would have guessed that it's your inner game, your mindset and confidence...

And you know what?... None of the above are wrong!

But if you're lacking the #1 key element you need to create a thriving and prosperous practice...
Then all the coaching and sales skills and mindset work in the world will only get you so far.

And you'll always end up limiting your own success.

So what do the master coaches know that you don't?

What is that mysterious #1 key element that literally makes all the difference in the world?

Let me tell you:

It's consistent improvement!

I bet you didn't see this one coming, right? And I admit it... This might not be the sexiest answer in the world
(which is why most gurus out there won't even tell you this truth).

So let me explain.

Consistent improvement leads to consistent clients, income, impact and success!

It only makes sense if you think about it, right?

Every successful coach earning 6 or 7 figures a year, every Master we have ever worked with or met... all have one thing in common:

They are life-long learners and continually work on improving their skills.

But they don't just try to do it all at once (that's a recipe for overwhelm and major stress, which you might have already learned the hard way). They also don't focus on just one skillset (because running a thriving practice is not that linear and if you only focus on one area, then other areas will suffer without a doubt).

So what do the super successful master coaches do instead?

They consistently improve all their important skill sets and all areas of their business - over time.

Look, I know you might be like gh, Ajit... that sounds like way too much work and I'm already really busy."

And I hear you.

But listen: Most coaches are not willing to consistently improve to create real, lasting success. (I'm talking about the money, the freedom, the deeply rewarding feeling of doing something meaningful and impactful with your life...)

So most coaches end up with crappy results. There, I said it.

But YOU? You are here because you DON'T want to be one of them.

And me? I'm not here to sugarcoat things or promise you the non-existing magic pill.

Instead I'm here to help you get the extraordinary results you deserve...

And to do it with passion and ease.

Are you ready? Then let me show you how you can leverage the #1 key of consistent improvement to create the impact and income of your dreams... without working yourself to the bone:

Introducing Coaching Mastery

Coaching Mastery is an ongoing, in-depth training designed to support you in mastering ALL the aspects of your coaching business you need to create extraordinary success.

We've brought together 50+ of the most successful coaches in the world to not only share but also SHOW you exactly how they create transformation and outstanding levels of success...

So that you'll be able to learn directly from them and consistently improve your most important skill sets to the clients, impact and income of your dreams.

You can basically think of Coaching Mastery as your own personal coaching business encyclopedia... But with live calls, a supportive community and new content added each month. 

As soon as you enter our membership portal, you'll find a great variety of tools, techniques and strategies you need to create a thriving practice and become an outstanding coach... And you can easily pick and choose what serves you the most!

So whether you want to teach live workshops, sell high-end packages, write a book or simply craft your unique key message, we've got you covered in Coaching Mastery.

10 Ways Coaching Mastery Will Skyrocket Your Coaching Business

When you say yes to epic success and join us for Coaching Mastery you will...

a man and woman writing on a white board

1. Increase the quality of your coaching

By learning HOW to achieve results from the very best people in the industry, you will dramatically increase your quality of coaching to create better and better results that your clients will LOVE.

a man and a woman talking

2. Create a consistent stream of clients and income

In Coaching Mastery, you're not just learning how to be an impactful coach. You'll also learn proven business-building systems so you can build a thriving practice with a consistent stream of clients and income - even if you're just starting out.

a person speaking to a group of people

3. Increased results, greater Impact

By modeling the best coaches out there, you'll be able to transform lives quicker and on a deeper level and make an even greater impact in this world. And there's no sweeter feeling than knowing that your life's work matters!
a person pointing at a person

4. Enjoy more confidence in your own abilities

Learning directly from the best of the best will increase your levels of confidence dramatically, allow you to stay true to who you are and access your greatness within. You'll feel more powerful, secure and calm - during your sessions as well as your sales conversations.
a man with glasses and a white shirt leaning over a table with a coffee cup on it

5. Higher Income Thanks to Premium Pricing

When you achieve higher coaching quality and accelerated results for your clients, you can easily raise your prices to match your premium skills... Without feeling guilty or comparing your prices to everybody else.
a person wearing headphones and using a laptop

6. Constant personal and professional improvement

When you join Coaching Mastery, you're committing to constant growth and improvement and making sure your journey never stagnates, which is THE way to go if you want to create extraordinary success.
a person writing on a piece of paper

7. Accelerated Business Growth

With Coaching Mastery, you'll get the best and proven business systems and marketing strategies to help you create your dream clients, sign them on and keep them. You'll know how to market yourself like a boss and build the audience and following of your dreams.
a group of people sitting at a table

8. Stand out in the crowded marketplace

You'll learn to craft your personal key message, to leverage your own uniqueness, style and methodology which allows you to effortlessly stand out in the market and be successful... Even if you think it's crowded in your field!

