Take your coaching business to the next level...

Grow Your Coaching Business in 4 Weeks & Create a Fully Booked Practice

Ajit Nawalkha, Co-founder of Evercoach and Co-author of the bestseller The Book of Coaching, invites you to join him on a unique 4-week quest to learn the tools that will help you grow your coaching business without the need for sales funnels or ads

4 Weeks


Dec, 21


4 Weeks


Dec, 21


The demand for coaching is growing rapidly and it's now a $2 billion industry. So why do you find it so hard to consistently find clients?
Perhaps you're new to coaching. You've honed your coaching skills and laid down the foundations of your business, and you want to know how to start getting clients.
Or you could be a seasoned coach, but you're overwhelmed by the complex funnels and a confusing website that hasn't really been working for you to generate leads.
Whichever your situation, you're tired of trying to figure out how to grow your coaching business.
You may even start having doubts: Maybe the coaching market is just too saturated. Maybe it will take years to build presence and be recognized as an authority. Maybe I'm just not one of the lucky ones to make it big. 
Luckily, none of these things are true.
Here's the REAL reason you've been struggling to grow your coaching business, and the empowering ACTIONS you can take to consistently create a steady stream of clients and the income you desire.
Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat
Ajit Nawalkha
a blue circle with white stars

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There is More Than Meets the Eye

The challenge you face is not external. It's not about the market. It's not about timing. It's not about luck.

The challenge is within yourself.

This isn't a criticism. Every coach faces this internal challenge, and it happens because there's a wide-spread myth that having coaching skills is enough to become a successful coach.

There's also a myth that you can be a successful coach if you're simply nice, helpful and popular.

It's not surprising these myths exist. After all, when we see other highly-successful coaches, they're all highly-skilled, nice, helpful, and popular.

But these qualities are just the tip of the iceberg. They are the results that rise up to the visible surface. They are not required to become a successful coach.

Trying to replicate these qualities from the outside-in by spending hours a week working on websites or the latest hyped-up social media strategy will be frustrating and time-consuming because it's simply not meant to work this way!

After all, an iceberg is not created from the top-down.

There are many more elements under the surface, from clarity and mindsets, to systems and strategies which when you dive deep and learn to master,  will provide you with a solid structure so your success as a coach can rise up to the surface.

Ajit Nawalkha invites you to take things to the next level and start creating consistency in your business that'll keep you fully booked. Scroll down to get a glimpse of the kind of results you can expect when you join this 4-week quest to Grow Your Coaching Business.

Grow Your Coaching Business Quest is Your Path to Build a Purposeful Coaching Business with a Thriving Income and Lifestyle

By the end of your 4-week Quest, you will:

logo, icon

Grow Your Coaching Business at a Massive Speed

Rather than do it the slow, "normal" way all your competitors are doing it


Design Truly Irresistible Packages

Learn the secret to packages that practically sell themselves and make enrolling clients a breeze


Create Consistent Income

Create a consistent flow of clients so your coaching business can virtually start generating the revenue you've always wanted


Develop A Solid Business Plan

Switch confusion and experimentation with unstoppable clarity of who you will serve, how you will grow your business, and the action steps to achieve your impact goals


Develop An Unstoppable Mindset

End self-sabotage, set and achieve measurable goals, and build a sustainable business that will upgrade your life forever


Create Instant Authority And Build A Loyal Fan-Base.. Fast

Even if you're a brand new coach, and without having to use "sales funnels" or spend money on facebook ads

Can I Really Have a Fully Booked Successful Practice, Even If I Just Started My Coaching Business?

You don't need years of experience or thousands of social media followers to get a fully booked coaching practice and an income you desire. You don't even need to be an online marketing expert.

Marketing is always important. After all your clients need to be able to find you. And yet, without having any marketing experience there are other strategies to reach out to your clients and fill your practice, without the need to be an expert in marketing. So how can you make it work.

The first step is diving deep into build upon these elements that have been fundamental in helping every successful coach attract their ideal client and become an authority in their field:

  1. Clarity of audience
  2. Clarity of results
  3. Clarity of offer

The second step is sticking to a tried and tested proven path that has helped thousands of coaches grow their business:

  1. Attract your ideal client
  2. Engage, serve and propose
  3. Take consistent action to grow your business

That's why Grow Your Coaching Business Quest has been designed to help you develop the most essential elements, mindsets, systems and structures to grow your coaching business in just 60-90 minutes a week, so...

  • You don't need to invest in marketing courses to turn yourself into a marketing expert (which means you can stick to what you do best: coaching!).
  • You don't waste a lot of time and energy trying to figure things out on your own through trial and error instead, you'll discover an enjoyable way to grow your coaching business without burning out and without having to sacrifice personal time.
  • You don't need to be famous or popular with a social media following of thousands to get a fully-booked coaching practice.

All you need to do is spend 10-20 minutes a day building the fundamental elements and following the proven path to coaching success, which Ajit identified after studying and working with the most successful coaches in the world.

