Discover How to Enroll New Clients While Feeling Congruent to Your Values and Mission as a Coach

Join sales expert Lindsay Wilson as she reveals her unique sales system that sold over $50 Million with integrity, honesty and love - and how you can replicate it for your own business.

A Proven System

The exact words Lindsay uses in all her sales conversions which helped her sell over $50 Million.

Heartfelt Sales

Discover how Lindsay sells with integrity, honesty and love - and how you can replicate it for yourself.

Shortcut Growth

Use Lindsay's experience with over 50,000 sales conversations & leverage her learnings for your own benefit

Become An Expert

Margaret will share the most important scientific advances on human motivation and transformation

Create Holistic Impact

Become the coach who can create lasting impact for your clients in all areas of their lives.

Enroll Clients Easily

When you can showcase how your expertise is backed by leading scientific research, you'll earn more trust and credibility.


  • How to leverage your coaching skills and natural gifts to lead high-converting sales conversations without being salesy or manipulative
  • The exact sentences Lindsay used in 50,000 sales conversations that will create results no matter what you’re selling and no matter at what price
  • 10 things to say to save a sale - even if you think you’re the worst salesperson in the world or have resistance towards sales
  • Why creating a deep emotional connection with your prospects is 50% of your sales (and how to do it without being pushy)
  • How to speak to your prospect’s deepest pain and the one question you need to ask to transform them into buying clients
  • The red flags of how to spot that someone’s not going to buy from you anyway and how to let the wrong prospects go with ease
  • Why objections are not real and how to “pre-handle” them so that you can sell even your highest priced packages with ease
  • How to move your prospects out of fear and take them on a transformational journey that basically closes the sale for you
By the end of this FREE training, you’ll have the confidence needed to improve your closing rate in any sales conversations you have moving forward.
Lindsay Wilson sharing her sales secrets at Evercoach Summit.
Lindsay regularly holds small group masterminds for sales specialists.


Ajit Nawalkha with his arms crossed

Ajit Nawalkha

Co-Founder & CEO Evercoach by Mindvalley

Lindsay Wilson

25 Years Sales Experience & Over $50 Million in Sales


RSVP to Discover How To Sell While Keeping Your Integrity & Serve at the Highest Level

This masterclass is absolutely FREE and plays in your local time


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