9. Build lifelong friendships with other extraordinary coaches

When you study alongside other extraordinary coaches committed on the same path of growth, mastery and contribution, you'll build a camaraderie and shared experiences which can last a lifetime.
a person standing in front of a sunset

10. Unlock Your Full Potential

Coaching Mastery is the key to unlock your full potential so that you can become the very best version of yourself, constantly grow your business and fulfill your life purpose with more ease and joy.

But it gets even better than this... Because here is my absolute favorite part about Coaching Mastery:

Here is how Coaching Mastery helps you create a thriving coaching business

In Coaching Mastery, our masters - 50+ of the best and most successful coaches in the world - will each share their unique superpower and let you in on their best-kept secrets to success through in-depth trainings.

This way you'll not only learn "one success blueprint".... But you'll acquire all different skills necessary to create deep transformation and an extraordinary impact in your clients' lives.

Plus, you'll learn these skills DIRECTLY from the coaches who have honed and mastered them over many years.


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Learn From World-Class Coaches in Coaching Mastery

Coaching Mastery is the only place you can get coaching insights from some of the best Coaches on the planet. Plus, you also enjoy the exclusive opportunity to peek behind the scenes and witness exactly how they coach their clients to create transformation.

a man smiling for the picture
Michael Neill
a man wearing glasses
Rich Litvin
Jeffrey Allen with curly hair
Jeffrey Allen
a woman with blonde hair
Marisa Peer
Marisa Murgatroyd smiling for the camera
Marisa Murgatroyd
a woman smiling for the camera
Christina Berkley

a man wearing glasses
Jason Goldberg
Bryan Reeves with a beard
Bryan Reeves
a man smiling for the camera
Dr. Patrick Stuart
a woman smiling for the camera
Dr. Neeta Bhushan
a woman smiling for the camera
Monika Zands
a woman smiling for the camera
Karen Dimarco

Program Information

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Here's just a small taste of the Master trainings available to you when you join us for Coaching Mastery:

Michael Neill will introduce you to Principle Based Coaching where you'll discover how to...

  • Effectively coach leaders using the 3 principles that govern our lives
  • Build a thriving coaching business based on who you can really serve and who you really feel excited to work with
  • Use thought, mind and consciousness to create extraordinary transformations and breakthroughs with your clients
  • And much more!

Rich Litvin will dive deep into the world of listening with you and you'll learn how to...

  • Activate deep listening at an interpersonal level with clients, so you can provide a safe space for insights and transformation;
  • Dramatically improve your deep listening skills on all levels ? intrapersonal, interpersonal, and even with groups, to get your clients to open up faster and create an environment of trust
  • Apply tools and powerful questions that foster meaningful engagement in an atmosphere of trust that can break through even the most resistant clients
  • And more!

Marisa Peer will introduce you to the invaluable skill of self-coaching and teach you how to...

  • Spark a creative process to maximize your personal and professional potential,
  • Develop the skills of self-engagement and honest reflection to process emotions and understand yourself fully 
  • Identify areas that require support or changes to guide your own growth and set yourself goals that push you outside of your comfort zone yet are manageable
  • And much more!

Jason Goldberg will use his unique superpowers of metaphors and distinctions to show you how to...

  • Guide your clients through the process of differentiating reality from the illusion within themselves to create profound breakthroughs
  • Create deeper, lasting impact by opening the path for your clients to let go of deeply-ingrained limiting beliefs
  • Encourage your clients to express their personal potential in distinctive ways that unleashes their authenticity to realize an extraordinary life of fulfillment 
  • And much more!

And there are many more trainings ready for you to dive in and explore inside Coaching Mastery.

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Watch Real Life Coaching Demonstrations By The Masters

The master coaches we've brought on for this program are not only going to share their best strategies, systems, and practices in their trainings with you...

They're also going to demonstrate their coaching skills - LIVE - and let you in on their HOW.

In other words, we show. We don't just tell. And that's priceless.

You see, reading books about strategies and watching videos that break down the systems of how to run a successful coaching business is great. But doing this will only allow you to understand the "WHAT":

What do I have to do?