Now, imagine if instead of spending hours a week working on your website or social media posts, or trying to learn and implement the next fancy marketing funnel.

You redirected that energy to spend 10-20 minutes a day on proven mindsets, systems and strategies to grow your coaching business...

So by the end of your 4-week Grow Your Coaching Business Quest, you have the solid structures of a successful coaching business that generates a steady stream of clients, income, impact and fulfillment.

Here's Exactly What You'll Learn During This Four-Week Program

Week 0: Before You Start - Gain Unstoppable Clarity

  • How to finally find absolute clarity on what you want, and exactly where you want to take your business
  • How to eliminate self-sabotage, and turn your personal roadblocks to stepping stones that will help you create the business and life you want.
  • Say goodbye to frustrations in your business. Discover the tools that will help you navigate different stages and daily challenges of business.

By the time the program begins:

You'll have a clear vision of what you'd like to achieve in the 4 weeks we have together, so you can escape the indecision, and move forward with confidence.

Week 1: Develop A Solid Business Plan To Help Grow Your Coaching Business FAST

  • Figure out exactly what type of client you'll enjoy most to work with, so you can create irresistible packages and enroll client effortlessly.
  • Why you should never create a package you THINK your client wants. Craft your offer so it becomes irresistible for your clients. with an irresistible offer you are likely to have more clients say "YES" to you.
  • How to become completely un-ignorable, and stand out in a crowd of "samies" (even in a super- competitive and over-saturated market)
  • What do if you don't know how to create a package that is clear and measurable. Learn how to define the measurable results of what your clients will achieve with your offer, so they have a clear roadmap when they start working with you.
  • The 6 outrageously profitable coaching-package types that will allow you to craft a massively-profitable suit of services, while scaling your business beyond your wildest dreams
  • And more...

By the time the program begins:

You'll have a solid, clear, step-by-step business plan that you can follow confidently knowing you will, without a doubt, reach your goal.

Week 2: Craft Irresistible Packages That Practically Sell Themselves

  • Say goodbye to struggles about money and generate more revenue right away with improved coaching packages that offer the right value to those you serve.
  • How to eliminate insecurity in your business. Create a detailed offer, from time frames, to outline of outcomes and content delivery. Creating a detailed offer will help your clients make decisions faster.
  • The truth about making a confident offer. Learn simple ways to gain the confidence to offer your packages without undervaluing yourself, and move you towards the vision you hold for yourself and your coaching business.
  • Get an exclusive peek behind the scenes of some of the world's best coaching packages, and exactly how they helped brand new coaches (who started from scratch) to build up a successful coaching practice fast
  • Discover the 5 hidden truths that will allow you to make your offer in a confident and authentic way, and that will immediately eliminate the imposter syndrome that keeps you stuck and playing small
  • How to show your potential clients PROOF of the results you can give them.. even if you're a brand new coach!
  • And more...

Week 3: Create Instant Authority And Build A Loyal Fan-Base (Even If You're A Brand New Coach)

  • Are you packages not selling? Learn the secret to discovering exactly what your customers want to buy (so you can create be confident your package will sell out.. even before you've created it!
  • How to find the right clients for you. Find the "new" way of finding prospects that can't help but scream "YES!" to your offer.
  • Discover 6 strategies to create clients who are ready and excited to work with you. These strategies have been battle tested and have worked every single time.
  • The 3 advanced strategies (used exclusively by the top coaches in the industry) that will attract premium-paying clients who are excited to work with you.
  • The truth about online marketing. Find the key to making yourself instantly visible to the right clients you want to attract AND connect with.
  • And so much more...

Week 4: How To Sell-Out Your Calendar

  • Why you don't need to be genius at sales to have a fully-booked practice (after this - you will never struggle with sales again!)
  • There are ONLY three parts to propose your offer to your client. This same process has helped me sell hundreds of thousands in coaching services and will help you do the same.
  • Struggling to get people to say "Yes" to your offer? Discover the ONE key mistake you're most likely making right now, and that is making your clients run for the hills!
  • One, stupidly-simple mindset shift that will make sure you'll never be afraid to get on a sales call again. (This one is worth TEN TIMES the entire investment in this program!)
  • The truth about 'Closing'. Learn the art and science of closing the conversation and getting your client to ask: "Where do I sign up, NOW?"
  • How to cut the time you spend on sales call in half, and instantly recognize the prospects that are most likely to say yes (even if you've never talked to them before!) This strategy will reduce the amount of time you invest in sales conversations.
  • How to talk so your clients listen and take action. (This is the secret to signing up clients in a way that feels so natural, it doesn't even feel like selling!)
  • And so much more...

Week 0: Before You Start - Gain Unstoppable Clarity

  • How to finally find absolute clarity on what you want, and exactly where you want to take your business
  • How to eliminate self-sabotage, and turn your personal roadblocks to stepping stones that will help you create the business and life you want.
  • Say goodbye to frustrations in your business. Discover the tools that will help you navigate different stages and daily challenges of business.

