The Ultimate
Guide to Creating Your Coaching Methodology
By Ajit Nawalkha
Founder, Evercoach

Think you need all the answers before you can become a phenomenally successful coach?
What if there's a fundamental, proven system - a coaching methodology - you could use to consistently create lasting changes for your clients - no matter what?
What if you could totally transform the way your clients think and feel about themselves and how they operate in the world so they can to hit their goals and make their dreams come true?
What if you could do all that... what would change in your life? What would change in your clients' lives?
What would change in the lives of everyone you know?
Knowing how to create transformations in yourself and in others - that is the ultimate purpose of a great coach.
That is the ultimate contribution...
And that's what this ultimate guide is all about.
It's why I wrote this for you and I invite you to apply what you learn, so you can start to create exponential impact and income...
And establish your expertise as an extraordinary, transformational coach.

Just about every coach I've ever met has a few key traits in common...
They're driven, inspired, and motivated to make a difference.
They want to live a purposeful life and do meaningful work...
They want to up-level the lives of all those they work with and all those they meet.
Learning how to build your own unique, tested-and-proven coaching methodology will help you do all of that and more.

My personal coaching methodology let me create out-of-this-world results in my own life and in the lives of my clients.
It has helped me build a great reputation in the industry and most importantly...
It has helped me get to a place where I can do what I love knowing that I'm making a difference in the world.
What you're about to discover in this guide isn't something I learned over a few weeks or months.
It took years and years of study, observation, experimentation, and implementation to develop reliable processes to create my own coaching methodology.
And now I'm going to teach you how to build your coaching methodology.
A methodology that will consistently create great results...
A methodology that will put your name on the map...
A methodology that will change lives.

Chapter 1
What is a Coaching Methodology and Why You Need One Now
Chapter 2
Finding the Central Idea for Your Coaching Methodology
Chapter 3
Creating a Learning Plan to Build up Your Coaching Methodology
Chapter 4
Testing and Evaluating Your Coaching Methodology
Chapter 5
Kickstarting Your Coaching Methodology
Chapter 6
Your Next Step

What Is A Coaching Methodology & Why You Need One Now

Coaching is about many things.
It's about...
- building emotional connections and trust
- creating clarity and vision
- applying focus and discipline
- tapping into limitless potential and
- reaching for greater and greater heights
Coaching is about all of these things and more.
But when we get to the core of it, the heart of it...
Coaching is about one key thing...
Positive, life-altering transformation.
I'm guessing that's why you became a coach in the first place.
You want transformation.
For your clients, for those around you and for yourself.

And a solid, structured coaching methodology that continues to evolve is the secret to creating the kind of high-level, positive, lasting transformation that so many coaches dream of.

Here's what I mean...
In case you didn't know, I'm the Co-Founder of Evercoach by Mindvalley.
What we do is help coaches become the best that they can be at what they do.
That's our goal. That's our mission. That's our reason for being.
But how do we achieve that? How can we help coaches to become extraordinarily successful?
How can we help them become better at doing what they do in their business, in working with clients, and in their personal lives?
That's where the Evercoach coaching methodology comes in.

It's based on 3 simple yet powerful principles:



This means that at Evercoach, we help coaches:

Rapidly increase and maximize their personal and professional
development in themselves as coaches. (You)

methodology. (Your Methodology)

Create awesome income and impact in their coaching business by identifying the exact strategies and systems they need to work on.
(Your Business)
You, Your Methodology, Your Business is the Evercoach methodology - the coaching model or coaching technique we use - to create extraordinarily successful coaches.
It's the fundamental structure that powers everything we do. This methodology gives us a clear direction on how we can move any coach who comes to us, from a space of ordinary to a place of extraordinary and beyond.
This coaching methodology is the system from which we design and create our programs and courses, and how we work directly with coaches.
It's the coaching model that is also the fundamental system that Evercoach teachers, coaches, guest speakers, and educators use to work with clients and students.
It's a coaching technique that has created an incredible amount of success for us at Evercoach and, most importantly, for our students and clients.
Without a coaching methodology or coaching model that works, you are operating at random.

Let's say you are a high-performance coach for CEOs who want to hit massive personal and professional goals in the shortest time. Without a proven coaching methodology to work with, you'll end up experimenting with a whole bunch of methods and techniques.
The results you create will be mixed - at best. At worst, you may end up creating consistently average - or even negative - results for your CEO clients.
And that's the quickest way to destroy your reputation.
With a clear, focused, tested coaching methodology, you have the power to bring through lasting change and transformation that gets your clients the results they want - and fast.
And you'll easily establish your reputation and authority as an expert, high-level, high-performance coach.

That's why you need to create your own powerful coaching methodology. Now.
And I'll show you exactly how to do that through the rest of this guide.
In Chapter 2, we'll look at how you can find an amazing central idea that will be the core of your coaching model.
In Chapter 3, we'll explore how you can build a learning plan that will nurture and expand your central idea and your coaching methodology.
In Chapter 4, I'll show you how to test, evaluate, and validate your coaching technique, so you can be certain it will create the results you're looking for every single time.
In Chapter 5, I'll share exercises and activities that will help you implement everything you learn in this guide, so you'll be all set and ready to create your own, powerful methodology.
The world's greatest coaches work with a carefully-crafted, effective coaching methodology...
It's the secret behind their success...
And it will be the secret behind yours.
Ready? Let's go...