Chapter 02
7 Key Life Coaching Skills To Master
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The world’s greatest life coaches get to the top for many reasons…
For some, it’s pure grit and practice. They coach, coach, and then coach some more.
They put in their 10,000 hours and keep going.
Others choose to work with an experienced coach who can show them the ropes…
A real-world mentorship that cuts the learning curve in half.
No two paths to the top are exactly alike but no matter what options are open to you and which path you choose, here’s what you need to know…
The best training and mentorship in the world mean nothing if you don’t cultivate the inner elements you need to become a phenomenal life coach.
These are the 7 key life coaching skills that the world’s greatest life coaches share and play a big role in shaping them into rockstars.

This is probably one of the most important life coaching skills to master. The greatest life coaches are always looking for ways to shine the light of self-awareness on their inner and outer world. They understand they can’t help clients find clarity if they don’t have it in themselves first. So, make sure you invest time in discovering and coaching yourself first, before you go out there and coach others.

Extraordinary Listening Skills
They are master listeners and believe in listening more – a lot more - than they speak. They practice deep listening with clients, this is about listening for the emotions and thoughts left unsaid behind the words and between the words.

Non-Stop Focused Learning
They are learning machines – especially in their niche or area of expertise. Legendary life coaches believe they can never know “too much” about what they can do for clients. They’re constantly working with and testing new tools and techniques and constantly upgrading their coaching skills through trainings, seminars, and workshops.

Compassionate Truth
They know their clients need to know the truth – often the hard truth – about themselves to make progress and achieve goals. The best life coaches are never afraid to be truthful and honest with their clients, but they are skilled at sharing these truths with compassion and kindness.

Committed to Creating Results
They are committed – pretty much obsessed – about creating results for their clients. They are willing to work with unconventional methods or create their own techniques and coaching methodology to help their clients get results.

Skilled at Drawing the Line
They understand and implement healthy boundaries with clients. They know that to do their best and be their best, they must take time to restore and replenish their energy. This means creating time and space for themselves and introducing clear boundaries such as “no calls or messages after hours and on weekends.”

Open Minded and Open Hearted
They believe that everyone has a right to happiness and they strongly believe in an individual’s freedom to choose. They are non-judgmental of a client’s life choices or goals. World-class coaches know that their key objective, and the only one for that matter, is to help each client live their best life based on personal beliefs and values even when these are different from the coach’s own beliefs.

Learn More
If you want to dive deeper into mastering your coaching skills, check out our free guidebook.
5 Ways To Consistently Level-Up Your Life Coaching Skills
Now that we know which life coaching skills we need to nurture, the next big question is: where on earth can you get trained in this stuff?
Do you read a coaching book? Do you take an online course or coaching certification? Do you just publish a website and wing it?
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of the latter going on in the coaching industry. It’s become a very popular profession and since there technically isn’t any governance over it (except the International Coaching Federation), then many people who aren’t properly trained in coaching have opened up practices.
While it’s true that much of coaching can come from your own life experience, and while experience usually trumps schooling, the truth is when you have a booming industry with little regulation you’re better off doing whatever you can to get properly trained.

In fact, don’t be surprised if regulations do start coming into play as entities like the ICF learn how to deal with people who are not properly trained to coach.
Additionally, coaching skills training isn’t just something you do once. It’s something you continue to do as your practice grows and expands. The longer you’re running a coaching practice, the more you’ll need to learn as time goes on.
The good news is there are several options now available to you for coaching skills training. Some of them can be expensive while others cost nothing at all. For most people, they’ll probably end up doing a combination of all of the options listed below.
01. Life Coaching Certifications

The most obvious choice for coaching skills training is to undergo a full-blown life coaching certification program. These programs can range from a few months to a few years and cover a variety of psychological, spiritual and cultural modalities.
Their purpose is to give you a well-rounded education and the proper skills training so that you can represent the industry properly (and change people’s lives, of course!).
Some of these programs can now be found at local colleges as a part of their continued education credits curriculum. You can also find several programs online, which allow you to call into classes and complete the course on your own time.
Many of these programs also require you to accumulate a certain amount of coaching hours before completion. This allows you to show that you’ve completed the proper training and also allows you to apply for credentialing with the organization.
These programs can be pricey depending on their scope, length and which school they are associated with so make sure to shop around to find a good coaching skills training program that fits your specific needs.
If you choose this course of action, you’ll want to make sure you’re enrolling with a reputable institution.
While the industry isn’t heavily regulated (it’s not like a doctor who needs to be board certified to practice medicine), the ICF is currently the most popular governing body for coaches and is the entity who creates the code of ethics. With their stamp of approval, you’ll know you’re getting a very thorough training.
Evercoach co-founders Ajit Nawalkha and Vishen Lakhiani created the Certified Life Coach program where you can get Certified in Evercoach’s life coaching methodology and get accredited 42 CCE units from International Coaching Federation (ICF) if you’re an ICF coach. How cool is that?
02. Online Courses & Workshops

The internet is an amazing thing. It’s given people access to a wealth of education that may not have been available otherwise – including coaching skills training.
From well-known coaches giving classes like we do at Evercoach to YouTube videos, you can learn a lot about coaching thanks to the internet.
In fact, you can learn a lot about anything thanks to the internet!
However, as with all things involving the internet, you have to be a bit cautious. Anyone can write up some website copy that claims they’re an expert in their field, so it’s up to you to use your discernment before dropping any kind of cash.
Here are some ways to tell whether or not someone is being legitimate online. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is a good starting point.

Do they have a photo? No photo online in this day and age usually means something is sketchy.

Is there any social proof like testimonials or social media mentions? Do these testimonials have links?

Have they been quoted in the press? Can they provide links? (While this isn’t entirely necessary, it is usually a pretty good sign of credibility.)

What is their background? Credentials? Experience?

Are you already familiar with their work? (Ex. Gabby Bernstein or Lisa Nichols hardly need a background check.)

Who were their teachers and mentors? (Remember, every coach has a coach!)

Do they admit to their faults? This is a massive form of transparency and a good sign that someone isn’t taking you for a fool. In the online space, where anyone can sugar coat anything, the ability to be transparent gives a person some credibility.
If the person you’re inquiring about checks out on these questions then there’s a good chance that you can actually learn something from them.
The other piece of good news is you can try a lot of things out on the internet for free before committing to purchasing anything. This allows you to get acquainted with teachers and take their classes for a spin to see if it’s a good fit.
For example, Evercoach often has free trainings with well-known coaches in their field. The individual coaches even do their own free mini-training in anticipation of a launch for their full trainings.
Online trainings also makes it easy for you to brush up on your skills as your practice grows. As we already mentioned, you’re never actually done with your coaching skills training, so having access to resources online is a real gift that should not be taken for granted.
03. In-Person Personal Development Workshops

There are two kinds of conferences and in-person events in the business world.
The first is going to a conference where your potential clients hang out in an effort to get some new leads. The second is a conference where the business owner further expands upon their training.
For the purposes of this blog, we’re going to focus on the latter.
For example, a financial coach may find his or herself attending something like The Financial Blogger Conference to learn new skills that affect his or her trade – particularly as it stands online.
There’s a certain air of gratitude that comes with attending in-person trainings for your field. Not only do you feel the buzz in the room, but you also get to hang out with other people who are just like you.
The latter in particular is extremely important as you build your business. The people you surround yourself with have a direct impact on how far you will go.
Additionally, it’s amazing to get training from people you can actually talk to. Sometimes when you’re doing online trainings it can be incredibly difficult to have access to people if you have questions or need further explanation.
04. Your Day Job

Perhaps a surprising place to get coaching skills training, and as such a place that is oftentimes overlooked, is your day job.
If you’re moonlighting as a coach, see what skills you’ve learned at your job that may be easily transferable to your coaching practice.
Even if you’ve been working for yourself for years, you can still look back on your days of having a regular job and see what skills you learned.
For example, if you had to deal with co-workers (which you most likely did) this undoubtedly helped you hone in on your people skills. This is something that would come in handy as a coach.
Some jobs even transfer well into the coaching industry. For example, if you worked in marketing for a big corporation this would likely make you an excellent business coach who can walk clients through the process of understanding how marketing works.
If you were a personal trainer then this would absolutely help you be a better health coach!
The reality is we can learn a lot from our experiences, and sometimes we learn more from experience than we do from taking classes.
This isn’t to say that classes aren’t important, as we’ve already discussed they definitely are. Instead, we’re saying that sometimes experience is the best kind of teacher.
05. Mentors

Another great way to get coaching skills training is to seek out mentors. More specifically, seek out mentors who have experience in your chosen coaching niche.
By finding a mentor in your niche you’ll learn skills that pertain to your specific area of expertise. This is imperative because although the different branches of coaching can be linked together, they are not all the same thing.
An executive trying to run a corporation has separate issues from a person looking to live a healthy lifestyle.
By finding a mentor, you’ll know only learn some important skills for your coaching practice, you can also learn how to run an actual business.
The latter in particular is extremely important because traditional training programs don’t really delve into the business, sales and marketing side of things. It’s not really their job and that’s okay.
While these aren’t coaching skills, per say, they are necessary skills for making sure your practice is full and that you’re getting paid for your work. Otherwise, what was the point in starting your own coaching business?
Remember that your coaching skills are something you’ll probably never stop training for. As you and your practice expand, your skills will have to expand as well.
Fortunately, with all of the options mentioned above, there is a wealth of education available both online and off to help you perfect your craft.

Find a quiet place to reflect and write. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes for this activity.
Read through each of the 7 life coaching skills we covered in this article again. Now think about which of these elements are your natural strengths and which ones need work.
Then come up with 3 action steps you can take in the next few days to improve the areas that need work (eg; read a book about listening skills or research ways to increase self-awareness).
Extra credit: Think of 3 ways to get even better in the areas where you are already strong.
You can use this chart for guidance:
SKILL | Strength (Rate 1-5) | Action Steps |
Self-Awareness | Cell | Cell |
Extraordinary Listening Skills | Cell | Cell |
Non-Stop Focused Learning | Cell | Cell |
Compassionate Truth | Cell | Cell |
Committed To Creating Results | Cell | Cell |
Skilled at Drawing the line | Cell | Cell |
Open Minded and Open Hearted | Cell | Cell |

Learn More
Read on about how to choose the right coaching certification for you. Find out more about Certified Life Coach.