By the time the program begins:

You'll have a clear vision of what you'd like to achieve in the 4 weeks we have together, so you can escape the indecision, and move forward with confidence.

Week 1: Develop A Solid Business Plan To Help Grow Your Coaching Business FAST

  • Figure out exactly what type of client you'll enjoy most to work with, so you can create irresistible packages and enroll client effortlessly.
  • Why you should never create a package you THINK your client wants. Craft your offer so it becomes irresistible for your clients. with an irresistible offer you are likely to have more clients say YES to you.
  • How to become completely un-ignorable, and stand out in a crowd of samies. (even in a super- competitive and over-saturated market)
  • What do if you don't know how to create a package that is clear and measurable. Learn how to define the measurable results of what your clients will achieve with your offer, so they have a clear roadmap when they start working with you.
  • The 6 outrageously profitable coaching-package types that will allow you to craft a massively-profitable suit of services, while scaling your business beyond your wildest dreams
  • And more...

By the time the program begins:

You'll have a solid, clear, step-by-step business plan that you can follow confidently knowing you will, without a doubt, reach your goal.

Week 2: Craft Irresistible Packages That Practically Sell Themselves

  • Say goodbye to struggles about money and generate more revenue right away with improved coaching packages that offer the right value to those you serve.
  • How to eliminate insecurity in your business. Create a detailed offer, from time frames, to outline of outcomes and content delivery. Creating a detailed offer will help your clients make decisions faster.
  • The truth about making a confident offer. Learn simple ways to gain the confidence to offer your packages without undervaluing yourself, and move you towards the vision you hold for yourself and your coaching business.
  • Get an exclusive peek behind the scenes of some of the world's best coaching packages, and exactly how they helped brand new coaches (who started from scratch) to build up a successful coaching practice fast
  • Discover the 5 hidden truths that will allow you to make your offer in a confident and authentic way, and that will immediately eliminate the imposter syndrome, that keeps you stuck and playing small
  • How to show your potential clients PROOF of the results you can give them? even if you're a brand new coach!
  • And more...

Week 3: Create Instant Authority And Build A Loyal Fan-Base (Even If You're A Brand New Coach)

  • Are you packages not selling? Learn the secret to discovering exactly what your customers want to buy (so you can create be confident your package will sell out even before you've created it!
  • How to find the right clients for you. Find the "new" way of finding prospects that can't help but scream "YES!" to your offer.
  • Discover 6 strategies to create clients who are ready and excited to work with you. These strategies have been battle tested and have worked every single time.
  • The 3 advanced strategies (used exclusively by the top coaches in the industry) that will attract premium-paying clients who are excited to work with you.
  • The truth about online marketing. Find the key to making yourself instantly visible to the right clients you want to attract AND connect with.
  • And so much more...

Week 4: How To Sell-Out Your Calendar

  • Why you don't need to be genius at sales to have a fully-booked practice (after this - you will never struggle with sales again!)
  • There are ONLY three parts to propose your offer to your client. This same process has helped me sell hundreds of thousands in coaching services and will help you do the same.
  • Struggling to get people to say Yes to your offer? Discover the ONE key mistake you're most likely making right now, and that is making your clients run for the hills!
  • One, stupidly-simple mindset shift that will make sure you'll never be afraid to get on a sales call again. (This one is worth TEN TIMES the entire investment in this program!)
  • The truth about 'Closing'. Learn the art and science of closing the conversation and getting your client to ask: Where do I sign up, NOW.
  • How to cut the time you spend on sales call in half, and instantly recognize the prospects that are most likely to say yes (even if you've never talked to them before!) This strategy will reduce the amount of time you invest in sales conversations.
  • How to talk so your clients listen and take action. (This is the secret to signing up clients in a way that feels so natural, it doesn't even feel like selling!)
  • And so much more...

Enroll Now, And Get These Additional Business Training Programs, Masterclasses And Tools, FREE!

Bonus #1:

Attend coaching sessions with Ajit

Catch up on some of Ajit's best coaching call recordings, where he tackles some of the hardest and most challenging questions the 'Grow Your Coaching Business' student threw at him.

(Value: $495)  Included with your tuition

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop
Bonus #2:

Write and publish your first book

Join best-selling author, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, as she shows you exactly how to stand out from the crowd and create instant authority by publishing your own bestselling book.

(Value: $595)  Included with your tuition

a woman smiling for the camera
Bonus #3:

Get more out of yourself and your business

Do you have big plans and even bigger dreams, but absolutely no idea how you're going to make it a reality?

In this closed-door training, Michael Neil, One of the world's most recognized master-coaches, reveals how to maximize your potential and achieve the impossible.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

a man smiling for the picture
Bonus #4:

Build a transformative business

What if you could use your business to not only create abundance and financial freedom, but to also, literally, change the world and impact millions of lives?