What do I need to know?

What results should I achieve?

Coaching Mastery goes way beyond the usual "what" and step-by-step systems... and demonstrates exactly HOW the world's most successful Masters create transformation and get results.

Here is what you'll discover in each live Coaching Demonstration:

  • An exclusive behind-the-scenes peek into a real-life coaching session with our Masters, so you can directly witness HOW they create breakthroughs, clear blocks, and transform people's lives.
  • In-depth debrief after each live-coaching demonstration to give you an analysis of how the Masters achieve rapid, epic and transformative results for the client... including which specific tools and strategies they've used during those live coaching sessions, so that you can apply these insights to your own practice right away.
  • Interviews with the Masters to give you valuable insights on their personal tools, techniques, and strategies that you can use with your own clients to achieve profound transformative results.
a man standing next to a woman
a group of people sitting on chairs
a man and woman sitting on a stage
a man talking to another man

These LIVE Coaching Demonstrations alone are worth joining Coaching Mastery, but to make sure also you receive the personal support and guidance you need to overcome any roadblocks or challenges and hold you accountable as you grow...

We threw in one more special treat for you:

Your Host: Ajit Nawalkha

Born to a middle-income family in Jaipur, Ajit Nawalkha grew up sleeping on the floor of a house with 23 other people under one roof...

...and went on to becoming the CEO of Mindvalley, building multiple businesses and coaching and working with some of the world's most famous and successful thought-leaders like Lisa Nichols, Eben Pagan and world-leading enterprises like

The secret to his success?

A non-negotiable commitment to consistent improvement, growth and life-long learning from the best of the best in the coaching field.

Years later, after conquering peak after peak Ajit decided to combined these two elements into Coaching Mastery for you:

So that you, too, can become the thriving, prosperous and impactful coach you deserve to be... Because nothing makes Ajit happier than watching honest, dedicated individuals achieve their dreams; knowing that he played a part in making those dreams come true.



Join LIVE Coaching Calls with Ajit and get support from our global community

To make sure you're ultimately supported on your journey towards mastery, you'll get

  • Monthly LIVE Coaching Calls with Ajit where you will receive answers to your personal questions, feedback on your work and expert guidance on how to overcome your individual roadblocks and challenges. So you'll not only learn from all our masters, but you'll also get direct access to Ajit and his profound knowledge and experience when it comes to coaching and building highly successful businesses. 
  • Global support community of like-minded coaches where you can pretty much be coached by other coaches, share and exchange your experiences, connect with others who are on the same path and be held accountable so that you can reach your goals. We are not promising that the path towards mastery is always an easy one... But it's SO much easier, knowing that you'll never walk alone.

Sounds amazing, right? So, finally let me reveal everything you get when you join us for Coaching Mastery...

Here is exactly what you will get in Coaching Mastery

  • Instant access to a library of Master trainings
    When you join us, you'll get instant access to a library of more than 80+ trainings by our Masters who will let you in on their best-kept secrets to creating a thriving practice... so that you can continually improve all of your important skillsets as a coach.
  • LIVE Coaching Demonstrations by the Masters
    Be a fly on the wall during real-life coaching sessions with our Masters and watch them LIVE as they create breakthroughs and transformations with their clients. This alone is priceless!
  • Every month, you'll get a new training module on coaching and business
    Every month, you'll get a new training module on coaching and business to dramatically improve your self-confidence, harness the latest coaching methodologies, secure new clients... And hold you accountable to consistent improvement!
  • LIVE Call Support and access to your host Ajit Nawalkha
    During our monthly LIVE calls, you'll have access to, direct support and advice from your host Ajit Nawalkha as you move through the journey of mastery.
  • A private, global community of extraordinary coaches
    Forge lifelong friendships and support systems by joining our vibrant community of extraordinary coaches where you get to connect, ask for feedback and input and receive the support you need to thrive. Yes, it's almost like coaching for coaches ;).
  • The most impactful content for coaches at your fingertips
    Coaching Mastery is like an encyclopedia for coaches, where you'll find all the wisdom you need to create a thriving practice and become an extraordinary coach. You can simply pick and choose what area you'd like to focus on as you'll have instant access to all existing trainings... With new content being added for you every month!

What People Say About Coaching Mastery by Evercoach

a woman with brown hair
"...teaching me hands on tools..."

