Boosting Engagement & Increasing Enrollment For Your Online Course

Real change happens when we take action.

Reading, watching or otherwise consuming content is awesome, but all of that will have zero impact on our lives unless we implement what we learn.

And that's why it's absolutely critical you think about how to create "high engagement" in your course, right from the start.


The most powerful and effective way to create engagement is to build a community or tribe around your course where people can interact with each other and ask questions as they learn, grow, and expand their understanding of the material.

You can easily build a community for your course on social media - a free Facebook group is ideal.

Another great way to increase engagement is to offer
live group coaching calls during the program so people can connect with you directly, ask questions, and share their experiences.

There's an added advantage with this because you get to do what you do best -- coach.

When you include live coaching calls, your students get to watch you in action and I've found that this almost always leads to people asking to work with you after the course is over.

I've had people ask about going deeper with me after they've experienced a group coaching call. They usually end up signing up for my high level 1:1 programs and Masterminds.

This is also true for other coaches I've worked with.

So, engagement is key when it comes to creating transformational online courses.

Now for the final element...


There are 2 ways to boost enrollment for your courses and I recommend using both these methods:

  1. Passive enrollment
  2. Active enrollment

Passive enrollment happens with simple actions like sharing about your course topic, on social media via a series of videos or posts.

Just to be clear... you're not selling anything at this point.

You're simply sharing your beliefs, ideas and insights around the topic you've chosen. You're also freely sharing your energy and your excitement and maybe offering a few simple solutions around the pain points you've identified (see question 4, Take Action Section, Chapter 2)

The magic that happens here is people who feel connected and drawn to your ideas around the topic will start to see you as the expert.

This is an incredibly powerful way to set the stage and when the time comes to sell your course, you'll find people signing up with very little extra effort on your part.

Then there's 

This is about getting on Skype or getting on the phone and talking to people about your course.

Think about reaching out to people who engaged with your social media posts or content that you shared around the course topic. You could talk to past clients you've worked with or people you've identified who would benefit from your course.

You could even think about reaching out to people you talked to for other offers such as your 1:1 coaching services, but they didn't sign up because it wasn't a good fit for them at the time.

Essentially, look at who in your world would get the most from your course and go from there.


Active enrollment is not about selling at all costs. It's not a "sleazy tactic" or "a way to trick people into buying".

I want you to see active enrollment for what it really is - reaching out and inviting people from a place of service and excitement.

I want you to come from a place of saying, "This is what I believe about the world. This is the transformation you're looking for and it's something I can't stop talking about. This is what I'm passionate about and I can help you get there."

And when people feel that energy from you, they'll resonate with your message -- especially if you've done the work we talked about throughout this Guide and you're clear on your "why" and on the pain points and how you can uniquely serve people.

You'll see, all your hard work will pay off because people will feel excited about your course and they'll spread the word...

And you'll hear the words all coaches want to hear, "Where can I sign up?"


The following questions are designed to help you kickstart a flexible game plan to increase enrollment and boost engagement for your course:

  1. Think about your preferred method to integrate and boost engagement for your online course.
    Does the idea of creating a community or tribe on social media appeal to you?
    Would you like to include live group coaching calls or maybe even offer a live retreat or workshop at the end of the course?
  2. What are some of the active and passive methods you can implement to increase enrollment for your course? Use the examples in this chapter as a jumping off point but expand from there. List any and all ideas that come to you - don't hold back. You can decide on which ones you'd like to work with, later.


Your Next Step

Catalyze Massive Client Breakthroughs, Regardless Of Your Coaching Experience

A practical, 100-page manual featuring the most powerful questions world-class coaches use to catalyze deep and lasting a-ha moments and transformations in their clients.



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