In this closed doors training, Mindvalley founder, Vishen Lakhiani, will take you through the 8 keys that helped Mindvalley become a global phenomenon that impacts millions of lives all over the world.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Vishen Lakhiani with a beard
Bonus #5:

Architect a competition proof business

Do you feel like you're drowning in an over-saturated market of coaching "samies" - who all do the exact same thing?
Join world-renowned coach, Jason Goldberg, as he guides you through creating a powerful brand that will stand out from the crowd.

(Value: $249)  Included with your tuition

a person in a suit and tie
Bonus #6:

Find your voice and develop effortless charisma

Do you struggle finding your voice, and communicating with charisma?
Join Lisa Nicols, one of the world's most influential coaches, as she guides you through finding your unique communication style, so you can capture the attention and hearts of your ideal clients with ease.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Lisa Nichols in a colorful dress
Bonus #7:

Give your clients an unforgettable experience

In this closed-doors masterclass, Marisa Murgatroyd shares exactly how to turn your "regular offers" into mind blowing experiences that will keep your clients talking... and raving about you to all their friends and network!

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Marisa Murgatroyd smiling for the camera
Bonus #8:

10x your business and impact

Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's most coveted business-trainings, as he guides you through six break-through strategies that helped X10 his business growth in record time

(Value: $249)  Included with your tuition

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat
Bonus #9:

Heart-centered enrollment and effortless selling

Is selling not your thing? Join Lindsay Wilson as she discovered a brand new and heart centered way to enroll clients with ease... without ever feeling like you're "selling" to them.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

a woman with blonde hair
Bonus #10:

The incredible business machine

Business in the digital age can quickly turn into an overwhelming experience that will leave you paralyzed and desperate for clarity.

Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's all-time best masterclasses where he shows you exactly how to navigate the fast, ever-changing world of online business, and determine what are the few, key actions you need to focus on to bring your business to new heights

(Value: $495)  Included with your tuition

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat
Bonus #11:

Find your media matrix

We live in the greatest era of human development, and the technological opportunities to grow your business are almost incomprehensible.

Join Jessica Nazarali as she guides you on how to scale your business faster than ever during this digital revolution.

(Value: $249)  Included with your tuition

Jessica Nazarali wearing a necklace
Bonus #12:

Create success moving forward

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information you consume?

In this special masterclass, Ajit shares some of the key psychological and behavioral changes to help you turn anything you learn into immediate action.. Without wasting time feeling overwhelmed.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat

Enroll Now, And Get These Additional Business Training Programs, Masterclasses And Tools, FREE!

Bonus #1:

Coaching sessions with Ajit

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Catch up on some of Ajit's best coaching call recordings, where he tackles some of the hardest and most challenging questions the 'Grow Your Coaching Business' student threw at him.

(Value: $495)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #2:

Write and publish your first book

a woman smiling for the camera

Join best-selling author, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, as she shows you exactly how to stand out from the crowd and create instant authority by publishing your own bestselling book.

(Value: $595)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #3:

Get more out of yourself and your business

a man smiling for the picture

Do you have big plans and even bigger dreams, but absolutely no idea how you're going to make it a reality?

In this closed-door training, Michael Neil, One of the world's most recognized master-coaches, reveals how to maximize your potential and achieve the impossible.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #4:

Build a transformative business

Vishen Lakhiani with a beard

What if you could use your business to not only create abundance and financial freedom, but to also, literally, change the world and impact millions of lives?

In this closed doors training, Mindvalley founder, Vishen Lakhiani, will take you through the 8 keys that helped Mindvalley become a global phenomenon that impacts millions of lives all over the world.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #5:

Architect a competition proof business

a person in a suit and tie

Do you feel like you're drowning in an over-saturated market of coaching "samies" - who all do the exact same thing?

Join world-renowned coach, Jason Goldberg, as he guides you through creating a powerful brand that will stand out from the crowd.

(Value: $249)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #6:

Find your voice and develop effortless charisma

Lisa Nichols in a colorful dress

Do you struggle finding your voice, and communicating with charisma?

Join Lisa Nicols, one of the world's most influential coaches, as she guides you through finding your unique communication style, so you can capture the attention and hearts of your ideal clients with ease.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #7:

Give your clients an unforgettable experience

Marisa Murgatroyd smiling for the camera

In this closed-doors masterclass, Marisa Murgatroyd shares exactly how to turn your "regular offers" into mind blowing experiences that will keep your clients talking... and raving about you to all their friends and network!

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #8:

10x your business and impact

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat

Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's most coveted business-trainings, as he guides you through six break-through strategies that helped X10 his business growth in record time

(Value: $249)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #9:

Heart-centered enrollment and effortless selling

a woman with blonde hair

Is selling not your thing? Join Lindsay Wilson as she discovered a brand new and heart centered way to enroll clients with ease... without ever feeling like you're "selling" to them.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #10:

The incredible business machine

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat

Business in the digital age can quickly turn into an overwhelming experience that will leave you paralyzed and desperate for clarity.

Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's all-time best masterclasses where he shows you exactly how to navigate the fast, ever-changing world of online business, and determine what are the few, key actions you need to focus on to bring your business to new heights

(Value: $495)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #11:

The media matrix

Jessica Nazarali wearing a necklace

We live in the greatest era of human development, and the technological opportunities to grow your business are almost incomprehensible.

Join Jessica nazarali as she guides you on how to scale your business faster than ever during this digital revolution.

(Value: $249)  Included with your tuition

Bonus #12:

Success moving forward

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information you consume?

In this special masterclass, Ajit shares some of the key psychological and behavioral changes to help you turn anything you learn into immediate action.. Without wasting time feeling overwhelmed.

(Value: $199)  Included with your tuition

Meet your trainer

Ajit Nawalkha is a best-selling author, and the co-founder of Mindvalley, as well as Evercoach - the world's leading coaching platform that has impacted 140,000+ coaches and leaders.

He spent the last 10 years as a highly sought-after business coach, working with some of the greatest leaders of our time, building multiple successful companies, and was featured in high-level media such as:


As a business-coach, he helps companies scale from start-up to $10 million in revenues. With his coaching centred around leadership, management, mindset, product, team and marketing, his clients often report a 30%-200% business growth.

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat

Meet your trainer

Ajit Nawalkha wearing a hat

Ajit Nawalkha is a best-selling author, and the co-founder of Mindvalley, as well as Evercoach - the world's leading coaching platform that has impacted 140,000+ coaches and leaders.

He spent the last 10 years as a highly sought-after business coach, working with some of the greatest leaders of our time, building multiple successful companies, and was featured in high-level medias such as:


As a business-coach he helps companies scale from start-up to $10 million in revenues. With his coaching centered around leadership, management, mindset, product, team and marketing, his clients often report a 30%-200% business growth.

Ajit Nawalkha has Worked with some of the Best Coaches & Leaders Inspiring Thousands to Live their Dreams

a person standing on a stage with a crowd watching
men standing in front of computers
Lisa Nichols and woman standing next to each other
Ajit Nawalkha, Christine Hassler are posing for a picture
men sitting at a table
a person standing on a stage with a crowd watching

What Experts Say About Ajit Nawalkha

Lisa Nichols

Best Selling Author, Speaker, Founder & CEO of Motivating the Masses

Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath smiling and pointing
Ted McGrath
Founder of Message To Millions, Superstar Speaker, and SHIFT
Guy Sengstock & Praveen Mantena
Founders of The Circling Institute
a man smiling for the picture
"One of the sharpest entrepreneurs and business growth experts in our industry"
Ajit Nawalkha spoke recently at our private high-end mastermind, and everyone was impressed. Ajit is one of the sharpest entrepreneurs and business growth experts in our industry. I highly recommend learning from him.
Eben Pagan

Founder of Getaltitude.com

a man with a beard
"Ajit's training will play a direct role in helping my business create 7 figure revenue."
Ajit provides clear, actionable steps to take your business and life to the next level. I'm confident that Ajit's training will play a direct role in helping my business create 7 figure revenue.
Sean Patrick Simpson

Co-Founder at Verbii.com, Alska Publishing and Adventures In Manifesting

Lindsay Wilson with blonde hair
"Brilliant at sharing the simplest paths to get them"
Ajit rocks! Besides having a massive track record of huge results from Facebook ads, he is brilliant at sharing the simplest paths to get them. He also has a genuine desire to help and due to that he gives immediately implementable ideas that have exponential value.
Lindsay Wilson

High-end Sales Coach, Author of Booked by Evercoach

a close-up of a woman smiling
"He is so powerful and a big mind of thinking."
I love meeting Ajit because he has such a sweet and gentle presence. He is so powerful and a big mind of thinking.
Amanda Moxley

Business Coach & Creator of End Yo Money Drama, POP Your Biz LIVE and Amanda Moxley's Healthy Wealthy Biz School 

Summer McStravick smiling for the camera
"Ajit's awareness of business structures and systems is absolutely stellar!"
Within the first few minutes of talking with Ajit he pin-pointed the exact issues that were holding my business back from the next level. The clarity of his observations lifted a fog and opened my eyes to a whole new way of perceiving my business growth.
Summer McStravick

Founder of M.E. School and Flowdreaming

a woman with blue hair
"Ajit cuts right to the point in his coaching and teaching."
Ajit cuts right to the point in his coaching and teaching. I can't stress enough how important it is to work with people who've already done what you're trying to do and Ajit has DONE it.
Laura Hollick

CEO of Soul Art Studio Inc

Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform

The Mindvalley learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world's best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.

Here's Exactly How It Works:

1. Kickstart your journey on the revolutionary Mindvalley "Quest" app.

Get immediate access to the world's #1, most revolutionary education system, that will help make sure you stay on the path and complete your journey successfully  - even if you've never been able to finish a course before!

2. Receive daily lessons and guidance

Empty heading

From a supportive online community, to regular check-ins with your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator on our private Facebook page - you're never alone.