Coaching Mastery nourishes my desire to learn more about transformational coaching by teaching me hands on tools and by encouraging me to have 1:1 coaching conversations with other Coaching Mastery students.

Andrea Lange
Coaching Photographers, San Francisco, USA
a man in a tie
"Coaching Mastery has helped me excel as a mindset development coach..."
Coaching Mastery has helped me excel as a mindset development coach to be more focused through mind, body, and spirit to my guest's intentions on their own Heroic Journey, this way I can reach my own through fierce ambition and driven service towards excellence. It's a course that helps you as a guide from the side be the actual cause that the sage from the stage intended :).
Raymond J. Negron
Mindset Developmental Coach, New York, USA
a woman smiling for the camera
"Coaching Mastery has allowed me to gain not just knowledge but also a lot of confidence..."
Coaching Mastery has allowed me to gain not just knowledge but also a lot of confidence in my work as a coach by having access to the variety of mentors and coaches inside the program.
Martina Sim
Life Coach, Sweden
a person with a red shirt
"I joined mainly for the Coaching Demonstrations by established coaches like Rich and Jason."
I joined Coaching Mastery sometime ago, and I joined mainly for the Coaching Demonstrations by established coaches like Rich and Jason. I knew Rich at the time and I know, if I can watch him coach in real life, I will be able to pick up some wisdoms and techniques that will help with my coaching practice. These Coaching Demonstrations are something that I found is very rare in our industry yet it is one of the best way for coaches to keep learning and master their art of coaching.
Coach KarFei
Peak Performance Coach, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
a person wearing a blue and white hat
"I've started Coaching Mastery wanting to come back to being a coach..."

I want to share with you the process I went through with this month's teaching:

Presence and awareness starts way before you sit in front of a client, it's being true to yourself. Through Monika's words I was able to finally tune into my purpose and understand why coaching hasn't worked for me in the past.

My purpose is co-creation, it shows up everywhere in my life where I let go of other people's rules and find my heart based voice.

In coaching I was trying to follow the rules: make an avatar, qualify your clients, know what you can give them. For me it felt strict and not aligned with wanting to be present and co-create in the moment.

But it's all such important things...

Monika talked about feelings, listening to the butterflies. So I started sharing content on facebook based only on my internal feeling of what is right, and I invited women to come have conversations with me. I was really honest about my fears around going back to coaching and really present in the knowledge that something will happen only if it's aligned with my purpose.

I got so many replies that I started scheduling calls for 3 weeks from now. But I didn't qualify them, how could I know they're a good fit?

Well, something interesting happened. Some of them backed out or hesitated, and I was left only with the ones that really wanted to work with me and that I was excited to work with them.

Will they become paying clients?

I don't know and I don't really care. We will create something amazing together, and I'll get back on track with coaching and I'll learn better the signs of who not to work with.

Hila Marcus
Business Coach, Israel
a woman with her hand on her face
"I tend to approach people differently"

I tend to approach people differently, especially after seeing my own personality and how I am processing each topic. Also, the importance of connection and empathy, the supportive intersubjective space that needs to exist in order to build trust. This is the quintessence of coaching.

Vassiliki Papadatou
Holistic Coach, Athens, Greece;
a person sitting on a snowy mountain
"Coaching Mastery has made me more confident..."

Coaching Mastery has made me more confident in the way I approach my clients. I particularly loved the Boundaries course. I learnt language needles that has improved the relationship I have with my clients.
The group has helped me learn and cross over my own ideas, passed experiences into my new life coaching business. Particularly from my own tennis students that I have crossed over into life coaching packages.

Caleb Paul
Biohacker and Life coach, New Zealand
a man wearing a hat and sunglasses
"Especially excited to learn these in-depth personality traits..."

I was especially excited to learn these in-depth personality traits, and look forward to implementing the tips Neeta and Ajit provided in my coaching practice!

Tony Doyle
Business Coach, USA
a person with the hand on the chest
"...a mindset reengineering that I can succeed at this coaching profession..."

It has opened me up to new possibilities, the experiences of other coaches at different levels, in-depth lessons on several topics I've been curious about, a mindset reengineering that I can succeed at this coaching profession.

Funmi Ayowole
Emotional Wellness Coach Toronto, Canada
a woman with long hair
"I love the way it was presented. It inspired me to create a coaching workshop..."

