Your personal invitation to join a one-off, LIVE event that will reveal how you can create lasting breakthroughs 100 times faster
You’re invited to attend a one-off, LIVE event that will catapult your coaching income into the next level
Discover a powerful tool to help your clients break limiting patterns and create permanent change...
...By getting to the root of their real issues, and working with their subconscious minds to rewire their neural pathways forever

An Exclusive, Live Event:
Join Evercoach founder, Ajit Nawalkha as he reveals the science behind hypnotherapy..
..And why it's the most transformative and powerful tool you can have in your coaching toolkit to create permanent shifts for your clients. You'll also experience first-hand, a powerful hypnosis exercise that you can start using immediately.
An Exclusive, Live Event:
Join Evercoach founder, Ajit Nawalkha, as he reveals the 3 core elements responsible for income stagnations...
..and the one key for creating financial affluence and a future-proof wealth, without sacrificing your lifestyle
Friday, October 21th
8 am PST | 5 pm CET

Students Enrolled

6 hours

Stories On Mindvalley
This one-off event will transform
your business & career. Here’s how:
This one-off event will transform your business & career. Here’s how:
Understand what hypnotherapy really is and why it's the most powerful tool to create lasting change
When you understand the science behind how this powerful tool works, you'll see why it's the most effective and shortest path to creating new neural pathways that can fast-track your way into becoming the most optimal version of yourself
Learn why having direct access to your client's subconscious mind is way more powerful than traditional coaching methods
Yes, you can have 10 coaching sessions with a person and finally hit a breakthrough that creates a permanent shift. But what if there's a better way. A way where you can go directly to the root of your clients' problem and rewrite the old pattern forever in much lesser time and with a much higher success rate.
Breaking common myths around what happens in a hypnotherapy session
Will you be conscious? Does it work for everyone? Are there any side effects? Do I need to be a therapist? Break common myths around hypnotherapy and get answers to all these questions and more.
Learn a powerful hypnosis exercise that you can start using immediately
Get first hand experience on how powerful hypnosis can be with a short exercise that you can use any time you feel anxious, nervous, or stressed.
What life can look like when you add this powerful tool to your coaching tool-box
Imagine being able to over-deliver on your clients’ expectations every single time by creating a holistic transformation in their lives which even they wouldn’t have deemed possible. This spiritually and financially rewarding life as a coach is awaiting you at the other end of this 90-minute training.
By the end of this live webinar...
You’ll have a complete understanding of how to help your clients break out of the repeating patterns that keeps them stuck ...
...that will put you ahead of 99% of the coaches in the world, and accelerate your coaching success.
Meet Your Trainer: Ajit Nawalkha
Meet Your Trainer:
Ajit Nawalkha
Ajit Nawalkha has trained thousands of people to impact lives through the power of coaching. He serves as the master coach for founders and CEOs behind a variety of brands in the human evolution and education space.
He is the co-founder of Evercoach: a global coaching education center that serves over 150,000 coaches around the world. Over the past decade, Ajit has committed to empowering entrepreneurs, coaches, and personal growth students to design lives, businesses, and missions with a greater purpose.

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