3. Daily micro-actions help you get results in just 20 minutes a day

20 minutes a day is all you need to watch your video lessons and apply the practices.

Why join Today

Four Powerful Advantages Only Available Now

  • The lowest price this will EVER be offered at

The usual price for a coaching program like this is over $1,099. However, for people who are ready to take action right now, and to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, we have dropped the enrollment fee to just $349 (70% discount!)

  • Join Hundreds Of Other Students on Dec 21, 2020
Grow Your Coaching Business is a quest with daily sessions and a community that does it together. That's what makes it one hell of an effective program. So when you enroll today, you'll be starting the program with hundreds of other participants and a facilitator who'll support your journey.
  • Our 15-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
In the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the course, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund. Our support team at Mindvalley has been ranked one of the TOP CUSTOMER SUPPORT teams in the world so you can practically try this at no risk for 15 days and get a full refund if this does not meet your full expectations by just visiting mindvalley.com/refund .

Are you ready to grow your coaching business and create a fully booked coaching practice?

Here's Everything Included With Your Enrollment

packaged goods
  • The Complete 4-Week Coaching Businesses Master-Program - To help you grow your coaching business with confident and FASTER than you ever thought possible.

($5,000 Value)

  • Video Coaching Calls Recordings, Where Ajit Answers Some Of Your Most Burning Questions

($4000 Value)

  • BONUS: Write & Publish Your First Book - Join best-selling author, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, as she shows you exactly how to stand out from the crowd and create instant authority by publishing your own bestselling book.

($595 Value)

  • BONUS: Getting More Out Of Yourself And Your Business - In this closed-door training, Michael Neil, One of the world's most recognized master-coaches, reveals how to maximize your potential and achieve the impossible.

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: How to Build a Transformative Business - In this closed doors training, Mindvalley founder, Vishen Lakhiani, will take you through the 8 keys that helped Mindvalley become a global phenomenon that impacts millions of lives all over the world.

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: How to Build a Competition Proof Business - Join world-renowned coach, Jason Goldberg, as he guides you through creating a powerful brand that will stand out from the crowd.

($249 Value)

  • BONUS: How To Find Your Voice And Develop Effortless Charisma - Join Lisa Nicols, one of the world's most influential coaches, as she guides you through finding your unique communication style, so you can capture the attention and hearts of your ideal clients with ease.

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: Creating An Unforgettable Experience With Your Offerings - In this closed-doors masterclass, Marisa Murgatroyd shares exactly how to turn your "regular offers" into mind blowing experiences that will keep your clients talking.. and raving about you to all their friends and network!

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: X10 Your Business And Impact Using 'The 6 Pillars Of A Thriving Business' System - Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's most coveted business-trainings, as he guides you through six break-through strategies that helped X10 his business growth in record time

($249 Value)

  • BONUS: Heart-Centered Enrollment And Effortless Selling - Join Lindsay Wilson as she discovered a brand new and heart centered way to enroll clients with ease without ever feeling like you're "selling" to them!

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: The Incredible Business Machine - Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's all-time best masterclasses where he shows you exactly how to navigate the fast, ever-changing world of online business, and determine what are the few, key actions you need to focus on to bring your business to new heights.

($495 Value)

  • BONUS: The Media Matrix - Join Jessica nazarali as she guides you on how to scale your business faster than ever during this digital revolution.

($249 Value)

  • BONUS: Success Moving Forward - In this special masterclass, Ajit shares some of the key psychological and behavioral changes to help you turn anything you learn into immediate action.. Without wasting time feeling overwhelmed.

($199 Value)

Total Program Value $12,031

Total Program Investment Only $349

Lifetime access

Join once, own it for life and repeat as often as you want.

Free Upgrades

We upgrade our program every year. All upgrades are free.

Limited Time Discount

You can join today for a special discount on the regular price.

Get Started Now

Choose The Plan That Works Best For You

Low Monthly Payment Plan

Flexible payment option for you to get access to the program risk-free

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3 Easy Monthly Payments Of



Best Value Single Payment

Get Grow Your Coaching Business
at $750 off today! Best Offer

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One Single Payment Of



For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

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You're protected with our 100% risk-free guarantee

Remember you don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the materials for 15 days risk-free from the day the training starts. Then, you can decide whether to keep the program. If you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply give yourself a quick refund at mindvalley.com/refund.

Join now to test drive the program today.

You're protected with our 100% risk-free guarantee

Remember you don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the materials for 15 days risk-free from the day the training starts. Then, you can decide whether to keep the program. If you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply give yourself a quick refund at mindvalley.com/refund.

Join now to test drive the program today.

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Kristi Anier

Customer Happiness Manager

What Happens After You join

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Click the Add to Cart above and you'll be taken to a Secure Order Page.
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Log into your account


Complete your Order and you'll get an Email with your Login and Password.

Enjoy your new course


Visit home.mindvalley.com and login to Access Your Program.
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Click the Add to Cart above and you'll be taken to a Secure Order Page.
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Complete your Order and you'll get an Email with your Login and Password.