I totally loved the 3rd module about boundaries. it helped me personally and for my business and I love the way it was presented by Bryan. It inspired me to create a coaching workshop around this topic - which is very relevant for my dream beneficiary: people who are facing exhaustion and burnout. I met beautiful people in the community. With 2 of them I have a beautiful exchange. I didn't create any clients yet but overall I'm happy that I joined the program as I feel things start to move. It's great to see different coaches coach about a specific topic. It makes me more confident in what I do. Myers Briggs gave me more insight about myself and helps to handle clients (and also helps them to understand themselves better). It's great to have a group of coaches I can reach out to and share or get some help.

Karin Gleichner
Consciousness Coach

Enroll Now and Enjoy Bonuses Worth $3,400 for FREE

To support you in truly improving all-important skill sets and areas of your coaching business,
we're throwing in these epic Bonuses as a gift to you:

Bonus 1: Masters Circle

Access 80+ trainings from the best coaches including live coaching demonstrations and in-depth debriefs to build a thriving coaching business and master your coaching skills.

Valued at $1,000

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Bonus 2: Monthly Live Call with Ajit Nawalkha 

Get additional, personal support from Ajit to move past any challenges you face, receive answers to your individual questions and receive expert feedback on your ideas.

Valued at $500 per call

Bonus 3: Booked

Discover the high converting sales system and learn how to sell even your highest-end packages with ease, love and confidence.

Valued at $399

Bonus 4: Beyond 

Learn this effective approach to marketing and branding that leverages your unique personality and allows you to attract your dream clients by staying true to who you are.

Valued at $399

Bonus 5: Amplify

Discover how to run live coaching workshops to delight your audience and position yourself as an authority and expert in your field.

Valued at $399

Bonus 6: Your Keynote

12 steps to finding your message, inspire from stage, and deliver an outstanding keynote presentation guaranteed to get you more visibility, recognition and more awareness for your brand.

Valued at $299

Bonus 7: 3 Dimensional Coaching Methodology 

A proven coaching model to achieve deep transformation and remarkable breakthroughs specifically with the CEOs and leaders of this world.

Valued at $299

Bonus 8: LIVE BIG 21-Day Online Course

A 21-day journey for entrepreneurs to unlock passion and purpose and take practical steps towards making their biggest visions a reality in just 3 weeks.

Valued at $197

Bonus 9: Achiever's Project

11 sessions on achieving high performance and creating success without procrastination or overwhelm.

Valued at $97

And that's not all... You also get:

Special Members Discounts

Get access to our library of Quests and Programs at a discounted price. As a member you enjoy at least $50 off on each Quest or Course in the Evercoach Library.

$50 off/Quest

Year-long Tribe Facilitation

Community support with like-minded peers is a very important aspect of staying motivated and to be held accountable to your goals. We want to support you at every step of the way, which is why we provide guidance and facilitation with each chapter so you can engage, connect, share, and evolve.


Experience Coaching Mastery  100% risk-free

We know that Coaching Mastery offers you the exact training and support you need to create the income and impact of your dreams and become an extraordinary coach... But you don't just have to believe our word.

You can simply join Coaching Mastery now and experience the entire program for 15 full days and get a refund no questions asked - without any risk at all.

Zero dollars, zero risk.

Should you decide that - for whatever reason - Coaching Mastery is not right for you at this time, you can easily cancel your subscription with just a few clicks or refund your first charge within 15 days after you've enrolled.

So basically you can experience one of our highest-rated and most transformative programs at absolutely NO RISK if you say yes and decide to join us today.

Are you ready?

Let's Summarize

Here's Everything Included With Your Enrollment

a couple of laptops with a display on the front
  • Instant access to the complete collection of Evercoach's library of master trainings - more than 80+ trainings, delivered exclusively by the world's top 1% of coaches. Watch as they let you in on their best-kept secrets to creating a thriving practice... so that you can continually improve all of your important skillsets as a coach.

($5,000 Value)

  • Brand new master-trainings released every single month - Get a new training module on coaching and business to dramatically improve your self-confidence, harness the latest coaching methodologies, secure new clients... And hold you accountable to consistent improvement!

($999 Value)

  • LIVE Coaching Demonstrations by the Masters - Be a fly on the wall during real-life coaching sessions with our Masters and watch them LIVE as they create breakthroughs and transformations with their clients. This alone is priceless!

($5000 Value)

  • Monthly LIVE Coaching calls with Evercoach founder, Ajit Nawlakha - Get an exclusive opportunity to hangout with Ajit, one of the world's most sought after business coaches, and ask him anything.

