The Ultimate Guide To Life Coaching
Game-Changing Insights and Concepts You Need to Know to Become A Phenomenal Life Coach

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Everybody can benefit from life coaching.
Yes, it’s a bold statement, but it’s true…
And there are real numbers and stats to back that up.
In a study by, the life or personal coaching industry has hit the $1 billion mark and it doesn’t look like things are slowing down any time soon.
Personal coaching is expected to expand to around $1.34 billion by 2022 with an incredible growth rate of 6.7% year-on-year…
And that’s just in the U.S. alone.
These numbers are massive – almost unbelievable - but they make sense when you think about it.
The world is changing faster than ever. More and more people are making the conscious decision to be happier, be healthier, have better relationships, have a satisfying career, bring fulfillment into their lives... and they need someone to guide them and keep them accountable to achieve their goals and dreams.
Which is why now is the perfect time to start your journey to becoming a life coach.
Chapter 01
What Is Life Coaching?
We already know everyone needs a life coach and that the industry’s in its prime time.
But… What is life coaching?
Life coaches help people grow into their highest potential as human beings.
Their job is to help individuals turn up the “extraordinary” and experience life to the fullest, and who doesn’t want that?

Learn More
Still curious? Click here to find out What Is Life Coaching and the 3 common myths about the life coaching industry.
Chapter 02
7 Key Life Coaching Skills To Master
The best training and mentorship in the world mean nothing if you don’t cultivate the inner elements you need to become a phenomenal life coach that can create consistent, transformational results for their clients.
The world’s greatest life coaches share a handful of common elements – traits, behaviors, and attitudes – that play a big role in shaping them into rockstars.
Here are 7 key life coaching skills the best of the best share:

Chapter 03
How To Start A Life Coaching Business
Once you are familiar with how to be good at life coaching, you can dive into transforming it into a coaching business. You can map out your career trajectory as a life coach and keep on learning to be a more effective coach.
Let’s get something clear first…
You may be super passionate about helping people and that’s why you’ve been called to become a life coach.
But passion is not enough.
It’s not enough to build a thriving life coaching business or career.
It's not enough to be sustainable as a full-time coach or avoid overwhelm and exhaustion as a part-time coach.
It’s really just not enough for long-term success!

If you’re serious about attracting a waitlist of ideal coaching clients and creating an awesome reputation as a life coach, you need to know how to build your successful life coaching business.
Chapter 04
Life Coach Salary
If there’s one burning question we as life coaches have in common, it’s this: what is the average life coach salary?
And especially if you’re new to the field, you want to start enrolling clients and creating amazing transformations for them, but…
How much should you charge?
How much are you “worth”?
How can we price our coaching packages?
What could be the ideal life coach salary?
How much can you charge?
How much is the market rate?
Who and what determines how much your life coach salary can be?
So many unanswered questions! We’ve got you!
Chapter 05
10 Must-Read Life Coaching Books For Every New Coach
What better way to build your life coaching skills and methodology than learning from master coaches themselves?
So many successful coaches have delved into the world of book writing to share their biggest learnings and experiences with other passionate individuals who dream of becoming successful coaches as well.

If you’re an avid reader and you’re ready to learn different techniques, models, and tools from different experts and coaches that will help you become a better person and a better coach, you won’t want to miss this reading list!
Chapter 06
How To Integrate Spiritual Life Coaching
Spiritual life coaching is a fast-growing niche in the coaching industry, as more and more individuals awaken to the power of self-discovery and connection with the Universe.
Although spirituality means different things for different people, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”
People are redefining their meaning of success and fulfillment, and are actively seeking skilled coaches who can guide them to create a life of purpose, happiness, and spiritual connection.
So, if you’ve been curious about how to add the spirituality element into your life coaching business or you’re ready to become a spiritual coach, now’s the best time to dive in and you’re exactly where you need to be!

Learn More
Sign up for this Free masterclass with master coach, Christy Whitman, to discover the 3 invisible laws to fast-track your coaching success as a spiritual life coach.
Chapter 07
Life Coaching Certification: Everything You Need To Know
Do you need to get a life coaching certification before starting to coach people?
You’ve probably thought about that before and you’re not alone.
The “certification vs no certification debate” has been going on for quite some time, and the jury’s still out on the “right” answer.
Because the coaching industry is not yet fully regulated, you are able to start coaching without a certification. You might have extensive life experience or you may have done one or two online life coaching courses, and that’s enough to get started.
Or you might be interested in getting a certification from a renowned, accredited organization that can help build your authority, especially if you’re a brand new coach.
Only you can make the decision on whether or not you want to invest in a life coaching certification, so it’s important you know who needs one, what are the types of coaching certifications, and how to choose the right one.

Learn More
Read on to discover if you need a life coaching certification and how to choose the right one for you.
Chapter 08
Life Coaching Courses To Get Started
If this life coaching guide has done its job, you’re probably ready to start one of the most exciting journeys of your life…
Your journey to becoming a phenomenal life coach.
If you were to take an in-depth look at the methodology of exceptional life coaches who have transformed lives rapidly and deeply, you'll find that they focus on excelling in four domains: emotional, mental, behavioral, and spiritual.
And now, you too can fast-track your coaching skills and excel as a life coach simply by focusing your training and practice in these four domains of life coaching.
Evercoach has teamed up with renowned master coach, Christine Hassler, to create a power-packed life coaching course on the 4 Domains of Life Coaching called “Unleashed.”
Christine Hassler is the best-selling author of 3 books, keynote speaker, and host of her podcast “Over It And On With It” where she coaches live. Her unique personal experience and professional training has enabled her to develop a powerful coaching system that synergistically integrates the 4 Domains of Life Coaching.
So if you want to elevate your coaching skills so you can excel as a phenomenal life coach, this is a life coaching course you won’t want to miss!