October 30, 2020
In this episode, Ajit Nawalkha has a really inspiring conversation with Natalie Ellis, co-founder of BossBabe™. Natalie shares so…
In this episode, Ajit Nawalkha has a really inspiring conversation with Natalie Ellis, co-founder of BossBabe™. Natalie shares some valued tips about managing social media in a way that doesn’t consume your entire day. Having a strong presence on social media is a really essential step for coaches nowadays in order to attract clients and Natalie shares all her knowledge about it.
“It’s about getting so clear on your ideal client that you understand the inside and out.” – Natalie Ellis
Natalie also talks about the appropriate mindset to keep your revenue in check when working with social media, how to shape yourself from others and generate a distinctive account, and how to grow an audience simply by connecting with people and creating consistently.
“For me, I really care a lot more about creation and curation than I do consumption.” – Natalie Ellis
About Natalie Ellis
How Natalie developed her entrepreneurial side.
Natalie shares how she paused her career for 6 months.
The consequences of that pause on her revenue.
Natalie’s most valuable tips about social media.
The right mindset to grow your audience.
Standing out in a crowd.
Where to find Natalie.
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