($500 Value)

  • BONUS: Master Circle - Access exclusive interviews Ajit conducted with the world's top coaches, as they let you in on the secrets to their success.

($1000 Value)

  • BONUS: Booked - Discover the high converting sales system and learn how to sell even your highest-end packages with ease, love and confidence.

($399 Value)

  • BONUS: Beyond - Learn this effective approach to marketing and branding that leverages your unique personality and allows you to attract your dream clients by staying true to who you are.

($399 Value)

  • BONUS: Amplify - Discover how to run live coaching workshops to delight your audience and position yourself as an authority and expert in your field.

($399 Value)

  • BONUS: Your Keynote - 12 steps to finding your message, inspire from stage, and deliver an outstanding keynote presentation guaranteed to get you more visibility, recognition and more awareness for your brand.

($299 Value)

  • BONUS: 3 Dimensional Coaching Methodology - A proven coaching model to achieve deep transformation and remarkable breakthroughs specifically with the CEOs and leaders of this world.

($299 Value)

  • BONUS: LIVE BIG 21-Day Online Course - A 21-day journey for entrepreneurs to unlock passion and purpose and take practical steps towards making their biggest visions a reality in just 3 weeks.

($197 Value)

  • BONUS: Achiever's Project - 11 sessions on achieving high performance and creating success without procrastination or overwhelm.

($97 Value)

  • BONUS: Member-only special discounts - Get access to our library of Quests and Programs at a discounted price. As a member you enjoy at least $50 off on each Quest or Course in the Evercoach Library.
  • BONUS: A supporting, motivating community - Get the guidance and support you need to turn your dream coaching business a reality.

(Value: Priceless)

Total Program Value $14,588

Total Investment Only $49/Month

Click Below To Upgrade Your Order, Now

Upgrade To Join "Coaching Mastery" Now For Only $99  $49,

And Get An 50% Discount, As Well As An Incredible Bonus Bundle To Help You Become An Extraordinary Coach And Turn Your Dream Business And Lifestyle Into A Reality... FREE!

Click On Either On The Buttons Below To Either Upgrade Your Order, Now, Or To Skip This Step.


Don't Decide Now. Try It 100% Risk-Free.

Remember you don't have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE.

Go through the materials for 15 days risk-free from the start of the Quest, and decide whether to keep it. If you're not over-the-moon with your results, simply give yourself a quick refund at

Join now to test-drive the program today.

Frequently asked questions

How will Coaching Mastery enable me to create clients and start or reignite my coaching business?

Coaching Mastery gives you access to the best coaching insights and training from 50+ masterful coaches, along with coaching demonstrations and live support calls with Ajit Nawalkha every month. When you commit to Coaching Mastery, you'll have all the resources and support you need to upgrade any aspect of your coaching skills. With better skills, accountability, and support, you'll notice a shift in how you can create powerful results. This shift can be the spark you need to enroll clients with clarity, courage, and confidence to expand your business. As your clients experience transformative results, they are more likely to recommend you to others too. To support your coaching business, we have 9 bonuses to teach you sales, workshop hosting and many more things.

Does it work for any niche of coaching?

Yes, Coaching Mastery can help you continually improve your coaching skills in any niche so you can create deeper connections and transformative results that last. When you join, you?ll have unlimited access to the best coaching insights and training from 50+ masterful coaches from various niches. This will give you the opportunity to learn the best coaching tools that can apply to any niche, as well as be able to hone in to learn from a specific coach who?s close to your niche.

How do I know you have content relevant to my coaching niche?

We are 100% confident that Coaching Mastery will be able to meet the learning and development needs of any coaching niche. That?s why we?re offering a free 10-day trial. Try it out risk-free for 10 days, and if you believe it does not fulfill your needs, you can drop us an email or cancel your subscription.

Will I be able to learn a specific coaching skill?

Coaching Mastery gives you access to the best coaching insights and training from 50+ masterful coaches. This means you?ll have the opportunity to develop a wide variety of coaching skills. You can choose to learn principle-based coaching with Michael Neill, deep listening with Rich Litvin, self-coaching with Marissa Peer, or creating profound breakthroughs with Jason Goldberg, and so much more!

What will happen during the first 10 days of my trial?

During your free 10-day trial, you will be able to watch as many training videos inside Coaching Mastery as you like?there is no limit. This will give you a risk-free period to try it out, experience results, and decide if it?s the right fit for you.

Who is this program for?