Visit home.mindvalley.com and login to Access Your Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will This Work For Me Even If I Don't Have A Coaching Business Yet?

The Quest is specifically designed for coaches who have started coaching and want to grow their practice. This doesn't mean you need to have a business already. But you should be clear that you want to be a coach and that you want to grow your impact. You may have not seen it as a business, but have you invested money in it? Have you invested time? Are you aiming to make money with it? Yes, It's a business. Time to grow it. 

What Can I Expect To Get By The Time I Complete This 4-Week Journey?

This Quest will equip you with everything you need to get absolute clarity on who you serve, how to serve them, how to price your packages, how to find your idea clients offline and online, as well as how to propose and sign them up as clients. Finally it gives you a roadmap for the entire year so you can reach your financial goal as a coach. This is the ultimate quest for this stage of your business.

I'm Super Busy. How Much Time Will I Need To Invest Every Day?

The daily micro-actions we have created for you in this step-by-step journey will only require 10-20 minutes a day for you to see dramatic progress.

I Don't Have The Time Right Now, Does It Make Sense To Purchase The Quest And Do It Later?

Absolutely. You get a lifetime access so you can take the quest on your own schedule.

Do I Need To Know Technology For This? Will I Be Asked To Learn Complicated Softwares In The Program?

No. That is the difference in approach. This model of business building is based on real connection, effective marketing and enrollment through service. You will not need to learn complex platforms to find success with this program. We do talk about how you can become more visible on social media, if you choose to take that route.

Are There Clear Tools On How To Grow The Business (How-To Technical Tools)

We don't focus on technical software in this program, because we have found that the best way to build a business as a beginner coach is through consistent service, clear communication and effective marketing. That being said we do share tools and techniques that successful coaches use to build their businesses this way, so you can do that, too.

What If I Make A Deposit And Then Take The Quest And Not Like What I See?

One of our core values is to deliver extraordinary experience to our clients. We honor our words with action. Which means you will love the program. But, say for some reason it doesn't happen. Simply send an email through support.mindvalley.com and we will return your investment in the program.

Is This Part Of The Mindvalley All Access Pass?

No. All Quests of Evercoach by Mindvalley are not part of the all-access pass.

What Students Are Saying

a man with a beard

"After the first month I had already surpassed the income I was making from my last job"

This quest helped lay the foundations and build momentum for me and my business to grow WAY faster than before the quest. I was working for a couple months on my own, it was slow. Then with the quest, everything accelerated, and after the first month I had already surpassed the income I was making from my last job that I had quit to start coaching! Definitely worth the time and money I invested in this course!

Rusty Osborne
Musician Coach
United States
a woman smiling for the camera

"I've had one new client every week, in some cases, two!!!"

This Quest was amazing for me. It made me think big and understand that I just have to go out there and try and get better, and try again and improve my conversations and keep trying!!! I realised the importance of understanding the clients, their needs, their fears, frustrations, expectations. Pricing has been a challenge and the exercises opened my mind so much. I am empowered and grateful. From the moment I started posting my packages, a couple of weeks ago, I've had one new client every week, in some cases, two!!! That had never happened to me.

Juanita Andrade
Communications Business Coach
Keith Sequeira with a beard

"All of their videos are super informative and really helpful to coaches creating their own impact in their world"

Great place to get tools to be a better coach and better you. The instruction and content are always excellent. All of their videos are super informative and really helpful to coaches creating their own impact in their world..

Keiffer Aloy Richard James
Integrative Health Coach.
Colombo, Sri Lanka
a woman with her hand on her chin

"Thanks so much for helping me get beyond analysis paralysis"

I've been "trying" to become a coach for a few years now and have gone through several different programs. Often I felt like I had to go work on what I learned in those programs before I could gain the confidence to leave my 20+ year big city lawyer identity behind to fully embrace helping people in a deeper, more meaningful way. This program, with its simplicity, formulaic approach to gaining clarity around the three important areas (you, your methodology, your business), and encouragement to take action already finally got me moving forward - and helping people get some outstanding results every single session. Thanks so much for helping me get beyond analysis paralysis and sharing more sparkle with the world!

Angela Hayden
Founder Sage Legal (Newmarket, NH) and Big Life Leaps Coaching
Newmarket, NH, United States
a man wearing glasses

“This course was perfect for helping me to consolidate my ideas around my coaching business”

This course was perfect for helping me to consolidate my ideas around my coaching business in the form of client packages and gain clarity on how to take them to market. What makes the course stand out in value is the interactive Facebook environment which provided very useful feedback on specific questions I had, including the opinions of the other participants and the group facilitator on my client packages. The second stand out feature were the Live Calls where Neeta provided personalized answers to several of my questions. She really gave her all in terms of bringing her knowledge and thoughts to the answers. I would highly recommend the course if you are looking for clarity on how to set up your coaching business and looking for some extra courage to rapidly work through the main steps in a supportive and motivating environment.

