Attracting An Aligned Audience Of Ideal Clients On Social Media

When it comes to social media marketing, most coaches believe it's all about the numbers...
And the more people you have following you, liking and commenting on your posts and videos, the more successful you'll be marketing your coaching business on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or any of the other platforms.
But that's just not true.
Social media marketing is NOT a quantity game, it's a QUALITY game.
It doesn't matter how many fans and followers you have, if they're not aligned with who you are and what you do as a coach it's the same as having no audience at all!

While ads and paid channels can give your audience size a massive boost, there's no real way of knowing if a good percentage of them will turn into paying clients.
So, start with the right approach...
Set a clear intention. Make a serious commitment to connect with your aligned audience and focus on organic growth.
Most of the strategies we've talked about in this Guide, specifically the 3 pillar strategies in Chapter 2 - creating high value content, posting and sharing consistently, building real relationships - will help you grow your audience organically.
Another awesome method you can use to fuel organic growth is to have your coaching clients share their positive coaching experiences.
Reach out to current or past clients who want to support you and who are happy to share transformational stories that will highlight your rockstar coaching skills on social media.
This is a powerful, effective way to spread the word, establish your expertise, and build your credibility at the same time.
You can also reach out to people you know including friends, family, clients, peers in your mastermind group and anyone else who wants to support you.
Encourage them to share your content - your posts, livestreams or videos - with their social media audience in various groups, pages and platforms.
This is a great way to organically share your message and share your work through "digital" word of mouth.
One more thing to note as you begin growing your audience on social media...

Some coaches have found wild success and created an endless waitlist of clients with less than 10,000 followers...
Some have achieved this with less than a couple of thousand people in their audience.
Less really is more when it comes to successful social media marketing so forget the numbers and focus on the only thing that matters...
Growing an aligned audience of people who love your content, enjoy engaging with you and who can't wait to connect with you and work with you.

If you want to grow an aligned audience of ideal coaching clients on social media, you need to get crystal clear on who you're talking to.
These questions will help you identify your ideal clients:
- Who do you enjoy working with? If you're already running a coaching business, think of some of your favorite clients. If you're brand new, think of who you'd like to work with.
- Consider demographics in connection with your ideal client. This includes their age, gender, marital status, income and occupation.
- List their biggest fears.
Eg: if you're a relationship coach, one of your ideal client's biggest fears could be loneliness or never finding their soulmate. - List their deepest desires.
Eg if you're a business coach, one of your ideal client's deepest desires could be earning a 7-figure income doing what they love.
Chapter 1
3 Big Mistakes Coaches Make On Social Media
Chapter 2
Powerhouse Social Media Strategies For Coaches
Chapter 3
The Right Social Media Platform For Your Coaching Business
Chapter 4
Attracting An Aligned Audience Of Ideal Clients On Social Media
Chapter 5
How To Grow Your Coaching Business
Chapter 6
Additional Resources

How To Grow Your
Coaching Business

Here's How To Have A Fully Booked Practice, Consistently Grow Your Income And Impact Thousands Of Lives...
...Even If You Know Nothing About Marketing Or Sales.

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Additional Resources