Coaching Mastery by Evercoach is created for anybody who recognises the value of coaching and wants to bring it into their life. It is for the beginner coach struggling to get a consistent stream of clients, as well as the seasoned coach who has hit a plateau and feels frustrated or lost on how to move forward and reignite their coaching business.

Why is this program so affordable, while others cost thousands of dollars?

The reason is simple ? we believe that learning should be accessible for everyone and that coaches are an important part to our global education system. By keeping the price as low as we can we hope to enable as many coaches as possible to become better at their craft and bring transformation to their own and their clients? lives.

What's the refund policy for Coaching Mastery by Evercoach?

Coaching Mastery by Evercoach is an ongoing journey, that should provide you with everything you need to become a really great coach. This is why, you have 10 days to try it for FREE and see the results for yourself. After the 10 days you invest a small annual amount to further keep access to the program, continue your journey and deepen your mastery. Since you have 10 days to try it out, there is no refund after that. Instead you can cancel your subscription at any time if you feel to do so.

What People Say About Coaching Mastery by Evercoach

Dora Baret with the mouth open
"The content is extraordinary."

The content is extraordinary. The navigation between the chapters, videos, and PDFs is seamless. I worked 13 years as an instructor for an online university. At the time we had top of the line technology. It is exciting to see how MindValley has far exceeded those learning systems!

Janna Cleague
Life Coach, Belgium
a woman holding a bag
"The content is incredible, so much value."

The content is incredible, so much value. I've already had multiple collaborations with the coaches in the Coaching Mastery community. The content around Awareness and Presence was amazing. Also the regular kick-in the butt to keep moving really helps and the Live Calls with Ajit are the extra on top. I also like that I have a facilitator in this program. Someone I can reach out to at anytime. The group support and accountability in the tribe is really amazing. I'm very glad I joined this program.

Dijana Llugolli
Success & Business Coach, Stockholm, Sweden
Nancy Soderberg taking a selfie
"The best thing I ever did was join Coaching Mastery"

I have a full time job on the side, so it's very helpful for me to have the audios and sessions downloadable so I can listen on the go and when I commute. There's so much great content I can dive into whenever I like. The community has also been super helpful for me since I joined. There are people from all over the world who share their experiences, their successes, failures and opinions. The best thing I ever did was join Coaching Mastery.

Shari Lodge Williams
Beginner Coach, Summerville, South Carolina, USA
a man wearing sunglasses
"Now I am a career coach."

Thank you Ajit for putting me on a course of action that is starting to come together nicely. Now I am a career coach, a business startup coach and a scaling up coach - with a common thread to helping people become their best selves. The catalyst was your comment that I should focus on my strengths and experiences and focus my coaching along that path. I have now run several workshops and working hard on re-establishing relationships in the corporate world to deliver real change there, integrating coaching skills with consulting tools and processes.

Graham Honeywill
a woman with brown hair
"...teaching me hands on tools..."

Coaching Mastery nourishes my desire to learn more about transformational coaching by teaching me hands on tools and by encouraging me to have 1:1 coaching conversations with other Coaching Mastery students.

Andrea Lange
Coaching Photographers, San Francisco, USA
a man in a tie
"Coaching Mastery has helped me excel as a mindset development coach..."
Coaching Mastery has helped me excel as a mindset development coach to be more focused through mind, body, and spirit to my guest's intentions on their own Heroic Journey, this way I can reach my own through fierce ambition and driven service towards excellence. It's a course that helps you as a guide from the side be the actual cause that the sage from the stage intended :).
Raymond J. Negron
Mindset Developmental Coach, New York, USA
a woman smiling for the camera
"Coaching Mastery has allowed me to gain not just knowledge but also a lot of confidence..."
Coaching Mastery has allowed me to gain not just knowledge but also a lot of confidence in my work as a coach by having access to the variety of mentors and coaches inside the program.
Martina Sim
Life Coach, Sweden
a person with a red shirt
"I've started Coaching Mastery wanting to come back to being a coach..."
I joined Coaching Mastery sometime ago, and I joined mainly for the Coaching Demonstrations by established coaches like Rich and Jason. I knew Rich at the time and I know, if I can watch him coach in real life, I will be able to pick up some wisdoms and techniques that will help with my coaching practice. These Coaching Demonstrations are something that I found is very rare in our industry yet it is one of the best way for coaches to keep learning and master their art of coaching.
Coach KarFei
Peak Performance Coach, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
a person wearing a blue and white hat
"I've started Coaching Mastery wanting to come back to being a coach..."

