January 1, 2021
In this episode, Coach Ajit shares with you 3 mindset shifts that you can adopt from now on to create a better and more harmonious 2021. We all know that this year was not what we expected: goals were set aside, plans were canceled, and life had to be...
In this episode, Coach Ajit shares with you 3 mindset shifts that you can adopt from now on to create a better and more harmonious 2021. We all know that this year was not what we expected: goals were set aside, plans were canceled, and life had to be postponed in some way. However, with these 3 strategies, you will be able to shift your mindset to continue to create progress towards the future you want.
“Don’t worry about what’s working now, worry about what’s in harmony with you and what’s honest to you.” – Ajit Nawalkha
You will learn how to step into the next year with a clear mind, focusing on one month at a time. Once you establish the one thing you are going to focus on at that specific time, Ajit recommends you to write it down and transform it into a commitment. By doing that, we avoid feelings of overwhelm and anxiety that tend to emerge when we have a lot of plans. Instead, we will be able to get clearer on what’s in front of us.
About Ajit Nawalkha
Manage your ideas and plans for 2021.
Work in alignment with what is true to you.
Mastering your thinking to master your life.