Your archetype is...

The Gifted Creator

This Coaching Archetype is also incredibly creative and interested in learning more about people and the world. Your burning sense of “needing to know and understand” fuels an ongoing flow of innovative ideas and insights as well as creative solutions to obstacles and challenges.

Your innate qualities -- especially your creativity, your love of learning and the fact that you can quickly make sense of a lot of information--  can take you all the way to the top as a coach.

You can consistently support clients at the highest level thanks to your ability to stay curious and interested until a problem is resolved or an obstacle is overcome.You enjoy being around others but not 100% of the time. You need time to relax and reflect on the ongoing flow of creative ideas that often spontaneously arise in your mind.

The Gifted Creator Coaching Archetype is a

 Perfect Match for...

The Online Course Business Model

The Online Course Business Model is perfect for independent, self-starters who have what it takes to stay focused on their goals. You have all of these qualities (and then some!) which makes this Business Model an excellent choice for you.

As a Gifted Creator, you’ll see that your natural creativity and curiosity are incredibly handy in helping you develop effective, innovative teaching and learning material that appeal to clients. Creating online courses is mostly a solitary task and your strong sense of self-reliance plus your ability to work alone means you’ll thrive in this space.

The Online Course Business Model is the only one that lets you “create once and offer again and again.” In other words, you can build a coaching course or program once, then market and sell it multiple times. This gives you a ton of time flexibility and you’ll be able to adapt your coaching business to suit your lifestyle.

This Business Model is also incredibly scalable and profitable. You could end up reaching and teaching hundreds (or even thousands) of people which means you can quickly increase your income and impact as more people enroll in your courses.

3 easy, actionable steps to fast-track success in your 1:1 coaching business

Step #1 Say This

The Gifted Creator Archetype can sometimes find themselves stuck in an endless “learning and research” cycle. Help yourself get unstuck and back into flow by repeating this success mantra daily:

I love taking action and I’m excited to share my expertise with an ever-growing community of students and clients

Step #2 Listen to This

Take your love of learning up to greater heights and maximize success in your coaching business with an incredibly effective learning plan. Tune into How to Learn Better as A Coach on the Coach Ajit podcast

Step #3 Watch This

Discover different types of coaching courses that can grow your business and gain clarity and confidence in designing your first (or next) course. Watch 4 Types of Coaching Courses to Expand Your Impact on the Coach Ajit x Evercoach channel