I want to share with you the process I went through with this month's teaching:

Presence and awareness starts way before you sit in front of a client, it's being true to yourself. Through Monika's words I was able to finally tune into my purpose and understand why coaching hasn't worked for me in the past.

My purpose is co-creation, it shows up everywhere in my life where I let go of other people's rules and find my heart based voice.

In coaching I was trying to follow the rules: make an avatar, qualify your clients, know what you can give them. For me it felt strict and not aligned with wanting to be present and co-create in the moment.

But it's all such important things...

Monika talked about feelings, listening to the butterflies. So I started sharing content on facebook based only on my internal feeling of what is right, and I invited women to come have conversations with me. I was really honest about my fears around going back to coaching and really present in the knowledge that something will happen only if it's aligned with my purpose.

I got so many replies that I started scheduling calls for 3 weeks from now. But I didn't qualify them, how could I know they're a good fit?

Well, something interesting happened. Some of them backed out or hesitated, and I was left only with the ones that really wanted to work with me and that I was excited to work with them.

Will they become paying clients?

I don't know and I don't really care. We will create something amazing together, and I'll get back on track with coaching and I'll learn better the signs of who not to work with.

Hila Marcus
Business Coach, Israel
a woman with her hand on her face
"I tend to approach people differently"

I tend to approach people differently, especially after seeing my own personality and how I am processing each topic. Also, the importance of connection and empathy, the supportive intersubjective space that needs to exist in order to build trust. This is the quintessence of coaching.

Vassiliki Papadatou
Holistic Coach, Athens, Greece;

Here's Everything Included With Your Enrollment

a couple of laptops with a display on the front
  • Instant access to the complete collection of Evercoach's library of master trainings - more than 80+ trainings, delivered exclusively by the world's top 1% of coaches. Watch as they let you in on their best-kept secrets to creating a thriving practice... so that you can continually improve all of your important skillsets as a coach.

($5,000 Value)

  • Brand new master-trainings released every single month - Get a new training module on coaching and business to dramatically improve your self-confidence, harness the latest coaching methodologies, secure new clients... And hold you accountable to consistent improvement!

($999 Value)

  • LIVE Coaching Demonstrations by the Masters - Be a fly on the wall during real-life coaching sessions with our Masters and watch them LIVE as they create breakthroughs and transformations with their clients. This alone is priceless!

($5000 Value)

  • Monthly LIVE Coaching calls with Evercoach founder, Ajit Nawlakha - Get an exclusive opportunity to hangout with Ajit, one of the world's most sought after business coaches, and ask him anything.

($500 Value)

  • BONUS: Master Circle - Access exclusive interviews Ajit conducted with the world's top coaches, as they let you in on the secrets to their success.

($1000 Value)

  • BONUS: Booked - Discover the high converting sales system and learn how to sell even your highest-end packages with ease, love and confidence.

($399 Value)

  • BONUS: Beyond - Learn this effective approach to marketing and branding that leverages your unique personality and allows you to attract your dream clients by staying true to who you are.

($399 Value)

  • BONUS: Amplify - Discover how to run live coaching workshops to delight your audience and position yourself as an authority and expert in your field.

($399 Value)

  • BONUS: Your Keynote - 12 steps to finding your message, inspire from stage, and deliver an outstanding keynote presentation guaranteed to get you more visibility, recognition and more awareness for your brand.

($299 Value)

  • BONUS: 3 Dimensional Coaching Methodology - A proven coaching model to achieve deep transformation and remarkable breakthroughs specifically with the CEOs and leaders of this world.

($299 Value)

  • BONUS: LIVE BIG 21-Day Online Course - A 21-day journey for entrepreneurs to unlock passion and purpose and take practical steps towards making their biggest visions a reality in just 3 weeks.

($197 Value)

  • BONUS: Achiever's Project - 11 sessions on achieving high performance and creating success without procrastination or overwhelm.

($97 Value)

  • BONUS: Member-only special discounts - Get access to our library of Quests and Programs at a discounted price. As a member you enjoy at least $50 off on each Quest or Course in the Evercoach Library.
  • BONUS: A supporting, motivating community - Get the guidance and support you need to turn your dream coaching business a reality.

(Value: Priceless)

Total Program Value $14,588

Total Investment Only $49/Month

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a woman with long hair

Kristi Anier

Customer Happiness Manager

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