5. Finding Simplicity In Business with Michael Neill - Evercoach - By Mindvalley

October 16, 2020

5. Finding Simplicity In Business with Michael Neill

Join Ajit Nawalkha and Michael Neill as they have a really honest chat about how managing a coaching business, and all types of b…

Join Ajit Nawalkha and Michael Neill as they have a really honest chat about how managing a coaching business, and all types of businesses actually, is really a matter of goodwill. Michael explains that every business owner has a different learning curve and comprehending that difference is the very first step in achieving success.

“Almost nobody believes that you can do what you really want to do, follow your inclinations, and be successful.” – Michael Neill

In this episode, you will learn that your inclinations and preferences as a person, as a human being, are unique. Arriving where you want to arrive is simply the result of accepting that uniqueness. Michael also talks about two important tasks when handling businesses: being alive at the moment and trying new and uncomfortable things.

I have neither a preference for comfort nor discomfort. Comfort is irrelevant. Comfort is a function of what I happen to be thinking in the moment.” – Michael Neill

About Michael Neill

  • Michael is a Transformational Coach, Speaker, and Best Seller Author who has a background in Occupational Therapy. Although firstly working with mental health, he found his true vocation by assisting people with their businesses. Michael also has a podcast called Caffeine for the Soul and is known for his TED talks “Why Aren’t We Awesomer?” and “Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?”

How Michael started his career.

The moment of transformation for Michael.

Not following the formula is actually the formula.

Things to consider when starting a business.

Taking action even if it feels uncomfortable.

Why find simplicity in business.

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