Michael Simmonds
Mindset Coach
United States

"After the program I now have more clarity on the process and the components to approach a client, coach them and establishing a long lasting coaching relationship"

Before this program I was overwelmed with the information and confused how I will have to approach a potential client and what th process will look like. This program helped me to get focussed these thoughts and gave some good examples and frameworks of how to go about this. After the program I now have more clarity on the process and the components to approach a client, coach them and establishing a long lasting coaching relationship. Now all that remains is to practice.

Rindie Ras
Beauty Therapist/ Business Coach
London, United Kingdom
a man in a suit

"This program has early assisted me in clarifying my mission, my values and helped create some program parameters for the coaching business"

This program has early assisted me in clarifying my mission, my values and helped create some program parameters for the coaching business I am getting off the ground as I phase out of my medical sales career.

John Gesek
Owner Declared Results LLC
Newmarket, United States

Why join Today

Four Powerful Advantages Only Available Now

  • The lowest price this will EVER be offered at

The usual price for a coaching program like this is over $1,099. However, for people who are ready to take action right now, and to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, we have dropped the enrollment fee to just $349 (70% discount!)

  • Join Hundreds Of Other Students on Dec 21, 2020
Grow Your Coaching Business is a quest with daily sessions and a community that does it together. That's what makes it one hell of an effective program. So when you enroll today, you'll be starting the program with hundreds of other participants and a facilitator who'll support your journey.
  • Our 15-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
In the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the course, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund. Our support team at Mindvalley has been ranked one of the TOP CUSTOMER SUPPORT teams in the world so you can practically try this at no risk for 15 days and get a full refund if this does not meet your full expectations by just visiting mindvalley.com/refund .

Are you ready to grow your coaching business and create a fully booked coaching practice?

Here's Everything Included With Your Enrollment

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  • The Complete 4-Week Coaching Businesses Master-Program - To help you grow your coaching business with confident and FASTER than you ever thought possible.

($5,000 Value)

  • Video Coaching Calls Recordings, Where Ajit Answers Some Of Your Most Burning Questions

($4000 Value)

  • BONUS: Write & Publish Your First Book - Join best-selling author, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, as she shows you exactly how to stand out from the crowd and create instant authority by publishing your own bestselling book.

($595 Value)

  • BONUS: Getting More Out Of Yourself And Your Business - In this closed-door training, Michael Neil, One of the world's most recognized master-coaches, reveals how to maximize your potential and achieve the impossible.

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: How to Build a Transformative Business - In this closed doors training, Mindvalley founder, Vishen Lakhiani, will take you through the 8 keys that helped Mindvalley become a global phenomenon that impacts millions of lives all over the world.

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: How to Build a Competition Proof Business - Join world-renowned coach, Jason Goldberg, as he guides you through creating a powerful brand that will stand out from the crowd.

($249 Value)

  • BONUS: How To Find Your Voice And Develop Effortless Charisma - Join Lisa Nicols, one of the world's most influential coaches, as she guides you through finding your unique communication style, so you can capture the attention and hearts of your ideal clients with ease.

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: Creating An Unforgettable Experience With Your Offerings - In this closed-doors masterclass, Marisa Murgatroyd shares exactly how to turn your "regular offers" into mind blowing experiences that will keep your clients talking.. and raving about you to all their friends and network!

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: X10 Your Business And Impact Using 'The 6 Pillars Of A Thriving Business' System - Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's most coveted business-trainings, as he guides you through six break-through strategies that helped X10 his business growth in record time

($249 Value)

  • BONUS: Heart-Centered Enrollment And Effortless Selling - Join Lindsay Wilson as she discovered a brand new and heart centered way to enroll clients with ease without ever feeling like you're "selling" to them!

($199 Value)

  • BONUS: The Incredible Business Machine - Get exclusive access to one of Ajit's all-time best masterclasses where he shows you exactly how to navigate the fast, ever-changing world of online business, and determine what are the few, key actions you need to focus on to bring your business to new heights.

($495 Value)

  • BONUS: The Media Matrix - Join Jessica nazarali as she guides you on how to scale your business faster than ever during this digital revolution.

($249 Value)

  • BONUS: Success Moving Forward - In this special masterclass, Ajit shares some of the key psychological and behavioral changes to help you turn anything you learn into immediate action.. Without wasting time feeling overwhelmed.

($199 Value)

Total Program Value $12,031

Total Program Investment Only $349

Lifetime access

Join once, own it for life and repeat as often as you want.

Free Upgrades

We upgrade our program every year. All upgrades are free.

Limited Time Discount

You can join today for a special discount on the regular price.

Get Started Now

Choose The Plan That Works Best For You

Low Monthly Payment Plan

Flexible payment option for you to get access to the program risk-free

packaged goods

3 Easy Monthly Payments Of



Best Value Single Payment

Get Grow Your Coaching Business
at $750 off today! Best Offer

packaged goods

One Single Payment Of



  For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses