How To Grow Your Coaching
Business Exponentially Even If You're A New Coach
Want to learn more about growing your coaching business?
So you've realized that starting out as a coach wasn't that hard, but the real question is...
How to actually grow your coaching business?
Well, we've got great news for you...
It isn't that hard either!
The key is to stop trying to do everything (spoiler alert: it never works!) and to focus on the 3 things we share with you in this video.
If you're ready to take the next step, join this Free Masterclass with Ajit Nawalkha to discover the 7 simple steps to a fully booked coaching practice.
- A simple 7-step framework to build a profitable coaching business up to 500k/year without being an expert in ads, online marketing or social media.
- What clients are really looking for, and how you can be the coach offering the solution by getting crystal clear on the results you deliver.
- The truth about pricing and how pricing like the industry standard may not be the best idea when you want to grow exponentially.
- Discover the difference between a busy entrepreneur and an effective one, so you can make sure you spend your hours wisely while your business flourishes.
- The number 1 mistake most coaches make before an enrollment conversation and how you can ensure your prospects are likely going to say ‘yes’.
- …and much, much more!